The Witcher 3 is a video game that fans are quite familiar with. Geralt’s final adventure in the realm of video games ends on a high note as he successfully locates Ciri and saves her from the clutches of the Wild Hunt in a bombastic finale.

The Witcher: The Strongest Characters, Ranked
The Witcher has a host of powerful characters. Here are the strongest of them all, ranked.
Given how lengthy this game is (especially with the two major expansion packs) it’s easy to see why fans who’ve finished The Witcher 3 once will find it daunting to go through the game again. Thankfully, several excuses can reel players into this dark fantasy world once again with ease.
Make The Most Of The Next-Gen Patch
The Game Will Look And Feel Better Than Ever Before
The Witcher 3 became relevant once again courtesy of a next-gen patch that improved the gameplay and enhanced the visuals for the next generation of consoles. This allows players to enjoy Geralt’s adventures with a fresh coat of paint and just enough changes that reinvigorate the gameplay.
The fact that CD Projekt Red got in contact with notable modders to use their fan-made fixes and make the game easier to play shows just how connected the company is with its community. All of this leads to The Witcher 3 being ripe for a second playthrough that will let enjoy a familiar adventure with some notable additions.
Try Out Some Fun Mods
A Great Way To Customize The Game As Players See Fit
Most console players are missing out on the fun players can have with mods in The Witcher 3. They do a great job of customizing a player’s experience just enough to make the game more engaging than ever.
From auto-winning Gwent battles to changing the look of the characters based on modern developments, it’s easy to see why players love the many mods available for The Witcher 3. It’s one of the best excuses players can use to justify another playthrough of this legendary game.
Make Different Decisions In Certain Questlines
See How Things Pan Out With Other Meaningful Choices
A huge part of what makes The Witcher 3 such a special game is the many meaningful choices players can make in the game. The main story and side quests are full of this choice-and-consequence system that is properly realized to maximise the way players pursue morality and to justify their decisions.

The Witcher 3: 10 Best Armor Sets In The Game, Ranked
Building a powerful character in The Witcher 3 starts with a strong foundational armor set, and here are the 10 best armor sets you can consider.
This allows players to enjoy some exemplary quest design that can feel different in a second playthrough. Seeing events play out in an alternate manner is alluring enough for players to go through the game once again.
Pursue Another Romance Option
Both Triss And Yennefer Are Equally Compelling, And A Second Playthrough Lets Players Enjoy The Best Of Both Worlds
While Geralt can engage in his fair share of amorous adventures in The Witcher 3, he must choose between one of two long-term romances to spend the rest of his days with. Both Triss and Yennefer are viable partners in their own right, which is why players may not appreciate the idea of rejecting one for the other.
However, this problem becomes a thing of the past with a second playthrough. Now, players can enjoy both of these well-written romances and feel satisfied that they didn’t miss out on any content, even if Geralt might not actually end up withe either of them in the end.
Experiment With Geralt’s Look
Some Hairstyles Are Quite Unlike Geralt But Worth Checking Out Nevertheless
Anyone who played The Witcher 3 early on when it launched may not know that CD Projekt Red had added a ton of cosmetic content to the game in the years that passed. This includes numerous alternate hairstyles for Geralt that are quite experimental but worth it for a second playthrough, even if in the books he prefers to be clean-shaven.
All of a sudden, the long-haired, rugged witcher can be as neat and clean as players wish. Players can also pair his look with different sets of armor to see if the new look is worth sticking with for the long haul, allowing Geralt to look rather different from the beloved canon design.
Try Out A New Build
Sticking To Melee Might Not Be All That Satisfying The Second Time Around
The Witcher 3 is more varied than players would assume in terms of its gameplay. It’s fair to assume that improving Geralt’s melee attacks is all that’s required to beat the game, but there are other builds players can pursue to eliminate the boredom from a second playthrough.

Most Underrated Witcher 3 Abilities
There are a few great abilities that Geralt can master in The Witcher 3 that some players may have overlooked in their initial playthrough.
Alchemy is a huge part of a witcher’s arsenal, and players can build Geralt up in a way that his decoctions, potions, and toxicity level work hand-in-hand to turn him into a whirlwind of death. Alternatively, focusing on Signs ensures that Geralt can turn into a spell-slinging battlemage in no time, especially with the quick casting system introduced in the next-gen update.
Play The Game On A Harder Difficulty
Death March Can Completely Change The Way Players Interact With The Game
It may seem like a simple piece of advice, but a lot of players ignore the impact that higher difficulty can have in a playthrough of The Witcher 3. All of a sudden, a basic playthrough can transform into a death-defying affair where Geralt must be at the top of his game to avoid needless deaths against every monster and human he comes across.
Death March can be brutal early on, and players must make an efficient build to ensure that Geralt doesn’t succumb to his enemies in the early and late game. It makes combat more thrilling than ever before, rewarding players for implementing sound strategies in combat and walloping their foes in fights where players must have the reflexes and potions to become a true witcher.
Change Ciri’s Fate
Each Ending Is Fleshed Out And Quite Compelling
Ciri is a vital character in The Witcher series who was finally introduced in CD Projekt RED’s The Witcher 3, exciting hardcore fans of the series who knew how important she was in the books. This older version of Ciri has a decent grasp of her Elder Blood powers and teamed up with her friends to battle the Wild Hunt once and for all.
However, her story ends only after she takes out the White Frost, which can go south quickly if Geralt isn’t a supportive father. If she succeeds, Ciri can either become a witcher or an empress, and players can stick with her till the very end and potentially use this second playthrough save to govern Ciri’s backstory in The Witcher 4 if they let players import their save, which is highly likely.

- Released
May 19, 2015
- OpenCritic Rating
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