- Select weapons based on your playstyle to maximize their effectiveness in FF7 Rebirth.
- Some weapons offer unique abilities for game-changing advantages in battles.
- Equipping the right weapons can enhance party members’ strengths and abilities in combat.
When it comes to embarking on an adventure in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, having the right weapons at your disposal can make all the difference. Each member in your party has a unique set of weapons to choose from, and selecting the best ones is crucial for tackling the challenges that lie ahead.

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Some weapons offer a balance between physical and magical attacks, while others specialize in one or the other. It’s all about finding the right fit for your playstyle and the challenges you face. Of course, some weapons stand out above the rest; these are the ones that offer game-changing abilities. So, here’s our best picks.
Updated on February 12, 2025, by Kyle Chamaillard: Now that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is available on the PC, we’ve decided to revisit this list to include even more weapons you should consider using for the best results in battle.
Golden Megaphone
- Character: Cait Sith
- Ability: Moogle Knuckle
- Proficiency Bonus: Hit a staggered enemy to master its ability quickly.
The Golden Megaphone is useful for its special ability, Moogle Knuckle. When activated, it sends Cait Sith’s Moogle companion charging forward to deliver a mighty punch to the enemy. The key benefit of Moogle Knuckle is its ability to greatly increase the stagger damage inflicted on enemies.
With six Materia slots, including one linked pair, players have ample room to equip a variety of Materia to suit their playstyle. However, as the Golden Megaphone has a higher magic stat, it might not be the ideal choice for players who prefer a weapon with a more balanced approach or higher attack stats.
Kaiser Knuckles
- Character: Tifa
- Ability: Overpower
- Proficiency Bonus: Hit again right after you use the weapon’s special move.
If you’re looking to maximize Tifa’s basic attack potential, the Kaiser Knuckles are definitely the way to go. While they may not cater to magic-focused builds, the Kaiser Knuckles more than make up for it with their raw power. The weapon’s unique ability, Overpower, is another valuable asset.
You can rapidly increase the pressure on enemies, making it easier to stagger them. This way the enemies become vulnerable, which is where Tifa’s Synergy Attacks come into play. However, Kaiser Knuckles do come with a slight trade-off. Equipping these gloves may result in a marginally slower ATB charge rate.
Savage Dagger
- Character: Yuffie
- Ability: Blindside
- Proficiency Bonus: Take down an enemy.
The Savage Dagger’s defining feature lies in its unique ability: Blindside. This ability allows Yuffie to launch an attack even when she is immobilized. In the heat of battle, there may be moments when Yuffie finds herself caught off guard or temporarily incapacitated. Blindside provides a valuable opportunity to regain the upper hand.

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The ability to retaliate when Yuffie is at her most vulnerable can be a game-changer. However, Yuffie’s natural inclination is to be on the offensive. Blindside comes from a more reactive perspective, which may not align perfectly with Yuffie’s typical approach to combat. Still, it’s incredibly useful for players who value adaptability.
Wizard’s Rod
- Character: Aerith
- Ability: Lustrous Shield
- Proficiency Bonus: Block an enemy’s attack.
Wizard’s Rod is a great choice for players who want to maximize Aerith’s role as a spellcaster within the party. The staff is equipped with the Lustrous Shield ability, which Aerith can use to generate a barrier for defensive purposes. The weapon’s structure, with multiple Materia slots, offers a chance to create synergistic Materia combinations.
By equipping the Wizard’s Rod with complementary Materia, such as those that enhance magical efficiency or imbue physical strikes with elemental properties, Aerith can maintain a high level of offensive output while also fulfilling a crucial support role through healing and defensive spells.
Crescent Sickle
- Character: Yuffie
- Ability: Shooting Star
- Proficiency Bonus: Hit two or more enemies.
The Crescent Sickle is one of Yuffie’s best weapons and can be unlocked by earning enough points in one of the courses in the Glide de Chocobo minigame at Cosmo Canyon. It’s a fantastic choice when battling hoards of smaller enemies thanks to its Shooting Star ability, which damages everything in its path as it bounces around the battlefield.
This weapon also has a decent number of Materia slots that should be filled with magic-based attacks and skills due to Crescent Sickle’s high Magic Attack stat. Equipping a variety of elemental materia to the weapon is the best strategy to keep all your bases covered against any type of opponent you encounter.
Golden Collar
- Character: Red XIII
- Ability: Watcher’s Respite
- Proficiency Bonus: Active when Vengeance Gauge is full.
Red XIII is more of an offensive character than a defensive one, but the Golden Collar allows him to use his character-specific Vengeance Gauge skill to help his allies instead of attacking foes. Discovered in the Gongaga Reactor in Chapter 9, this weapon gives Red XIII the Watcher’s Respite ability, which can heal the party when the Vengeance Gauge is full.

