Improvements To Make KCD2 Even Better

Improvements To Make KCD2 Even Better

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  • Save system could be more streamlined to allow for easier saving without using consumable items or loading back from the main menu.
  • Combat still needs tweaks for fairness, such as easier switching between enemies in group encounters.
  • Quality-of-life improvements like better stealth options, re-equip clothing after forced changes, and more streamlined economy balancing are needed.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is an impeccable game. The sheer amount of work and effort put into all of its various mechanics, and its commitment to realism and historical accuracy is commendable. The wide variety of gameplay systems overlap often, given the game’s massive scale and content variety.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 8 Best Agility Perks

These perks make you far more agile in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Still, there are just a few things that could slightly improve the game, and a lot of these have to do with quality-of-life changes that would make the overall gameplay experience a tad bit smoother, and save the player a few extra steps.


Saving Mechanics

The option to save using Saviour Schnapps in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

The save system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 can be an annoyance at times. There are two in-game ways of saving: sleeping in a bed you own or consuming a potion named Savior Schnapps. The third way of saving involves choosing the save and exit option from the game menu.

It does feel like there could’ve been a more streamlined way of saving the game as often as you’d like without having to load it back from the main menu or using up consumable items.

In the first game, only the first two options for saving were present at launch. The third option was added later on in a patch, mostly due to fan complaints regarding the two ways of saving, which were both somewhat tedious.


Combat Improvements

Drslav picking a fight with Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II.

Combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is drastically improved from the first game, but it could still use a few tweaks. Getting surrounded by a gang of enemies always feels a bit unfair, and it’s hard to deal with them one at a time, as another enemy will always flank you from the side.

It’s a realistic combat system, sure, but this one aspect could still be improved to give you more of a fair chance. Making it a bit easier and more responsive to switch between locked-on enemies when you’re outnumbed would really improve the overall flow and user experience of such combat encounters.


Food Pots

Cooking pot in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 usually goes to great lengths to keep you immersed in its world, but one thing that feels a bit jarring is your inability to eat from food pots in friendly camps.

Even after doing lengthy quest chains, such as that of the Voivode in the Nomad’s camp, eating from any of the food pots in the camp immediately makes surrounding NPCs hostile, which doesn’t make a lot of sense narratively.


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If you’re looking for movies reminiscent of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, then here are a few great flicks.

Another quality-of-life improvement related to food would be the ability to immediately eat a food item you come across using an in-game eating option, instead of having to loot it and then go into your menu to consume it.


Forced Clothing Changes

A gameplay screenshot showing a standing topless character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

During certain segments of the game, such as after using a bath house or after a romantic encounter with an NPC, you’ll find all of your armor and clothing unequipped. While this makes some sense mechanically, it’s still a bit annoying to have to re-equip more than a dozen clothing pieces one by one.

This becomes even more tedious if you have been looting and stocking up on various pieces for each of the body parts. A nice little change would be an option to immediately re-equip your previous outfit, or just have the game not forcefully unequip your entire set.


More Stealth Options

Ota has taken Pavlena hostage and is trying to kill her in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Stealth remains a weak spot in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Granted, it’s not a mechanic you’ll be using as often, but when you do, it can feel quite restrictive. You don’t have many ways to manipulate an enemy’s movement, except for a rock you can throw to distract them. Even when you do get behind them for a takedown, you’re usually first shown an attack and then a block prompt with a very small timing window.

Missing either of these usually leads to your takedowns failing and jeopardizing your stealth sequence. All in all, there aren’t as many options for stealth mastery. Options for throwable melee weapons, such as combat knives, would also really help with the stealth takedown systems.

There are perks that increase your movement speed while crouching, and one that makes stealth takedowns easier, but it’s still far from ideal nor as fleshed out as it could be.


Economy Balancing

A player in kingdom come deliverance 2 negotiating with a merchant.

The game economy can be a bit of a mess in the second half of the game. You come across far more well-armored enemies, and looting their corpses after defeating them nets you some really valuable loot, but the merchants still have measly amounts of gold on them.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 7 Best Strength Perks

Strength is important in KCD2, so make sure you have these perks.

To be able to properly sell off all of your extra gear, you’ll need to make several rounds around the city of Kuttenberg and its various merchants. Even then, it’s usually not enough, and you’ll need to skip time and wait for them to restock their gold. A substantial increase in the merchants’ gold stocks would streamline this process a lot.


Horseback Combat

A player attacking from horseback in kingdom come deliverance 2.

The horse-riding controls and mounted combat are other aspects that could use a little improvement. While the horse controls are decent enough, they’re still not quite as flexible in tighter areas. They perfectly fit their need of being a fast transportation option across the wide open lands, but they’re not as viable in forests or towns.

Mounted combat on horseback is something that leaves a lot to be desired. The game’s more focused, one-on-one combat system clearly isn’t suited for it, and it’s not usually a good option when trying to take down a group of enemies.

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