How To Defeat Captain Barrog Undead Swordsman In Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter

How To Defeat Captain Barrog Undead Swordsman In Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter

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While much of your time in Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter is spent repairing the damage done by the Darkwings, “A Whisker Away” gives you the chance to take the fight to the Darkwings. This quest marks a major turning point, as not only does it allow you to turn the tables on your enemies, but you’re also introduced to a new faction and area.


Without The Whetstone, Tails Of Iron 2 Is Great Again

Tails of Iron 2 is back on track after overhauling the whetstone.

The White Whiskers location and people of the same name expand the boundaries of the kingdom you’ve been working hard to restore to glory. While they haven’t been as severely impacted as Winter’s Edge yet, the Darkwings loom on the edge of their settlement, preparing their next attack.

How To Help The White Whiskers

After you’ve finished Top Notch Gear and upgraded your Smithy to the highest level, Grey Ears of White Whiskers will ask for your help defeating a group of bats setting up camp on the edge of the Whiskers.

Head to the docks, and Robin of Longtail will stop you on the way, pledging his aid to you on your journey.

Fast travel to the newly revealed White Whiskers area in the northeastern section of the map. Follow the path to The Warren, and enter the marked building to speak to the village elder.

The elder will give you the location of the bat’s camp – head there and take the fight to your foes. Follow Grey Ears to the far right section: White Whiskers Peak.

Defeat the bats that emerge; be especially careful of the armored Brute that can withstand heavy damage.

Vault off the cliff wall on the right, then the wooden trunks on the left, then back to the right to reach a higher edge that would otherwise be out of reach.

How To Defeat Captain Barrog Undead Swordsman

Continue right and cut down four bats who attack you as others play metal music in the background.

Once the opening waves go down, Captain Barrog Undead Swordsman – the camp leader – will emerge to challenge you.

Captain Barrog’s attacks are telegraphed with long windups, so have Arlo roll behind Barrog as he winds up, then close the distance to capitalize on the opening.

The jump and dive attack is particularly easy to follow up on and unleash heavy damage.

Use your Electric or Ice Elementa to lock the Captain in place for easy flurries of damage.

After some well-timed dodges and counterattacks, Captain Barrog will go down.

Rush back to the left and defeat the Bat Rider (weak to Fire) to continue on your way to warn the White Whiskers about the coming Darkwing attack.

Once you return to The Warren, speak to the elder and Grey Ears, but a bat attack will interrupt the conversation and kill the elder.

Repel the bats and avenge the elder’s untimely death before fleeing back to the docks.

Once there, see off the survivors and return to Winter’s Edge.

What Rewards Do You Get From A Whisker Away?

Arlo completes A Whisker Away in Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter.

Meet Grey Ears in the castle, and you’ll complete A Whisker Away, earning the following rewards:

  • 25 Gold
  • Five Darkwing Ears
  • Five Darkwing Fangs
  • Five Darkwing Snouts
  • Five Darkwing Claws
  • Five Darkwing Fur
  • Five Wing Tips

Congratulations on your haul, but the Darkwing threat was only dealt a minor blow. Prepare to avenge the Elder’s death in the coming quest, The Beasts Of White Whiskers.


Tails Of Iron 2 Preview – Groundrat Day

Tails of Iron 2 retreads a lot of the same ground to its detriment, but it refines an already incredible foundation even further.

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