- Combining intense shooting with survival elements makes for an engaging gameplay experience.
- Looting, setting up camps, and conserving ammo are key in surviving deadly encounters.
- The Long Dark, Sons of the Forest, and Once Human are compelling titles with firearm-centric survival gameplay.
Fans of survival games love how engrossing it is for them to keep track of basic metrics, avoid injuries, and help their character live to see another day by any means necessary. Given how simple yet engaging these mechanics are, it’s easy to see why other FPS games combine their intense shooting gameplay with the survival genre.

6 Best Survival Games With Deadly Nights, Ranked
In these great survival games, players must contend with particularly deadly nights on top of the usual day-to-day survival needs.
Some of the best FPS titles fans can check out are full of hardcore survival elements that make it important for players to loot for resources, set up a safe camp for the night, and conserve their ammo for only the deadliest encounters in their respective games.
The Long Dark
The Gunplay Is Serviceable And Challenging Enough To Emphasize Survival
- Released
August 1, 2017
- Developer(s)
Hinterland Studio
- OpenCritic Rating
The Long Dark is one of the most compelling survival games and one that fans will have a great time with. Players must get their hands on a gun as quickly as possible and level up their competency with these firearms to make things easier for themselves.
The beauty of The Long Dark stems from its intense gameplay, where players can succumb to the frosty wilderness without a detailed plan in place. With a firearm though, players are encouraged to explore this hostile landscape and take on any dangers that come their way.
Sons Of The Forest
Fighting Off Cannibals With Ranged Weaponry Is A Tense Experience
- Released
February 23, 2023
- Developer(s)
Endnight Games
- OpenCritic Rating
The sequel to The Forest makes things bigger and bolder than ever before. Surviving in a hostile wilderness full of horrifying cannibals can make for a nightmarish experience, which is why players must ensure that they get their hands on a firearm as soon as possible to improve their chances of survival.
The shooting gameplay in Sons of the Forest is competent enough to get the job done and gives players a sense of security as they spend multiple nights trying to survive in these twisted woods. However, getting too comfortable is not an option, since a player’s lackadaisical nature can lead to them being obliterated by a ferocious cannibal assault in no time.
Fallout 4
The Addition Of A Survival Mode Is Great And Can Be Made Even Better With Mods
The addition of a Survival Mode to Fallout 4 intrigued many fans who wanted to see how it would augment the gameplay. It turns out that making survival a task in a post-apocalyptic world is an excellent choice, with many players interacting with the world of Fallout 4 in new and interesting ways following this update’s release.

The Best Fallout 4 Mods, Ranked
Fans of Fallout 4 have been making mods for the title ever since it was released. Here’s a look at some of the absolute best of the best, ranked.
People who think that Fallout 4 was a walk in the park will sing a different tune if they play the game in survival mode. It’s a hard-as-nails game mode that takes no prisoners and punishes players for not letting go of their hoarder mentality.
Improvements Make Gunplay More Engaging Than Ever In This Popular Survival Game
There was a time when Rust‘s gunplay was passable at best. However, this changed with the arrival of a new update that improved everything from recoil to combat feedback, finally adding the aiming crosshair that fans were desperate for.
This turned the combat of Rust into a spectacle as new fans found it easier to immerse themselves in this title’s hardcore survival gameplay. The best part of Rust is its multiplayer and how it lets organic moments blossom at their own pace, making for a great time.
7 Days To Die
Shooting Down Waves Of Zombies Is A Cathartic Experience
7 Days to Die is one of the best action-packed survival shooters players can get their hands on. The zombies in this game can be a nightmare to deal with for players who don’t have the proper equipment, especially during the final day of every week when the undead go berserk.

8 Best Survival Games Where The Player Is Hunted
These excellent survival games set players loose in hostile settings, where they must avoid being hunted by dangerous foes.
However, with the proper weapons and a ton of grit, players will be amazed by the intensity of the firefights in this title. Surviving at the end of every week is a culmination of everything the player has learned until that point, including how to maximize the damage and efficiency of each weapon in the game.
STALKER: Call Of Pripyat
One Of The Best Games In The Series Features Incredible Gunplay And Tense Firefights
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat
- Released
February 2, 2010
Most people point to Call of Pripyat as the best game in the STALKER series (that is, until STALKER 2 finally irons out all its bugs). The gunplay and survival mechanics are refined and employ everything the developer learned from making the previous two games in the series.
Combining the excellent world design of Shadow of Chernobyl with the intense firefights of Clear Skies was a winning combination that fans still can’t get enough of. The scary gameplay can make players panic whenever a mutant ambushes them in an enclosed environment, but a reliable weapon should ensure that they come out of these encounters without too many injuries.
Escape From Tarkov
Many people point to Escape from Tarkov as the game that popularized the extraction shooter genre. The core of this game is to acquire as much loot as possible during a round and reach the extraction zone to leave Tarkov with valuable items and weapons.
The beauty of Escape from Tarkov stems from its tense, lengthy play sessions where a single slip-up can be costly. The tight gunplay and survival elements ensure that players will cooperate with their squad and take a conservative approach to ensure their survival at the end of every encounter.

8 Best Survival Crafting Games With Expansive Tech Trees
These survival games have incredibly deep tech trees to sink your teeth into.
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