How To Play Every Game In Roblox: Shrimp Game

How To Play Every Game In Roblox: Shrimp Game

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Shrimp Game is a game on Roblox that is inspired by the hit Korean Netflix show, Squid Game. Just like in the show, players in Shrimp Game play a series of games that will choose one winner. Each game is timed and all the games are shown in the Netflix show as well.


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For those who haven’t watched the show, the games end in the elimination of players who haven’t finished on time or have failed. So far, Shrimp Game has seven of the games shown in Squid Game, including Red Light, Green Light, Honeycomb, Glass Stepping Stones and more, with a new addition as well.

What Is Shrimp Game About?

A player in Roblox: Shrimp Game gets eliminated during the Squid Game.

The goal of the Shrimp Game is to be the last one standing and win the prize money as well as XP for completing each game. The prize money caps at 375 thousand dollars of in-game currency that can be spent at the shop. With the won currency, players can choose to spend their money on cosmetic items like masks or perks that can help them win. The purchasable perks include “push” and “glass tester”.

The “push” perk allows players to push other players during Red Light, Green Light, or Glass Stepping Stones. The “glass tester” perk allows players to lay on the glass of the glass bridge and view which panel is safe. The “push” perk is useful during Red Light, Green Light, and on the glass bridge because players can use it to push others to their elimination.

The First Game

Young-Hee facing the tree in Roblox: Shrimp Game.

The first game is going to be Red Light, Green Light. During this game, players will have about two and a half minutes to run from one end of the area to the other. Players are only allowed to move when the “green light” is called and the girl, Young-Hee, is turned to face the tree.

Be careful, some players may use the in-game speaking feature to trick players into a false green light! It is only safe to move when a “green light” is called and your screen turns green as well. Otherwise, if you hear Young-Hee call a “red light” and your screen turns red, make sure to immediately stop moving or else you’ll be eliminated.

If you get pushed during Red Light, Green Light and don’t get eliminated, jumping to stand up will eliminate you, so stay sitting!

The Second Game

A player being given the circle shape during the second game in Roblox: Shrimp Game.

The second game is Honeycomb, where player 456 famously licked his honeycomb to pass in season one of Squid Game. The goal of this game is to successfully remove the shape given to you without breaking the rest of the cookie. When the game starts, players will get to pick one cookie out of four without knowing which shape they will receive.

Once you have picked your cookie, you will need to drag the needle around the shape without deviating from the lines. If the needle goes outside the lines, the honeycomb cookie will begin to crack. The darker the cracks, the closer it is to breaking.

If your honeycomb cookie breaks, you will be eliminated. If you win, you will move back to the lobby and wait for the next game to commence. After completing this game, you will be awarded your honeycomb shape to keep in your inventory, which should be saved for later.

The “Mona Lisa” cookie does not exist, only circle, square, triangle and umbrella do!

The Third Games

Players playing Tug Of War in Roblox: Shrimp Game.

At the moment, Shrimp Game will alternate between two games for the third game. Players will either play Tug Of War or Mingle. Mingle is a new game that was introduced in season two of Squid Game.

Tug Of War is a game that is widely known around the world. The difference between Shrimp Game and Squid Game is that the players are suspended on platforms where they will fall to their deaths if they lose. If the game surpasses the timer, the side with the least number of players will be eliminated.

For the Tug Of War in Shrimp Game, players will be randomly assigned into teams. Each player will be shown a bar with a moving slider that must be hit at the right time to successfully pull the rope. Players will need to land the slider in the green spot of their skill check bar and need to do so until one team is eliminated, or the timer runs out.

A group of players standing on a platform to play Mingle during Roblox: Shrimp Game.

For Mingle, players will stand on a rotating platform surrounded by doors while music plays over speakers. When the music stops playing and the platform stops moving, players will be shown a number. This is the number of people who need to be in a room before the timer runs out to survive the game.

If the number that shows on your screen is two, all players will need to split into teams of two and enter a vacant room before the timer ends. If your room has too many or too few people, everyone in the room will be eliminated. If players are left outside a room by the end of the time, they will also be eliminated. Numbers are randomly generated.

Try to stay with at least one person and maybe even team up before the music stops to ensure you and another player will survive Mingle!

The Fourth Game

Players watch someone jump on the wrong panel in Roblox: Shrimp Game.

The fourth game will be Glass Stepping Stones. This game was shown in season one of Squid Game and consists of a bridge made out of glass panels. Players need to jump onto the panels to safely reach the end.

The only way to know which panel is safe is to have someone else jump first, risk it yourself, or purchase a “glass tester”. Players will have to cross the bridge before the timer runs out, or they will be eliminated. Players have no way of knowing exactly which of the panels is safe to jump on before going without the glass tester. The safest tactic is to wait for others to jump first or simply buy a tester for yourself.

The Final Game

The last two players playing Squid in Roblox: Shrimp Game.

The last game will be Squid. This is a classic Korean children’s game shown in the Netflix show Squid Game. However, in the show, Squid is played with many more components than in Roblox: Shrimp Game.

In Shrimp Game, Squid is a fist fight between any players that have made it to the last phase. To win Squid, you will need to fight your fellow players to the death. If there is more than one player whenever the timer runs out, the player will be randomly chosen.

If you still have your honeycomb cookie by the time Squid rolls around, you can eat it if your health runs low during the final game to heal yourself!

The Secret Game

Players begin fighting during the Lights Out game in Roblox: Shrimp Game.

This game isn’t played in a specific order, but only ever comes after the second game. Lights Out is not an organized game, but rather a huge brawl between all players during one of the intermissions. You will know that Lights Out was triggered when the red sirens begin to go off.

Once the sirens go off and the lights are out, players will be given a shank that they can use against others. If you are dragged into a fight for too long and die, you are eliminated. If you are dragged into a fight for too long and live, you can eat your honeycomb cookie to heal yourself.

To avoid getting into a fight, stay away from other players and keep your shank out to brace yourself and seem more unapproachable.


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