Z-A Making Slight Change to Character Models

Z-A Making Slight Change to Character Models

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  • The visuals of Pokemon Legends: Z-A are slightly different from previous games, dialing back realism for a more stylized look.
  • New character models and background textures emphasize color saturation and outline characters more.
  • The art style of Pokemon games continues to evolve, with fans showing varied reactions to the changes.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A is changing some details for its character models, distinguishing this project more clearly from Scarlet and Violet. Although some gamers were surprised to see that Pokemon Legends: Z-A is visually more similar to Scarlet and Violet than it is to Legends: Arceus, people are still interested in seeing a new take on the world.

The changing visuals in Pokemon games lead to plenty of discussion, with some players forming a preference for certain aesthetics. Much like the visual changes in other Nintendo games, the Pokemon franchise appears to be dialing back some of its realism while retaining high-quality modeling. This could allow the franchise to use more of the strengths of its traditionally cartoonish look.


Pokemon Fans Have Some Interesting Theories About the Legends: Z-A Protagonists

This year’s Pokemon Presents gives fans a good look at Pokemon Legends: Z-A, and many already have tons of theories regarding the protagonists.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A appears to be putting a twist on the art direction from Scarlet and Violet, ditching the last mainline game’s realistic textures and leaning toward a more stylized look. Many fans have expressed varied reactions to the change, but some fans are just interested in seeing the art style of the Pokemon games continue to evolve.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A Gets a Visual Tune-Up

Screenshots have been posted comparing the way character models and background textures look between Legends: Z-A and the visuals of Scarlet and Violet. So far, one of the most notable differences is the way models are lit, emphasizing color saturation. In the new trailer for Legends: Z-A, light seems to reflect off of character models, outlining them in a more pronounced manner compared to the last entry. In the world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Pokemon would blend into the scenery more effortlessly. However, that didn’t always contribute to them looking great.

The change in appearance isn’t restricted to the Pokemon, though. Throughout the new Legends: Z-A video, buildings and characters are all shown as maintaining some similarities to Scarlet and Violet while looking bolder and more outlined. The clothing of characters like Vinnie and Jett shows off this new style, where the collar of Jett’s dress carries a beam of light that makes the gradients of her outfit pop, and the creases and buttons on Vinnie’s suit stand out with more texture. It seems like a lot of this styling is more consistent during cutscenes, looking somewhat toned down during Legends: Z-A battle gameplay, possibly for stability, but flashier attacks bring out the strengths of the style update just as well. As more of Legends: Z-A is shown to gamers, it will become easier to unpack the nuances of the visual shift.

Pokemon Legends Z-A Tag Page Placeholder Art

Pokémon Legends: Z-A is an ambitious new entry to the Pokémon video game series, releasing simultaneously worldwide in 2025. A new adventure awaits within Lumiose City, where an urban redevelopment plan is underway to shape the city into a place that belongs to both people and Pokémon.


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