Xbox Game Studios Publishing Just Became Very Attractive To Outside Studios

Xbox Game Studios Publishing Just Became Very Attractive To Outside Studios

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dveio4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

This is truly something I think the Xbox brand can benefit from heavily and it was exactly what I was thinking when I read that Ninja Gaiden 4 will be published by Xbox.

Heavily declining hardware sales, worse software ratio and slowing down new GP subscriptions? What could they possibly do now?

How about offering third parties very attractive publishing deals.

Put it into GP? Sure. Here’s your compensation. Oh, you wanna publish on Playstation, too? Alright, let’s go. In fact, Xbox could probably even pay them to agree on a publishing deal, doing the ROI by Playstation sales.

I … really think, even as a Playstationeer, that Xbox could have something here. If Sony Interactive Entertainment have worse publishing conditions, which they likely do.

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