The Best Members Of The Hex In Warframe: 1999, Ranked

The Best Members Of The Hex In Warframe: 1999, Ranked

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The main objective of Warframe: 1999 is to locate Doctor Entrati and reverse the effects of the Technocyte virus. Starting on the last day of 1999, when the doctor injected human volunteers with the virus to create protoframes, the expansion brought an enticing new storyline to the 2013 game. The Technocyte test subjects formed a syndicate known as the Hex, a group of rag-tag individuals trying to find their place in the world.


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Each Hex member has unique abilities and even more unique personalities. From the chatty Amir to the brooding Quincy, every Hex member is vastly different from one another. The best thing about multiple characters with differing personalities is it ensures everyone will have a personal favorite.


Eleanor Nightingale

Eleanor Nightingale from Warframe pointing her hand forward.
  • Codename: Salem
  • Batch: Nyx

Eleanor Nightingale is Arthur Nightingale’s twin sister and the Hex member most affected by the techrot exposure. Her fear of turning into a monster birthed a lingering sense of paranoia, keeping her on edge. Despite this, Eleanor is quite smart and can be manipulative when needed, especially when it comes to her twin brother. Having a love for writing and all things related to nature, Eleanor is the Hex member most likely to stay at home all day to read.

Eleanor gets her power to manipulate the psyche of others from the Warframe Nyx. Being able to control the minds of her enemies to incapacitate them, she’s the closest thing this expansion has to Jean Gray, minus the whole god-like alter persona. If she’s feeling extra imaginative, she can also control others through their shared telekinetic connection to force them to do her bidding.


Quincy Isaacs

Quincy Isaacs from Warframe aiming his sniper rifle.
  • Codename: Stepper
  • Batch: Cyte-09

Quincy Isaacs is the Hex’s skilled sniper and the group’s certified emo bad boy. Like Arthur, Quincy also has a sound moral compass, but the tough guy act he has going on won’t let him accept he’s a good person deep down.

Quincy’s marksmanship matches his Warframe counterpart, Cyte-09. Similar to the original from the future, this Hex member can take down all targets with his trusty rifle while being far away from the battle. Don’t worry, though, because Quincy has a way of hurting people from up close with his words. Just ask Arthur.


Arthur Nightingale

Arthur Nightingale from Warframe reaching for Excalibur.
  • Codename: Broadsword
  • Batch: Excalibur

Arthur Nightingale has a distant personality and wants to remain aloof from everyone. He wants to do everything independently since he thinks he’s responsible for getting his teammates into their current mess. Arthur has a strong sense of morals and doesn’t want to bend them to achieve his goal. Like any classic superhero, he doesn’t believe in hurting or using innocents to get his way, even if it means he has to work harder to make up for it.


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Arthur is the tough leader of the group who is enhanced by Excalibur’s powers. Like Excalibur, Arthur is also a specialist in gun and sword fighting. The Hex top honcho uses his arsenal to the fullest to fight enemies and wash away his regrets. He may not look like it, but he can make a mean sandwich too, with his passion for cooking. Just don’t tell Gordon Ramsey that Arthur uses microwaves.


Amir Beckett

Amir Beckett from Warframe manipulating electricity by using his powers.
  • Codename: Jitter
  • Batch: Volt

Amir Beckett is a goofy tech enthusiast who is more interested in playing video games than keeping up with the ongoing events. He’s less serious than the other Hex members and brings some much-needed light comic relief to the otherwise dark world. Amir’s chatty nature might be a coping mechanism because of the intense things he’s unexpectedly having to experience.

Amir can manipulate electricity like Volt, the Warframe whose powers he wields. His powers also allow him to increase his movement speed, much like a certain Scarlet Speedster who really likes to run. Unlike the others, Amir makes full use of his granted movement speed, opting to run to destinations instead of using a Tommy bike like his team. While it’s more work for him, you can’t deny it looks cool.


Aoi Morohoshi

Aoi Morohoshi from Warframe standing while playing with a metal toy.
  • Codename: Chopper
  • Batch: Mag

Aoi Morohoshi has the most outwardly positive personality of all the Hex members. She tries to motivate everyone but fears she isn’t taken seriously because of her carefree nature. Aoi’s bright nature contrasts the otherwise dark world the Hex members find themselves in and showcases her resilient nature.

Aoi gets her powers from the Warframe Mag, allowing her to control metal. With great power comes great responsibility, and her team knows to rely on her whenever they need someone to come through, whether against enemies or when wanting a skilled mechanic.


Leticia Garcia

Leticia Garcia from Warframe waiting for her team to return.
  • Codename: Belladonna
  • Batch: Trinity

Leticia Garcia has a no-nonsense personality and doesn’t like her beliefs being challenged. Being firm in everything she believes in, those who don’t want to incur her wrath are better off agreeing to disagree instead of arguing with her. However, those who want to get closer to her should follow the golden rule of respecting Lettie’s time.

She is the medical genius of the Hex and is the one you need on your side because she’ll stitch you up after combat. This is no surprise, as Leticia gets her powers from the healer Warframe Trinity, who can even revive the dead.

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