How To Beat The Spawn Of Typhon In Hades 2

How To Beat The Spawn Of Typhon In Hades 2

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The second miniboss of Mt. Olympus in Hades 2 presents a veritable wall to those looking to put an end to the mysterious force at the mountain’s peak. Spawn of Typhon is a beast of a boss capable of intimidating even seasoned players with his size and strength.


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But unlike his counterpart, the Twins of Typhon, this spawn just doesn’t have the speed and cunning to back up his threat. Once you can get over his introduction, toppling this heavy guy becomes a walk in the Fields of Asphodel – when it wasn’t under the terrorizing paws of our favorite hellhound.

The Spawn Of Typhon Move Descriptions And Counters

Spawn of Typhon lunges for Melinoe whilst frozen in Hades 2.

The Spawn of Typhon’s moveset is particularly interesting in that it is the only miniboss whose moves are dependent on your environment.

  • Charging Run can only be triggered so long as there are still walls standing.
  • Charging Run ends with a Destructive Wave if it is cut short by striking a wall.
  • Charging Run ends with a Horn Uppercut if the animation plays fully without striking a wall.

Once the environment clears, leaving no walls, Spawn of Typhon will only be able to use his Mighty Slashes combo, severely limiting his threat. Use this to your advantage.

How To Beat The Spawn Of Typhon

The Spawn of Typhon’s biggest threat comes in the loose ‘first phase’ – which extends until all the walls are demolished.

The main things you need to keep in mind at all times are:

  • The walls can limit your movement as much as his.
  • His headbutt attack has an awkward hitbox, and keeping space before dashing through will limit unexpected damage intake.
  • He is more likely to charge when you have ample space between you.
  • He can no longer charge when there are no walls on the field.
Melinoe transforms into her invincible form as the Spawn of Typhon is restrained by an Aphrodite Cast in Hades 2.

Having a strong, effective boon to counter the Spawn is going to be your ticket to limiting any potential damage you may receive.

We recommend these above others:



Why it works

Passion Rush


This limits the amount of damage that this devastating boss can deal.

Shadow Pounce


As you’ll be doing a lot of Dashing to and fro on either side of this boss and immediately attacking, this is an easy route to deal extraordinary extra damage.

Back Burner (+Any Daze Boon)


Having Daze by itself will lower the chances of you taking damage when you don’t want to. With Back Burner, you’ll be able to compound that decreased damage chance with the ability to deal more damage when striking from behind – which you primarily should be doing.

Melinoe backstabs the Spawn of Typhon and freezes him in Hades 2.

As you enter the arena for the first time, we don’t recommend opening combat by dashing into him first. This will get you trapped close quarters where dodging a Destructive Wave can be dangerous.

Instead, use ranged attacks and lure a charge from the spawn down into the labyrinthian area of walls on the southern half of the arena.

Letting him run around in this area is ideal because their proximity makes it easy to destroy all the walls nearby with ease, saving you time and needed dodges. You can force a phase transition and lock him into the same pattern with this strategy.

Spawn of Typhon uses the Mighty Slash combo on Melinoe but is struck in the back by lightning in Hades 2.

Once he manages to Destructive Wave away the walls in the area, you can focus on dodging his Mighty Slashes combo.

This combo has a learning curve to it. While simple in premise, the final headbutt has a timing to its dodge that requires a bit of finesse.

We find that the highest-success method of dodging this attack is to:

  1. Step back a little, giving the spawn some space.
  2. Then, dash forward through the shockwave his headbutt causes.
  3. After safely through, you can follow-up with a quick series of attacks; beware that the cooldown for this move is short.

If you find yourself often getting struck by this move and unable to find the window, it might be better to simply back off altogether and allow the shockwave to play out. Getting caught by the wave leaves Melinoe knocked back and stunned, and the short cooldown means that you can get punished with a damaging second combo.

Melinoe fires shadow balls at the frozen, restrained Spawn of Typhon inside a Cast in Hades 2.

As for Casts, Major Update 2.0 included several important changes that should be kept in mind when fighting this beast.

  • Casts, sadly, are hardly effective at all for holding this beast in place. Those hoping to trap him or slow his movement will find themselves disappointed.
  • For the spawn, focus on the damage they can deal rather than any slowed or restricting properties.
  • Omega Casts are risky here since you’ll have to keep in melee to ensure he stays in the Cast during detonation.

Charon’s Axe can immediately detonate casts. This can be very useful for making certain that the spawn doesn’t slip out of your Cast’s grip prematurely.

Melinoe defeats the Spawn of Typhon and receives a Monster Vanquished screen in Hades 2.

With some tenacity, aggression, and quick-thinking, you’ll be able to topple the Spawn of Typhon.


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