- Saviour Schnapps are essential for saving progress in KCD2, so should not be sold.
- Repair kits in KCD2 allow for free repairs and skill leveling, so should not be sold.
- Unread skill books provide XP and new perks, so they should be read and then sold for profit.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a game with hundreds if not thousands of items, ranging from every type of medieval food imaginable to countless weapons and pieces of armor, all of varying quality.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 8 Things To Do First
Begin your medieval journey in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 with 8 must-do things for a smooth start!
Haggling with craftsmen and merchants forms a core part of the RPG, especially for those with an honest and morally upstanding Henry who doesn’t steal. However, some items should never be sold in KCD2 as they are of far greater use to Henry than the meager amount of Groschen they can be exchanged for.
Saviour Schnapps
Used To Save The Game
Saviour Schnapps
are a product of alchemy and a type of alcohol that is used to save the game in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Without drinking one, players could end up losing hours of progress, especially when exploring the wilderness or engaging in minor quests where there are no autosaves.
It’s always handy to carry a few Saviour Schnapps, and they can be consumed before heading into a fight or embarking on a stealth mission. Given how important they are, players should never sell Saviour Schnapps, unless they happened to have brewed a colossal amount during an alchemy session. Brewing them is also much more cost-effective than purchasing them.
Repair Kits
These Are Used For Free Repairs, Instead Of Paying Craftsmen
In KCD2, every aspect of Henry’s gear from his boots to his horse’s saddle, will gradually degrade, and bouts of combat will often result in severe damage to his armor and weapons. To repair these, players generally have two options. Pay a craftsman, such as a blacksmith to repair armor, or use repair kits.
If players already have repair kits, then they are free to use, and doing so also levels Henry’s Craftsmanship skill. They will be gradually used up, but players can find or buy more. They should almost never be sold, as the alternative of paying for repairs or purchasing another kit in the future is more expensive. As a small tip, players can save their Blacksmith Kit by repairing bladed weapons at a grindstone.
Unread Skill Books
These Grant XP For Specific Skills & Can Be Sold Once Complete
Skill Books in KCD2 allow Henry to sit down for a number of hours and read about a specific skill. He will gain XP for that stat, potentially leveling up and unlocking new Perks. Henry will sometimes be gifted these Skill Books or find them in chests, and it would be a travesty to sell them without reading them.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 5 Ways To Roleplay & Improve Immersion
To get the most out of their time in medieval Bohemia, players should try out these tips for immersion and roleplay in KCD2.
By reading, Henry will also level up his Scholarship skill, which will in turn help him read books faster and have a better chance of succeeding in conversations. After finishing a Skill Book, players can then sell them to a scribe or general trader, usually for a decent price. Lore books can also be sold, although they are often fascinating to browse.
Dice Badges
Badges Can Be Lost, So Always Have Backups Or wager Them Instead
Dice badges in KCD2 are part of a new feature that shakes up the dice gameplay. In games where both players decide to use them, a badge grants a one-off special move, such as rolling another die. They come in a few tiers, such as tin and silver, and offer a variety of abilities.
Of course, if players aren’t interested at all in playing dice, then selling badges is fine, although players only really gain them from winning dice games anyway. As for avid dice fans who may have acquired a top-tier badge, it may be tempting to sell worse badges, but remember that a badge can be lost in a wager, and sometimes it’s also best to use a different badge against certain opponents who have their own badges.
They Don’t Sell For Much & May Be Useful
For every locked chest and door in KCD2, there is a pair of keys waiting to be stolen. Those who excel at pickpocketing in KCD2 will likely find lots of keys, and when sorting their inventory, they may be tempted to sell them.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 – 10 Beginner Tips
Kick off your Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 journey with these beginner tips. Dodge early trouble and enjoy your medieval adventure!
However, as they don’t sell for much, there is little point, and players don’t know when a key might come in useful. For example, they may rob a character’s house in their own time but later be asked to steal a specific quest item during a mission. Having the keys to this house and the owner’s chests can make things a whole lot easier.
Blacksmith Materials
It’s Better To Forge With Them & Sell The Products
Blacksmithing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 allows players to forge weapons and tools in an immersive first-person experience. To do so, players will need materials such as Scrap Metal
and Fastening Material
As these can sometimes be found as loot in various locations, players may be tempted to sell them. However, it is much more cost-effective to spend a few minutes forging something with them, and then sell the product to a fellow smith. Players are also encouraged to produce better results, as they will be able to sell the weapons and horseshoes for more Groschen.
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