One of Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter’s greatest strengths is the variety of creative enemies you encounter on your journey. While working with the Rangers and performing certain side quests gives you ample opportunities to hunt down these powerful creatures, you’ll get two more opportunities during the quest, “A Farmer for the Keep.”

Without The Whetstone, Tails Of Iron 2 Is Great Again
Tails of Iron 2 is back on track after overhauling the whetstone.
While recruiting a farmer sounds like a peaceful matter of asking around the nearby settlements, this quest turns out to be anything but a walk in the park. Before you set out, you should beef up your gear at the Smithy in Winter’s Edge to ensure you’re prepared for the challenges you’ll face.
How To Find A Farmer For Winter’s Edge
With Hammer & Tongs finished, A Farmer for the Keep is one of three quests you can select to restore Winter’s Edge to glory.
In this quest, you must return to The Golden Forest and seek the Night-Eyes’ help to bring a new farmer to your castle.
Head to The Golden Forest’s Nestminster fast travel post and speak to the Owl Elders, who will tell you to ask the Badger brothers instead.
Fast travel to the Abandoned Rangers Camp where you’ll find Marco in a panic as he calls out for his brother Lorenzo, who went missing while foraging for Mushrooms.
How To Save Lorenzo
Head to the right and drop through the broken gap in the tree stump bridge where you’ll be thrust into battle against a Slither Scale.
Swap to fire and electric weapons if you don’t already have them equipped. These are especially effective against Slither Scales.
Once the Slither Scale loses about a third of its HP, it will flee, but Lorenzo will seek it out again.
Follow Lorenzo along the path to the right using the grapple point, then down into a mushroom patch.
This will trigger a Digger Death March and Spitter Death March to spawn. Defeat these centipede-like enemies with Fire and Electric Elementa and weapons, claiming their carapaces for crafting.
Continue right into the next area. Then, go down a ladder and make a left, where you’ll find Lorenzo’s basket on the ground.
Follow the trail into the next room and fight three more Death March enemies, then interact with Lorenzo, who is passed out among the mushrooms.
You’ll need a Stink Bug to wake him, so go to the bug farm, in the top right portion of the map.
Head to the right, finish building the fast travel point in the Slither Scale Pit, and teleport to Nestminster to accelerate the journey.
From Nestminster, head to the right and into The Bug Farm building, where you can buy a stink bug for five coins.
Fast travel back to the Slither Scale Pit and return to Lorenzo. However, Lorenzo has disappeared, replaced by a Night-Eye.
After you hear that Lorenzo is being treated by a healer, you fight the WereOwls (who attacked you first) and set out to find Lorenzo to the left of Nestminster.
On your journey, you’ll encounter more WereOwl Cultists – defeat the three that attack you and follow the path they were blocking.
Along the way, you’ll find an inkling of what’s to come. Prepare to fight an Elder WereOwl, who is weak to Fire and Poison.
There’s a merchant here, but their stock isn’t particularly useful for the upcoming fight.
How To Defeat The Elder WereOwl
Enter the Shrine of the Elder Owl and defeat the Cultists, dodging their attacks to avoid being frozen.
Once they’re defeated, you’ll come face to face with an Elder WereOwl.
Prepare to dodge the initial dive attack and strike back with Fire and Poison Elementa to deal chunk damage.
At 50 percent HP, the Elder WereOwl will briefly retreat, then dive bomb again, with the landing point indicated by a red glow on the ground.
After avoiding the dive, get in as many attacks as possible, then continue barraging your foe with ranged shots.
Avoid the quick dive attack and subsequent dash across the battlefield, indicated by red marks pointing in its direction, and counterattack promptly.
After a few cycles, the WereOwl will be defeated. Wake Lorenzo and send him home to his brother.
Head out of the Shrine and go left until you reach The Mushroom Farm. Speak to the brothers, and they’ll agree to work the farm for you back at Winter’s Edge once Lorenzo heals.
What Rewards Do You Get From A Farmer For The Keep?
Once you finish speaking with the Badger brothers, A Farmer for the Keep will be complete, and you’ll receive the following gear as a reward:
- Elder WereOwl Skull
- Wereowl Blueprint
- Dull Were Owl Bow
- Dull Were Owl Helmet
- Dull Were Owl Armour
This concludes A Farmer for the Keep, leading into your next quest: A Whisker Away.

Tails Of Iron 2 Preview – Groundrat Day
Tails of Iron 2 retreads a lot of the same ground to its detriment, but it refines an already incredible foundation even further.
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