- Discover various ways to obtain armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, including from bandits, quests, and vendors.
- Guard armor provides good early protection, easily obtained from barracks, but may come with potential punishments.
- Pre-ordering players can embark on Lion’s Quest to obtain the legendary Brunswick Armor, the best early armor set.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is the sequel to the acclaimed and incredibly popular Kingdom Come Deliverance. Set immediately following the ending of the first game, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 sees Henry once more downtrodden and without coin, wherein players must re-establish Henry in order to complete his objective.
After the events of the prologue, Henry is without gear and players must build up their stock of weapons, food, coin, and, of course, armor. Armor plays a crucial role in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, making the challenging combat slightly more forgiving. With this considered, it’s important that new players know where to find some solid armor early on in the game so that the early experience can go as smoothly as possible.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 – 9 Combat Tips
Discover the best combat tips in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Use perfect blocks, control stamina, and target weak spots to dominate every battle.
Assorted Armor
Stolen From Bandits
When traveling in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, be it manually on-foot, on horseback or through the fast-travel system, players have the chance of encountering bandits. Certain NPCs also task the player early on with clearing out camps of bandits or retrieving goods that have been stolen by bandits.
These bandits often wear an assortment of armor at varying levels of quality and durability. While taking down a couple of bandits may be tough, players can be sure they will receive some sort of reward in the form of armor from the body. This armor can range from gambesons and coifs to curiasses and metal helmets. This armor ranks the lowest on the list, however, as the armor found on bandits is random and therefore may not always be an upgrade.
Rusted Plate
A Quest Reward From Radovan
Upon completing the prologue of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, players are released into the open world and tasked with finding a way into a politically influential wedding. However, getting into the wedding requires an invitation. One of the ways players can receive an invitation is through the Blacksmith of Tachov, Radovan.
Upon meeting Radovan, players must perform a showcase of their smithing abilities. After this is done, Radovan informs the player about a cart of valuables that has gone missing. Should the player offer to help, they are tasked with finding this cart in a quest entitled The Jaunt. This quest takes the player through various combat encounters, all of which award some gear. The quest then culminates back at Radovan, wherein he rewards the player with a Rusted Plate Curiass, a respectable and useful piece of armor for the early game.
Mended Cuirass
Obtained In The Wolf Den
One of the first objectives the player can undertake after completing the prologue is to locate Mutt, Henry’s from the previous game, who goes missing during the events of the prologue. Mutt is a useful companion in his own right, aiding Henry in both combat and stealth, as well as providing charisma and intimidation bonuses with the right perks.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 – 10 Beginner Tips
Kick off your Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 journey with these beginner tips. Dodge early trouble and enjoy your medieval adventure!
The quest to find Mutt culminates with the player locating a den of wolves. Players must fight alongside Mutt against the wolves to clear out the den, potentially acting as one of the first combat encounters the player will experience. Inside the den, players can find a lootable grave, on top of which lies the Mended Cuirass Armor. The piece is similar to the aforementioned Rusted Plate curiass, but offers better stats.
Guard Armor
A Risky But Useful Set To Wear
Guards all across the world in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are equipped with armor that reflects the town they are guarding. This armor consists of boots, gloves, legwear, helmets, and a colored gambeson. This guard armor is a good source of early protection, should the player find a way to acquire it and be willing to deal with any potential punishments.
The easiest way to acquire pieces of guard armor is from the barracks in Troskovitz. Players can pickpocket a key from a guard and then head upstairs into the guards’ quarters and unlock a chest, or they can either loot a guard for their armor or pick the lock on the chest directly. This armor, whilst individually not as strong as the armor in prior entries, is all-encompassing, filling many armor slots and overall providing better protection, hence its place on the list.
Pieces Bought From Radovan
An Assortment Of Useful Pieces
Radovan, the Blacksmith of Tachov, is not just a quest giver and a way to procure an invitation to the wedding. He is also a vendor that offers repair services and a shop. This shop can be used to buy and sell items, most of which incorporate metal in some way. This makes Radovan a great option to obtain plate armor, should the player have enough Groschen to afford it.
Radovan offers plenty of armor that a new player can take advantage of once they have a decent amount of Groschen. This armor includes items such as the smooth curiass, an upgrade on the two aforementioned curiasses, and the Italian Hauberk. Radovan also offers more simple items, such as gauntlets made of both chain and plate, as well as boots. Whilst this is a somewhat expensive way to acquire gear, early quests provide plenty of Groschen, and the gear bought from Radovan is of high quality and perfect for the early game.
Brunswick’s Armor
A Legendary Suit of Armor
Players who pre-ordered Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 can start a quest called Lion’s Quest, which is obtained by speaking to Scribe Gaibl in Troskowitz once players have completed the prologue. All players need is a spade, but the quest can be made faster if traversing on horseback.

How to Level Up All Stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (Strength, Agility, Vitality, Speech)
Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Speech are the four main stats in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2; here’s how to gain XP for and level up each one.
The quest details a legendary set of armor known as the Brunswick Armor, and tasks the player with solving riddles. These riddles lead to various portions of the armor set and culminate in the player receiving this powerful and gorgeous set of plate armor. This is by far the best early armor set in terms of stats, appearance, and ease to obtain. If players want an easier time early-on, the Brunswick armor is a great acquisition.
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