Most Impactful Picks From DreamLeague S25 After Dota 2 Update 7.38

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With the Dota 2 Update 7.38 live at the DreamLeague Season 25, teams are getting a glimpse of what the new meta is, and which heroes are looking strong.

This makes it the perfect opportunity for the rest of us, as the best Dota 2 players in the world are showing us the top heroes to pick for our ranked pub games.

Best picks from Dota 2 Update 7.38 (Image credit: Dota 2)

Best picks from Dota 2 Update 7.38 (Image Credit: Valve)

Top Heroes in DreamLeague Season 25 after Dota 2 Update 7.38

Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight

Image Credit: Valve

Kicking off with a typically boring hero with a simple skill set, but a recent rework to his facet, Fire Dragon, turned Dragon Knight into an overpowered carry pick. While DK received nerfs on his ultimate, Elder Dragon Form, his facet’s interesting interaction completely overwhelms those flaws.

, the Fire Dragon facet converts his Dragon Tail ability into an AOE stun while he’s in dragon form. The 175 radius on an AOE stun is pretty specifically impressive on its own However, couple that with the facet’s other feature that improves his Wyrm’s Wrath passive ability by increasing AOE effect further. With 275 radius of AOE stun, it will hit many opponents in a single Dragon Tail hit.

Additionally, Wyrm’s Wrath also increases his magic damage too, making him an overall solid carry pick.



Image Credit: Valve

While Dragon Knight is impressive, Lifestealer (who is a good counter to DK) also received a tremendous buff from Dota 2 Update 7.38. His new facet, Fleshfeast, increases max health per hero kill and allows Open Wounds ability to reset cooldown if an enemy hero dies affected by the skill. In most instances, that’s essentially having Open Wounds available during the entire team fight.

Lifestealer’s innate ability that deals damage based on the target’s max health makes him a devastating counter against even the durable Dragon Knight. As such, a popular and strong pick at DreamLeague Season 25.



Image Credit: Valve

Beastmaster is a popular pick since the Dota 2 Update 7.38 due to his various stat buffs across many attributes. However, besides that, there really wasn’t drastic changes to his skill set.

Nevertheless, this solid hero pick has all the features he need to be viable as an offlane pick. Especially his innate ability, Rugged, which blocks 100% of damage from melee creeps. This allows Beastmaster to control the lanes as he pleases, while bullying greedy carry heroes that can’t survive in the lane.



Image Credit: Valve

Ultimately, it seems like heroes in the meta of Dota 2 Update 7.38 revolve around countering the good picks, such as Dragon Knight, Lifestealer, and even Beastmaster in the late game.

For that, Slark’s abilities combine the late game countermeasure and reliable laning phase for it to become a great carry pick in this patch. Slark’s auto-attacks suck armor off the opponent, making him a strong counter against the durable carries in the meta. Hence, with his mid-game item builds, such as Diffusal Blade, Slark can easily be a menace that steals stats off opponents.

Moreover, his laning phase is much easier, thanks to Orb of Corrosion’s reworked item build, now requiring Band of Elvenskin. The agility gain from this basic item – that he needs to pick up on the way to Orb of Corrosion – makes last-hitting simpler.



Image Credit: Valve

Finally, Tiny, despite the nerf to his Toss ability and Avalanche not dealing bonus damage in the latest Dota 2 Update 7.38 , remains a fantastic meta pick.

Tiny still offers reliable physical damage output, notable thanks to his facet, Insurmountable, that resists all types of attack speed slows. This means Tiny is no longer flawed by his ultimate’s caveat of slower attack speeds. Couple that with his Level 15 talent, that reduces another 8% Grow attack speed reduction, enabled Tiny to hit normally fast.

With that, we are already seeing several clear winners, BetBoom Team , Gaimin Gladiators, and Team Falcons at DreamLeague Season 25 utilizing these meta heroes fresh out of the Update 7.38 last week.

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