Two upcoming Civilization 7 updates could provide the biggest fixes for the 4X game’s worst problems. The user interface in Civ 7 has been a consistent source of criticism so far. You’ve probably also been frustrated with the map generation, the behavior of CPU-controlled rival leaders, and the fact that the game ends at the conclusion of the Modern Age. But Firaxis has a sweeping improvement plan – with the Crossroads of the World DLC also on its way, there’s reason to believe that Civilization 7 could already be on its way to recovery.
Our own Civilization 7 review explains the problems with the 4X game sequel. Firaxis, admirably, has attempted to reinvent the series’ formula, and in a lot of ways, it’s been successful. However, Civilization 7 is far from flawless – as it stands, it still has a ‘mixed’ rating on Steam, based on player reviews. The UI is simplistic and occasionally unhelpful. Maps don’t have the same variety and flexibility as those in Civ 6. The revolutionary – and largely superb – Ages system nevertheless needs a little more attention. We reported that the precise Crossroads of the World release dates have seemingly been confirmed. Now, Firaxis outlines two big patches coming to Civ 7 in the next few weeks.
On Tuesday March 4, Civilization 7 update 1.1.0 will land. This will fully reintroduce crossplay and also deliver the new Wonder, the Bermuda Triangle, to all players for free. Firaxis says that the update will provide additional polish to the UI and also responses to some of the most widely reported problems – the army unpacking action, for example, will be “refined.”
There will also be “significant changes” to the cultural legacy path and cultural victory during Civ 7’s Modern Age; Firaxis says that opponent leaders will become much more effective at completing a cultural victory of their own. Also, in order to expedite the launch of 1.1.0, the first planned Civ 7 in-game event, Natural Wonder Battle, has been postponed.

A more sizable update, 1.1.1, will arrive on Tuesday March 25. This will include further improvements to the UI, which Firaxis says is a top priority – “the updates being introduced on March 25 are just one part of a much larger plan that aims to improve the UI over the next several months,” the developer explains. Alongside those fixes, there are additions and changes that alter the core experience of Civ 7. A quick movement option will be implemented, you’ll be able to customize the names of cities and commanders, and opponent leaders will have improved behaviors with regards to using scouts and settlers.
In terms of maps, 1.1.1 will introduce an option that lets players hit ‘restart’ to generate a new, randomized map; Firaxis says that, after the March 25 update, “landforms on maps are [will be] less predictable, closer to how map generation works in Civilization 6.”
Looking beyond that, Firaxis outlines its plans for after the 1.1.1 update. The developer says that new resource types, new map sizes, and changes to how resources are allocated are all in the works. The ability to queue up research projects will also be added in a future patch, and there will be a total transformation of how the endgame works: Firaxis plans to add a ‘one more turn’ button, allowing players to continue their games even after the conclusion of the Modern Age.
“We’re in the process of scoping the work necessary to bring these priorities to the game as soon as we can,” Firaxis says regarding the changes that are planned beyond 1.1.1. “Some of these will be delivered as early as April (subject to change), though many will take longer to develop, test, and deploy. As always in development, plans can change and we’ll have more details to share here in the weeks and months ahead as plans solidify.”
There may still be a long road ahead for Civilization 7, but the next two updates certainly sound like they will drastically improve the game overall.
While we wait for those to arrive, you might want to try some of the other best strategy games, or maybe think bigger and get the best grand strategy games on PC.
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