Best Side Quests In Dawnshore, Ranked

Best Side Quests In Dawnshore, Ranked

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  • Avowed is divided into sections to focus on one region, limiting exploration to prevent overpowering.
  • Side quests in Avowed offer memorable stories; Ancient Memory, Cabin Fever, and Escape Plan stand out.
  • Precious Light, A Lady Never Tells, and Dawntreader feature enriching narratives and impactful decisions.

Avowed is divided into sections, which helps keep the game centered on one region at a time. It’s a fully open-world game, but putting limits on exploration was a wise decision to sort of halt progress so that players couldn’t get too powerful for certain encounters. After a brief tutorial area, players will sail into Claviger’s Landing, where they will meet Kai, a companion tasked with guiding the Envoy around Dawnshore.


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On this tour, players will come across many NPCs in Avowed with side quests. Some with great rewards and even better stories. While loot in an RPG is great, let’s go through and rank what side quests in Dawnshore are more memorable for their stories than their rewards.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead!


Ancient Memory

Connecting To The Past

Playing a memory in Avowed
  • Location: Watcher’s Mirror

There are several Ancient Memories in Avowed, but they don’t have exact names. The Dawnshore episode is located in Watcher’s Mirror, and once players interact with a globule that literally says “Ancient Memory,” they will transported to a series of text prompts. Players will aid another Godlike in how they should proceed through life.

The artwork is striking and gives players an insight into the realm of Godlikes and how they are treated in the world. Fans of cool weapons will probably remember this Ancient Memory for the skeleton battle afterward, which grants them the weapon, Drawn in Winter, an admittedly great axe. Skeletons aside, Ancient Memories are important to find, though, so players should keep what happens in Dawnshore in mind.


Cabin Fever

My Twin Is A Lizard

Dehengen in Avowed
  • Location: Claviger’s Landing

Cabin Fever will most likely be the first side quest players take on. In Claviger’s Landing, players can meet a shopkeeper in distress named Dehengen. At first, it seems like her request will be similar to other side quests in RPGs involving killing rats in a cellar. Dehengen has a cabin north of the docks and needs players to make sure it is vacated of pests. Players can take a few paths to get there, one involving crossing a bridge to find the corpses of Xaurips, lizard-like people, littering the ground.


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They will then find a bigger Xaurip chilling in a tent who presumably killed his own kind. While players can’t understand it, the beast means them no harm. Back at the cabin, players can read documents, cluing them into Dehengen’s backstory. When confronted, she admits that the big Xaurip has half of her soul, relating them on a metaphysical level. It’s such a surprisingly deep side quest for a starter, which is why it may be a favorite among Avowed players for most of the experience.


Escape Plan

Getting Out Of Dodge

Leoflaed in Avowed

Escape Plan will not reward players with anything great physically, like an item or a weapon in Avowed. However, it will be rewarding because it will help some refugees get free of tyranny. Leoflaed and Glaedwine are two poor souls residing in Shantytown, and they need help from the player to get a document.

Even when secured, players still have to broker a deal with some shady individuals. This mission will go by without spilling any blood so long as players rescue the woman in the tutorial area of the game ahead of time. She will vouch for players when negations are going down for this side quest, allowing Leoflaed and Glaedwine to escape freely from Dawnshore.


Precious Light

Using Adra For Good

Captain Trevik in Avowed
  • Location: Castol’s Folly

Avowed’s Precious Light side quest can be started on the far east side of the map if players follow the archipelago of islands in Castol’s Folly. After dealing with quite a few bandits and pirates, players will eventually come to a standstill with Captain Trevik. He made the poor mistake of stealing Adra from a company led by Captain Bardatto.

Adra is one of the more precious materials in Avowed, tied to the game’s main story as well as being a material used for upgrades. Players can go about this mission a few ways, including killing Captain Trevik where he stands or meeting his wishes to take the Adra back to Paradis to hand it over to Sapiento de Falva. Players can also make a deal or kill Captain Bardatto along the way, but giving it to Sapiento de Falva is the righteous choice, leading to a fun little interaction.


A Lady Never Tells

Helping The Courtesans

Giuliana in Avowed
  • Location: The Mermaid’s Den (Paradis)

A Lady Never Tells can be taken on once players can enter Paradis properly. In the courtesan district, players will help a woman fend off some Sparrowhawks, a local gang. The woman asks players to meet her madam, Giuliana, at The Mermaid’s Den.


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Giuliana needs players to retrieve a shipment stolen by the Sparrowhawks down at the docks, who can be fought or reasoned with. Players can question what the cargo is but keep their mouths shut and just do the job, but that’s not interesting. Diving deeper, players will learn Giuliana has a shipment of contraceptives, which is banned in the region. She’s doing her part to help the women of the city, and players could report her or make a very appreciative ally.



Defiling The Souls Of The Dead

Sargamis in Avowed
  • Location: Pilgrim’s Path/Temple of Eothas

Dawntreader is one of the best side quests in the game overall and not just on the Dawnshore. Players can begin this quest by talking to Secgwin and Kauia, who are standing close to the gates of the Temple of Eothas. They are bickering about what to do about the expedition group, who hasn’t come out of the temple yet. Inside, players will find one member, Caedmon, and then run into the temple’s priest/guardian, Sargamis.

He wants players to recover a relic while they look for the adventurers, which he said he hasn’t seen. Lo and behold, the soldiers are laid out on experimenting tables that Sargamis took part in. When confronted, Sargamis admits he wants to put the souls of the soldiers into a statue to worship his god. Players can choose to go along with this cult-like worship or fight Sargamis to get a pretty sweet early sword in Avowed, Last Light of Day. Either way, the cave system in the Temple of Eothas is what helps make this a memorable and long side quest.

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