Where To Find Every Surveillance Log In The Mining Base In Synduality: Echo Of Ada

Where To Find Every Surveillance Log In The Mining Base In Synduality: Echo Of Ada

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The third and longest of the single-player mission in Synduality: Echo of Ada so far, the Mining Base is a fairly large difficulty spike as well. Surveillance logs are a bit more hidden, enemies are more copious, and there’s even a boss to worry about.


Synduality: Echo Of Ada – How To Unlock Single-Player Missions

Synduality is mainly a shared experience, though there are some unique single-player missions you can unlock, too.

It’s easy to get turned around in the Mining Base, especially since it has more logs to gather up than usual, so we’re here to offer some sage advice and locations to get you through this mission even faster.

Where To Find Every Surveillance Log

There are a total of six surveillance logs to find in the Mining Base, and some of them are pretty easy to miss if you’re not being thorough. Here’s all of them.

Surveillance Log #1

SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada mining base surveillance log 1.

The first surveillance log is found to the left of the first large warehouse. Follow the elevator upwards to find the yellow investigation zone. Send your Magus in to get the first log.

Surveillance Log #2

SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada mining base surveillance log 2.

The second log is found near the area with many snipers and other bandits. Drop down from one of the bridges to the lowest level, and find this log inside a destroyed Cradlecoffin inside a small alcove.

Surveillance Log #3

SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada mining base surveillance log 5.

The third log is found outside by traveling up the yellow pole, and taking the right turn after heading up the ramp. This will lead to an isolated lava area filled with incubators. Travel through it, doing your best to avoid the lava, until you find the area your Magus can investigate at the end. This will give you the third log.

Unlike water, your Cradlecoffin is perfectly capable of moving in lava. It just reduces your weather durability.

Surveillance Log #4

The fourth log is found inside the Mining Base. After entering, proceed to the left and then right until you reach a wall you can excavate. This will lead to a room with a submerged Cradlecoffin. Continue through this room through a cave system, until you reach a panel you can interact with. This will lift up the Cradlecoffin and let you acquire the log inside.

Surveillance Log #5

SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada mining base surveillance log 4.

Deeper in the Mining Base, you will come across a storage room with lots of ammo. Continue through to find a large prison-like room. There are a series of panels you can interact with on the second floor, which opens the various locked doors. Defeat the enemies that appear, then proceed to the leftmost room on the top floor to find the fifth log.

Alternatively, travel to the second floor and enter the open cell. You can jump through the roof here to reach the room with the log without summoning any enemies.

Surveillance Log #6

SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada mining base surveillance log 6.

The sixth and final log is the only mandatory one, and is found right at the very end of the mission after beating the Bandit Captain. Just let your Magus investigate and you will complete the mission.

Critical Path Through The Mission

Reaching The End

The Mining Base is a fairly long mission, with more complex conditions to complete it as well. You can’t just run straight to the end, even if you’ve already gotten all the logs. The outside section is fairly straightforward though. After entering, just slowly push forward and keep to the right to avoid most enemies, and give you ample cover. You should also find a Marksman’s Rifle inside a warehouse on the right that leads to the area with snipers.

After dealing with the snipers in the more open area, continue towards the north-west. You will encounter some large walls, with enemies hiding behind them. Take your time here, and don’t be afraid to use the Mobility Jammer Magus skill to lock enemies in place while you take them down.

This skill will slow them and stop them from moving, though they can still fire their weapons.

After defeating these enemies, head up the ramp to enter the interior of the Mining Base, and immediately head to the left. You will encounter some enemies here. Gun them down and proceed past them. You can skip most area here if you’re not looking to pick up the surveillance logs.

Defeat the enemies in this next, more cavernous room, and then proceed straight ahead. You will find another room with a bandit and an area your Magus can investigate. This will give you the Bandit Unlock Key, needed to reach the final log and complete the mission.

Return to the previous room now and take the other route. This will lead you to a locked door which needs your newly-acquired key. Let your Magus unlock it, and head on in after it’s open.

After defeating the boss inside, you can head to the very final room to let your Magus investigate and complete the mission.

Battling The Bandit Boss

Once you reach the final room of the Mining Base, you will have to go through a combat encounter. Except instead of fighting waves of enemies, you’re trapped in a room with the Bandit Captain, and they can assuredly pack a punch.

In terms of moveset, they are no different from any other bandit. They deal a lot more damage and have a lot more health, but are the same otherwise. They have a Ballistics rifle with them and each bullet hits hard, so you’ll want to take cover where possible.

The main strategy here is to use Burst Mines. Place them down around a piece of cover you can circle around with the boss. They tend to stick to you much more than the average bandit, and this makes it easier to walk them right into a mine.

In the same vein, try to have a few thrown grenades to hand too, and avoid using a Sniper or Marksman’s rifle. It’s a bit too hard to catch them while aiming, so rely instead on Shotguns and Assault Rifles to deal the most damage.

There is also plenty of healing and ammo around the arena, so pick these up when in need.

After this, they will be defeated, and you can safely proceed to the final room to get your log and finish the mission.


Synduality: Echo Of Ada – Cradlecoffin Customisation Guide

Cradlecoffins are what you explore the world of Synduality with, so you’ll want to make sure they’re always in tip-top shape.

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