Hades 2 is a prime example of the strength of the roguelike formula. While this type of game can be challenging and involves many deaths, mastering it can be an enjoyable and engaging experience. This is due to things like how well the equipment is designed to fit a roguelike’s gameplay; the weapons of Hades 2 all feel great to use, regardless of the combat situation. Players have created builds around them to make them even better, and the two that are commonly used are magic-oriented and ones that favor heavy-hitting blows.
Completing a run in Hades 2 can be daunting, given the challenge both the Underworld and the Surface bring. Players who find themselves in a tough spot can try to search for the best builds that will help them, and it’s common to choose playstyles that rely on powerful aggressive blows or safe magical spells. While there is no wrong answer and fans can choose what they feel most comfortable with, it’s worth examining how effective one build is when compared against the other.

The Case for and Against Hades 2 Keeping Some Weapons Close to Its Chest
Hades 2’s Early Access needs to keep content close to its chest before its official launch, but there may be some pros to giving players more.
Why Hades 2’s Bonk Builds Are Better for Risk-Takers and Speedy Players
Among the overpowered builds in Hades 2, the ones that involve heavy-hitting weapons like the Moonstone Axe or the Black Coat are favored by those who love diving into fights and have no fear of death in the game. This can make them seem more enjoyable as opposed to the slower and safer style of magic-oriented weapons, even if the power they bring could lead people to act overly aggressive and die prematurely. Still, the up-close and personal style of the so-called “bonk build” can easily allow players to complete a run quickly, as all it takes are things such as:
- Focusing on boons that increase damage and spread it, such as Aphrodite’s Flutter Strike or Hera’s Sworn Strike
- Getting used to the slower but higher-damage hits dealt by weapons such as the Moonstone Axe
- Closing the distance on enemies and finishing them off as quickly as possible before they can do any kind of damage
While the power of such a build can allow for fast runs, its biggest downside is that players are susceptible to life-threatening damage because of how close they have to get to their targets. So, if one were to take on any of the harder boss fights in Hades 2 but doesn’t want to put themselves at greater risk of getting hit by a death-dealing blow, they should consider using builds that involve magic weapons instead.
Hades 2’s Magical Weapon-Oriented Builds Help Keep Players Alive
Among every weapon in Hades 2, those that utilize magic, such as the Umbral Flames and the Witch’s Staff, help those who love dealing damage from a safe distance. They allow players to cast spells or throw projectiles from long range, ensuring there’s less to worry about regarding being hit while focusing on builds to make them more powerful. However, such weapons aren’t the fastest, and will take time until they’re very powerful, meaning completing runs can feel like a bit of a slog as opposed to the quicker pace of heavy-hitting weapons. Still, they can help ensure that players remain safe and therefore better guarantee a complete run, which cannot be said for those who would use bonk builds and the higher risks it takes. So, if one wants to ensure a slow but easier way of beating the game, then centering upgrades around magical weapons is the way to go.
There are already a lot of possible expectations of Hades 2 in 2025, but one still wonders if a boost to bonk and magic-oriented weapon builds will come around. The two definitely have their own fans, and while both of them have clear advantages and disadvantages over the other, it will be interesting to see how they evolve in the future.
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