How To Beat Congalala In Monster Hunter Wilds

How To Beat Congalala In Monster Hunter Wilds

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Monster Hunter Wilds is filled with new monsters to discover. One of the most exciting things about venturing into a new region like the Forbidden Lands is learning about all the fascinating new creatures Capcom has created – and then skinning their corpses to make cool hats.


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But Monster Hunter Wilds brings back so many fan-favorite monsters too. When you arrive in the Scarlet Forest you’ll encounter a pink hippo-faced gorilla called Congalala, a monster introduced to the series back in Monster Hunter 2! If you’re looking for some tips to tame this stink monster, this guide has all the info you need.

Congalala – Strengths And Weaknesses

Weak Points

  • Rear
  • Head (Breakable)
  • Tail (Breakable)
  • Foreleg (Breakable x2)

Resistant Points

Elemental/Ailment Weakness

Elemental/Ailment Resistance

Best Weapon Damage

Congalala has nearly identical resistance to all damage types, meaning every weapon will be equally effective. His head and rear end are his weakest points, followed closely by his forelegs and tail.

This monster has a very slight weakness to fire and will take bonus damage from fire-type weapons and slinger ammo aimed at his head. It’s not enough of an increase to warrant a specific anti-Congalala build though.

Best Equipment To Fight Congalala

The Monster Guide menu showing Gore Magala's damage weaknesses in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Best Recommended Weapons

  • Highest non-elemental damage

Best Recommended Skills

  • Stench Resistance
  • Blast Resistance
  • Paralysis Resistance
  • Poison Resistance

While Congalala has a slight weakness to fire-type damage, your best bet is to bring your strongest non-elemental weapon. This is a fairly small monster so range won’t be a concern, and he isn’t excessively mobile either, so you don’t have to worry about pinning it down with a fast weapon.

You may want to consider bringing some status resistance, particularly Stench Resistance from either your armor or decorations. Congalala will frequently douse you in stench, but it’s also capable of inflicting blastblight, paralysis, and poison. If you don’t want to build for these resistances, make sure you’re at least equipped with deodorant and antidote in your item pouch.

Congalala – Fight Breakdown And Moves

A close up of Congalala's face in Monster Hunter WIlds

Congalala is a lumbering oaf with a small variety of attacks that are easier to avoid once you learn its tells. It will frequently lunge forward and attack with the long claws on its forearms, swiping horizontally in a wide area.

Congalala also likes to rear back on its hind legs and deliver one of three attacks. It will either fall forward on its belly, leap forward a long distance for a body slam, or unleash a gaseous fart that inflicts the stench debuff, preventing you from using any restorative items.

Congalala’s stench attack is the most important one to look out for because it can unleash a torrent of brown stink from either end. When Congalala stands up on its back legs you can tell it’s about to fart if it starts waving its forelegs around in a circle. If you accidentally get covered in stench, you’ll want to use a deodorant or head to the nearest source of water to wash it off.

Your palico may also use deodorant on you to remove the stench, but you shouldn’t count on that always happening.

Occasionally, Congalala will dig in the ground and collect a mushroom with its tail. It will then sit and consume the mushroom for a few seconds. While this is a great time to get some damage in, you’ll also need to be prepared for it to unleash a powerful breath attack. Congalala can spit out a fireball that applies blastblight, or inflict you with poison or paralysis. Avoiding the monster’s face after it eats is the best way to make sure you aren’t hit with its strongest attack.

Thanks to its modest size, the best way to approach this hunt is to stay up close and personal. By staying as close as possible to this monster you can quickly reposition between its head and its rear, depending on which end the attacks are coming from. You shouldn’t need to disengage unless you need to remove a negative status effect, or if you mistime a dodge. Congalala always telegraphs his move before attacking, though, so it’s not difficult to avoid taking damage.

When fighting Congala in the forest, watch out for smaller Conga that will sometimes appear to defend Congalala. These creatures can overwhelm you with numbers if you’re not careful, so it’s wise to use a large dung pod to disperse them.

Alternatively, the Intimidator skill can help keep them off your back while you focus on Congalala.

Congalala – Drops And Materials

Congala can be fought in low and high rank. It drops the following materials:

  • Low Rank


    Part Break

    Congalala Pelt


    Congalala Claw


    Vibrant Pelt


    Congalala Fang


    Congalala Certificate


  • High Rank


    Part Break

    Congalala Pelt+


    Congalala Claw+


    Vibrant Pelt+


    Congalala Fang+


    Congalala Certificate S


    Beast Gem


Hunting Objectives

Hunting this monster numerous times will reward you with the following titles for your Hunter Profile:


Reward Title

Hunt 20 times


Hunt 30 times


Hunt 40 times


Hunt 50 times



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