Some of the most popular characters in the Pokemon TCG command a higher level of popularity and premium price tags on their best cards. Umbreon is one of the most popular Pokemon in the TCG, with an excellent collection of expensive cards that can only be rivaled by Charizard’s best.

Pokemon TCG: The 7 Most Valuable Eeveelution Sets
These are the best sets with valuable Eeveelution cards to collect.
While Umbreon’s popularity has surged to new heights recently, it boasts an impressive history in the Pokemon TCG, touting three cards worth more than $400 in raw condition. Unfortunately, the Umbreon Star from Pop Series 5 is omitted as there is no sales data for it on TCGPlayer; however, it still deserves an honorable mention.
Cards are valued according to their TCGPlayer Market Price, representing what you might pay for any (first edition, where applicable) copy of the cards below.
However, given their age and rarity, sale prices are vastly different depending on the card’s condition, so this market price is just a rough idea of the card’s value.
Updated February 20, 2025, by Andrew Scariati: Unfortunately, the continued lack of sales data keeps the POP Series 5 Umbreon from making the list of Umbreon chase cards yet again. Even so, rest assured, it will compete for the top spot once it boasts a Market Price on TCGplayer. For now, the most expensive Umbreon card is an iconic modern grail.
Umbreon GX: Hidden Fates Shiny Vault (Shiny Holo Rare) – $209.71
Shining Bright In The Spotlight
The Umbreon GX is one of the most valuable cards from Hidden Fates’ Shiny Vault and claims the crown as the most visually distinct Umbreon on this list, though it would be disingenuous to call it the best shiny Umbreon ever.
We will have to wait until there is more data to give that crown to its rightful owner, the Umbreon Star from Pop Series 5.
This card has experienced immense growth in 2024, leaping up in price from about $110 to $175 for an unprecedented price gain of above 50 percent. Umbreon won’t slow down, as it establishes a new base around the $200 mark.
Umbreon V: Evolving Skies (Alternate Full Art) – $253.24
The Other Evolving Skies Umbreon
The Umbreon V Alternate Full Art from Evolving Skies is a gorgeous card capable of carrying a set as its sole chase card, but unfortunately, it sits in the shadow of some of the most expensive cards of the Sword & Shield era, given the incredible collection of VMAX cards in Evolving Skies.
As a modern card, most copies you find of this Umbreon V will be in near-mint (NM) to lightly played (LP) condition, so you won’t find much price data for moderately played (MP) or heavily played (HP) cards.
On the plus side, this card finally received the recognition it deserved in 2024, as it shot up in price from about $87 to roughly $193, more than doubling in price and becoming one of the most sought-after cards in the set. However, it has since cooled off, falling to about $150.
Umbreon: Prismatic Evolutions (Master Ball Pattern) – $301.57
A Master Of Disguise
While at first glance, Master Ball Reverse Holos might appear the same as their regular rare counterparts, the distinction of the centered Master Ball holographic makes these cards stand out from their peers in appearance and price. Umbreon is expectedly the ringleader of the Master Ball Eeveelutions in Prismatic Evolutions, boasting the top choice by a large margin.

While Terastal Festival ex featured the debut of this art in the Pokemon TCG, Prismatic Evolutions, its English counterpart, commands a noticeable premium hovering in the $300 range. However, you can almost guarantee that this will fluctuate following reprints of the in-demand set.
Umbreon: Aquapolis (Holo Rare) – $399.80
A Glimmering Starry Night
As one of the greatest Pokemon sets of all time, Aquapolis has plenty of fantastic cards to admire, like this gorgeous Umbreon portrayed beneath a glittering night sky full of stars. This might be the most breathtaking scene of Umbreon, with plenty of opportunity to see some gorgeous holo botching in the background.
Unfortunately, given this card’s rarity, it seldom sells on TCGPlayer, though it does have a single recent sale in HP, LP, and NM condition, ramping up from $170 to $400 to $500, respectively.
Umbreon: Skyridge (Holo Rare) –$430.00
Lurking In The Night
Skyridge is one of the most desirable vintage sets in the history of the Pokemon TCG, with cards that are typically near-impossible to find in good condition. The combined rarity of the cards themselves as well as the difficulty you’ll have finding them in good condition makes for the perfect storm of high prices.
This card didn’t boast enough sales data for inclusion the first time around, but a single damaged card sale on TCGplayer was enough to give this card a market price and a place among the most valuable Umbreon chase cards.
Umbreon: Neo Discovery (Holo Rare) – $699.99
The Moon That Started It All
Before the Evolving Skies Moonbreon, the original Moonbreon from Neo Discovery coined the name, as this iconic artwork depicts an Umbreon illuminated in the moon’s glowing celestial light. If you enjoy gorgeous card art, there aren’t many other top-tier Eeveelution cards that can eclipse this magnificent scene.
First-edition copies of this card are notoriously difficult to find, and even rarer to get in NM condition, as many of the best copies are graded, not kept raw.
MP copies of this first-edition Neo Discovery Umbreon are solidly selling for $450, but NM cards boast sales of around $1,000 on TCGplayer, leaving a lot of upside for this card in LP condition.
Umbreon Ex: Unseen Forces (Ultra Rare) – $999.99
Ahead By A Neck
The competition for the most expensive Umbreon of all time is heating up, as the Umbreon ex from Unseen Forces pushes the original Moonbreon from Neo Discovery to the side by a slim margin.
Although Umbreon ex boasts the lead for now, the top three most valuable Umbreon cards are very expensive and might experience a shift in price that shakes up the hierarchy.
This gem from Unseen Forces commands serious money even in damaged condition, with such copies still selling for over $100. LP copies can sell for about $350, while you can find NM copies closer to the $500+ range with some variance depending on the specific card’s condition.
Umbreon ex: Prismatic Evolutions (Special Illustration Rare) – $1,562.08
A Challenger Approaches
The Umbreon ex Special Illustration Rare ushered in a new era of Pokemon TCG hype with its unquantifiable demand mirrored by its sky-high price. Umbreon’s popularity was never in doubt, but its market price surprised even the most optimistic Umbreon enthusiast, as you’ll struggle to find this card at all, let alone afford its price tag.
As the most expensive card in Prismatic Evolutions, the Umbreon ex sets the ceiling for its Eeveelution kin to aspire to, though not even Sylveon’s majestic artwork can come close to the price of this modern-day grail.
Umbreon VMAX: Evolving Skies (Alternate Art Secret) – $1,720.35
Reigning Over Its Kingdom
The Umbreon VMAX Alternate Art tops almost any list it qualifies for, as the most valuable card from Evolving Skies remains one of the most exciting modern cards ever. From its hyped-up debut to an incredible surge in value in 2024, the Umbreon VMAX a.k.a. Moonbreon is undoubtedly a cultural touchstone that will remain popular for years to come.
Despite nearly endless amounts of hype that saw Umbreon soar to $950, even this iconic card was susceptible to market corrections, as it dropped back down to the $840 range. However, the hype of this card caused it to continue to rise in price, with little sign of stopping.

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These sets boast a collective of incredible Charizard cards to chase.
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