- Prepare key cooking items like Grog, Stew, and Mariner’s Porridge to boost health and resist status effects.
- Create useful food items like Beetle Pie and Fine Aedyran Mead to enhance stats for battles and dialogue.
- Collect ingredients from enemies and cook Ivory Spinner for improved health and essence restoration.
One thing you’re going to be doing a lot in Avowed is exploring and interacting with either enemies or NPCs you run across. You may end up in fights or situations where you wish you had been a little bit more prepared – either because you’ve run out of potions or just because you need an extra point to get a little bit more dialogue.

8 Best Items To Buy From Traders In Avowed
Don’t waste your time trying to figure out what’s best to buy. We list everything you should pick up each chance you’re at a trader.
Perhaps, you need to prep for a boss fight before you go in just so it doesn’t end up backing you into a corner. As such, you should probably make sure that you’re regularly cooking all of the ingredients you pick up.
- 1 Drink (Alcoholic)
- 1 Produce (Fruit)
Grog may not seem like it’s all that worthwhile, but you will quickly change your mind once you have been poisoned. Poison, Bleed, and Elemental Accumulations are super annoying, especially when you’re in a fight with a boss who just won’t stop throwing those status effects onto you.
Having some Grog on hand is super useful for keeping yourself alive and out of the danger zone. It helps that it also heals you a little bit and that it doesn’t require all that much to make – just don’t overconsume it, because it is labeled as alcohol.
- 1 Cooked Meat
- 1 Produce (Veg)
- 1 Meat, Fish, or Produce
Stew is pretty simple, and it’s more than likely that you have an overabundance of ingredients to make it. Regardless of what you have on hand, this prepared food item is handy to have in a pinch.
It restores 70 Health and 70 Essence, which makes it a really versatile food, regardless of what fighting style you’ve opted for in Avowed. Just make sure that you pick up literally every single food item you come across (there doesn’t seem to be a penalty for robbing anyone) and you’ll be set to make a billion stews.
Mariner’s Porridge
- 1 Cooked Fish or Animal Product
- 1 Produce (Veg or Grain)
Although the description for this item reads that it’s high in nutrition and low in flavor, you probably don’t care about flavor at all. Avowed is just a video game, after all, so all that matters is the utility of the item.
Mariner’s Porridge is definitely one of the cooking items that has a strong utility, especially in combat. Restoring 70 Health and 70 Essence (much like Stew), it’s easy to make and has a high reward for opting to make and fill your inventory with it.
Wild Mushroom Stew
- Wild Mushroom Cap
- 2 Mushrooms
Avowed is basically your standard fantasy game, but with a bunch of mushrooms, so it makes sense that you would have a lot of mushrooms in your inventory. You, as a godlike, are even part mushroom (does that make this cannibalism?), so you should be no stranger to mushrooms at any part of the game.

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The Wild Mushroom Stew gives you +2 Resolve and +5 percent maximum stamina, which is awesome when you’re going into specific conversations (sometimes you just need that extra point) or if you’re going to go into a boss fight and need to make sure you can enact those charged attacks.
Beetle Pie
- 1 Beetle Jerky or Spiced Beetle Sausage
- 1 Produce (Veg)
- 1 Produce (Grain)
Look, this sounds kind of gross – not many people would think that beetles have that much meat and the entire thing just sounds crunchy in a horribly unpleasant way. However, you fight more than your fair share of beetles (especially in Emerald Stair), and you should feel entitled to put them to some kind of use.
This use is, most likely, baking a Beetle Pie and getting +2 Might and ten percent more damage. It’s not like there are really any normal animals in Avowed (no cows in sight), so maybe it makes sense that they would use the bugs and monsters that plague the world to make food.
Fine Aedyran Mead
It’s not a surprise that alcoholic drinks are pretty easy to whip up whenever you visit your camp. If the Aedyran Empire provides anything good to the Living Lands, it’s the Fine Aedyran mead.
This mead grants you +2 to Perception and also gives you ten percent more Essence on top of that. Perception is somewhat commonly used in dialogue options and the Essence is great if you have a magic-based build, which makes Fine Aedyran Mead versatile and useful. Just make sure you down a bottle of it ahead of time.
Tani Cream
- 1 Palm Stone
- 1 Raw Bleathorn Milk
Tani Cream kind of just looks like your standard Coconut Milk, although based on the ingredients it’s just watered down sweet milk. The description for it does say that it creates a delicious tangy beverage, however, so maybe this is the best thing your godlike has ever tasted.
Either way, it grants you +2 Dexterity and increases your maximum Stamina by five percent. If you enjoy using charged attacks or ranged weapons, then you should have some Tani Cream made at all times, though this may be one of the harder items to keep in stock constantly.
Fruitful Wine
- 3 Produce (Fruit)
- 1 Rotten Food
There is a lot of Rotten Food in Avowed and you may be tempted to throw it out – but hold off for a little bit. You can make some really good alcoholic beverages with Rotten Food, including Fruitful Wine.

Avowed: Complete Background Guide
Build your character your way from the start by choosing the best background for your play style.
This alcoholic beverage grants you +2 Constitution and reduces the damage you take by five percent, which makes it a really handy item for any fight. If you’re going up against an enemy you aren’t prepared for but are determined to take down, drink some liquid courage (aka Fruitful Wine) and head right on in.
Cured Bovigrand Loin

This is probably the simplest recipe that you can cook in Avowed, as it only requires one ingredient. That ingredient isn’t the easiest to get, but if you raid Xaurip encampments, you can probably find one or two of them.
If you come across Raw Bovigrand Meat, make sure you pick it up and cook it as soon as possible. This prepared food item can not only be used in other recipes (though you should try not to use it over other cooked meats) but it also restores 150 Health.
Ivory Spinner And Sporeling Fire Pot
- 1 Spider Leg
- 1 Dark Spore or Wild Mushroom Cap
- 1 Krakenhorn
- 1 Hunt’s Hair
- 1 Produce (Veg or Grain)
The Ivory Spinner and Sporeling Fire Pot requires a lot of ingredients, but it’s worth it and the chances of you already having said ingredients are pretty high so long as you’ve been collecting enemy loot. Thankfully, despite the large number of ingredients, when you cook this item, you get three Ivory Spinner and Sporeling Fire Pots.
Although this doesn’t grant you any health or essence itself, it does drastically increase the rate at which other cooked items restore Health and Essence. If you’re in a pinch, pop this cooked item in your mouth first and then down the food or drink you need to survive.
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