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This can be useful in a handful of situations, from fighting common foes to larger bosses that deal massive amounts of damage. The key to using Watcher’s Respite successfully is to ensure the Vengeance Gauge is continuously being raised by defending against attacks or using other abilities like Chilling Roar to fill it up faster, so you can heal your team faster than a round of Run Wild.
Fuma Shuriken
- Character: Yuffie
- Ability: Purification
- Proficiency Bonus: Hit an enemy with a level 3 attack.
This throwing star is not only a sight to behold but also a formidable tool in battle, offering a perfect balance of power and versatility. In fact, the Fuma Shuriken boasts one of the highest base Attack stats among Yuffie’s weapon arsenal.
The key feature of the weapon is its special ability called Purification. It increases the amount of HP and MP Yuffie absorbs from fighting opponents. The more ATB she spends on abilities and spells, the more HP and MP she can absorb, keeping her in top form even during prolonged encounters.
Battle Cry
- Character: Barret
- Ability: Turbulent Spirit
- Proficiency Bonus: Gain two ATB bars when in use.
The Battle Cry’s focus on raw physical power makes it an excellent choice for players who want to capitalize on Barret’s strength and make him a force to be reckoned with on the frontlines. Its ability, Turbulent Spirit, boosts the charge rate of Barret’s ATB gauge, allowing him to unleash his abilities and attacks at a much faster pace. Despite its single-use restriction, the impact of Turbulent Spirit should not be underestimated.
Each ability used contributes to building up Synergy Charges, which are essential for executing powerful Synergy Abilities. Turbulent Spirit ability’s effectiveness may be diminished in comparison to the Haste Materia, especially in scenarios where MP management is not a concern. The Haste Materia, which can be used multiple times in a battle, offers a more consistent and reusable means of increasing the ATB charge rate.
Amethyst Collar
- Character: Red XIII
- Ability: Supernal Fervor
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate on a three-person party.
When equipped with Amethyst Collar, Red XIII gains access to a powerful ability called Supernal Fervor. This ability taps into Red XIII’s Vengeance Mode gauge, a unique mechanic that builds up over time as he takes damage or performs certain actions in battle. With this, Red XIII can cast the Haste spell on the entire party.

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Haste is an incredibly valuable buff that doubles the ATB speed of all party members. While the Amethyst Collar’s focus on Magic Attack is commendable, it somewhat lacks in other magical enhancements that contribute to overall magical effectiveness. Therefore, when equipping this collar, you may want to prioritize status-inflicting Materia and spells that don’t rely heavily on Magic Attack.
Gatling Gun
- Character: Barret
- Ability: Focused Shot
- Proficiency Bonus: Stagger an enemy.
The Gatling Gun is Barret’s initial weapon, and it sets a strong foundation for his character. It is a versatile and reliable firearm that offers a balanced approach to combat. While it may be a default weapon, the Gatling Gun should not be underestimated, as it can be enhanced with the right Materia combinations to become a formidable tool in Barret’s arsenal.
Gatling Gun has a unique feature known as Focused Shot, which allows him to channel ATB gauge into a high-energy beam. This ability is particularly useful for increasing the stagger meter on enemies. However, Focused Shot requires a strategic mindset. This means that, while it’s potent, you need to consider the timing of its use carefully. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you’ve spent all your ATB on the move, only to need it for another critical action immediately after.
Sleek Saber
- Character: Cloud
- Ability: Firebolt Blade
- Proficiency Bonus: Take advantage of an enemy’s weakness.
The Sleek Saber is essentially Cloud’s early game ace-in-the-hole when it comes to weaponry in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Its standout feature is the Firebolt Blade ability. This is where Cloud’s swordplay gets a fiery weapon upgrade, letting him channel both fire and lightning into his slashes.
Not only can Cloud unleash this elemental combo while engaging enemies on the ground, but he can also utilize it while airborne. Sleek Saber boasts impressive Attack stats, making it one of the strongest melee weapons available in the early to mid-game stages.
Plumose Rod
- Character: Aerith
- Ability: Ray of Judgement
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike a staggered enemy.
The Plumose Rod is one of Aerith’s best weapons and can be unlocked after you complete the Lament of the Damned side quest in Chapter 12. As a support character, Aerith is often too busy making sure her allies stay alive to spend time attacking opponents, but the Ray of Judgement ability gives her the power she needs to be just as powerful as anybody else on the battlefield.
Ray of Judgement casts a beam from Aerith’s weapon that damages anything in its path multiple times and increases those opponents’ stagger damage bonus. The long-range on the attack is essential because it allows Aerith to keep her distance from danger while casting a spell that can quickly change the tide of the battle. The Plumose Rod also has plenty of Materia slots for you to fill with extra healing or magic spells.
Igneous Saber
- Character: Cloud
- Ability: Blade Burst
- Proficiency Bonus: Take down an enemy.
The Igneous Saber in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Cloud’s powerhouse weapon. It’s got the highest physical attack stats in his arsenal, making it the go-to for players who want to focus on dealing heavy physical damage. Each swing hits like a truck, and it’s built for players who’d rather slash their way through problems.
It comes equipped with the Blade Burst ability. When activated, Cloud can perform non-elemental damage and finish off enemies. Although the Igneous Saber may slightly compromise Cloud’s magic stats, its sheer damage output and ATB generation more than compensate for this drawback.
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