Ranking Every Mission In Sniper Elite: Resistance

Ranking Every Mission In Sniper Elite: Resistance

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  • Different levels have unique challenges and environments for Nazi hunting in Sniper Elite: Resistance.
  • Some missions, like Mission Nine, end quickly with one crucial shot, while others offer more varied gameplay.
  • Certain missions, such as Mission Seven, provide freedom in engagement styles, while others focus on long-range sniping opportunities.

Clearing entire levels full of Nazis may not always be an easy task in Sniper Elite: Resistance, but it is always an enjoyable task. Resistance has nine proper levels, though the first and the last of those levels are much shorter than the others, making the middle bits quite a bit meatier than either end.


The 8 Best Weapons In Sniper Elite: Resistance

Use these weapons to dome a Nazi in Sniper Elite: Resistance.

All in all, that’s going to make for quite a bit of Nazi hunting, in some fairly different situations and environments. Different levels require a little bit of different forethought and strategy, leading some levels to be more enjoyable for certain players than they are for others.

This entire list is going to contain spoilers for Sniper Elite: Resistance.


Mission Nine: All Or Nothing

There’s Only One Shot That Matters

There’s nothing wrong with All Or Nothing whatsoever; the entire campaign leads into it, and by the time you get there, you really want to take the Big Bad Guy down, somehow even more than you would your run-of-the-mill Nazi.

But, that’s the whole mission. The moment you land that one crucial shot, or else take down Otto Kruger in some other way, that’s the end of the mission. It’s a funny bit, and there’s a lot riding on what feels like a momentous shot that you have to make, but it can also be finished in a handful of seconds.


Mission One: Behind Enemy Lines

Where You Get Your Hands Dirty

The first mission acts as the tutorial, and is a relatively small mission because of it. You’re there to do much of what you’re there to do in every mission, and that’s blow up the Nazi’s big gun and send every Nazi in the vicinity to meet their evil maker.

Of course, if you’re new to Sniper Elite, you might not know that, and it serves as a serviceable appetizer for what’s to come. There are plenty of Nazis to blow to bits, there are some nice sniping locations to work from, and it gets you into the swing of things.


Mission Eight: End Of The Line

The Beginning Of The End

Considering how Mission Nine can end if you blink at the wrong time, Mission Eight serves as the real final, full-on mission. And it does its job well; things can be a little bit tougher here if you aren’t prepared, with some well-placed snipers that can surprise you and the odd tank roaming around.


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Unlocking these skills first will make your gameplay so much easier!

But all-in-all, this mission doesn’t quite have the juice some of the others have. There aren’t many memorable locations, with it mostly revolving around a fort and a trainyard, making for a level with a little bit less flavor than some of the others.


Mission Five: Devil’s Cauldron

Atmospheric, But Linear

Devil’s Cauldron does have great atmosphere, with a rainy night that can lead to some enemies taking you by surprise, if you aren’t paying attention to your minimap well enough, or have it turned off in the difficulty settings. It’s also one of the first maps with a heavy presence of snipers.

Mission Five isn’t a bad mission, but it does feel a little bit more linear than some of the others. That said, this map does have some interesting terrain going for it, as well as some good sightlines on towers, once you’ve eliminated the snipers that start with access to them.


Mission Four: Collision Course

A Familiar Location Gets Re-Infested

Collision Course takes you back to the dam of the tutorial mission, but attacking it from a different angle. Plus, this time, you have access to the surrounding area, as well. This mission is a fairly satisfying one, taking place, more or less, in two chunks.

In the first chunk, many players are going to clear the damn of Nazis, once again. From there, you’ll have a great sightline toward the rest of the map, and your two targets. You can take care of almost every remaining enemy from there, making for some memorable sniping.


Mission Two: Dead Drop

Urban Warfare

The second mission gets you familiar with tight spaces. This map is mostly concentrated in a walled city, meaning you’re going to be working in closer conditions than you might usually. It can be a challenge to establish many long sightlines here, and you aren’t going to get a ton of chances for long-range sniping.

If you aren’t looking to start a full-on gunfight with the invading Nazis, you’ll need to bring quite a bit of suppression along with you, here. Enemies are going to hear gunshots that aren’t quiet, making subsonic rounds and a good, quiet pistol like the Welrod valuable.


Mission Seven: Lock, Stock And Barrels

Fight However You Want To

Lock, Stock And Barrels has some of the nicest blend of engagements you’re going to find in Sniper Elite: Resistance, as well as quite a bit of variance in how you traverse through the map. There are many different ways you can involve yourself in many of the early engagements, giving you a lot of freedom.


Sniper Elite: Resistance – How To Unlock All Weapons

A sniper is only as good as their rifle, so why not unlock them all?

There are also some particularly difficult snipers to face scattered around the middle of the map, and if you’re playing on a tougher difficulty, you’ll need to make them a priority. This can be one of the most hostile missions, but if you play smart, you can be the one leading the chaos.


Mission Six: Assault On Fort Rouge

Get The Big Scopes Out

The contest between Assault On Fort Rouge and Lock, Stock And Barrels is a tight one. Both of these missions have memorable and varied locations, along with the chance to deal with your problems in many different ways.

Mission Seven might win out in terms of player freedom, where Mission Six would win out in getting some extremely long-range shots. Because those are a bit rarer in this Sniper Elite, that ekes out a victory.

You can take out all three Kill Targets in Mission Six right from the default spawn location, making for quick, and extremely long-range, assassinations.


Mission Three: Sonderzüge Sabotage

Just A Jolly Good Time

This mission is possibly the one with some of the most potential for setting up high in a location to snipe with reckless abandon. When played well, the Nazis can know exactly where you are, but find it nearly impossible to get to you. This is particularly true on top of the large building across the river, between the two bridges.

This is the mission where you’ll really get to lock in with the sniping, preparing you for the missions to come. It doesn’t just have great sniper locations, either; it has memorable close-range encounters, as well as some interesting architecture scattered throughout the level.


Third-Person Shooter





January 30, 2025


M For Mature 17+ // Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language


Rebellion Entertainment

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