Among the many great additions to the sequel, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, are the behavior indicators at the top of the screen, depicted by cute hares or bunnies.
By turning different colors and making different gestures, these behavior bunnies let players know if they are being searched for, confronted, in combat, and much more. With over 10 of these behavior indicators in KCD2, knowing what they all mean can be a bit confusing at first.

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All Behavior Bunnies In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Explained
While the behavior indicators are most useful to those delving into stealth via pickpocketing and lockpicking, for example, they are also useful for honest playthroughs. For example, players need to know if they are accidentally trespassing or have been spotted by bandits.
Search Indicator – White Bunnies
- Searching: The white bunny marching and peering means that something suspicious has happened, but this isn’t necessarily anything to do with Henry. Simply act normal and innocent (which you may be) and all will be fine. It’s best not to be covered in blood or go into stealth mode right now.
- Magnifying glass: Henry is known to be the perpetrator, so hide and run. Remember not to make noise either.
Recognition & Detection Indicator – Yellow Bunnies
The yellow recognition hares are similar to stealth indicators in other games, but they can also show up when bandits see Henry as possible prey on the road.
- Ears Down: When Henry is first detected either via sight, sound, or even smell if he hasn’t washed, the yellow hare with ears down will appear.
- Ears Up: As the guard or other character gets a better look at Henry, the bunny’s ears will rise, and the character will walk toward Henry.
- Detected: When Henry is detected, the yellow hare will be surrounded by red. This means it’s time to fight or fly.

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Confrontation Indicator – Orange Bunnies
- Leave: The first orange bunny with an outstretched arm tells players to leave immediately, as they are trespassing. Henry cannot just walk into anyone’s home, and parts of castles and the like are off-limits too.
- Reported: The yellow hare with a horn is when a citizen has witnessed a crime and is calling a guard. Henry can either run, face the crime and punishment system, or kill the witness before they can sound the alarm.
- Arrest/Confront: When the orange bunny uses the halt sign, Henry is about to be arrested by a guard or confronted by an armed and brave witness. Prepare for some smooth talking, a fight, or scarper instead.
Fight Indicator – Red & Orange Bunnies
- Orange Fight Indicator: Henry is being pursued in combat, but at a safe enough distance to drink/eat potions or food from the inventory or to apply a bandage. He can also put things in his pouch, ready for the real fight.
- Red Fight Indicator: When the two red bunnies cross swords, Henry is in immediate danger. Players cannot use items from their inventory, apart from equipping a weapon. They can also drink/eat potions or food from their pouch.
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