As you explore Miraland with Nikki and Momo, you’ll find various fluffy creatures in need of a thorough grooming. Each of them is unique and offers specific crafting materials for you to collect, if you know where to find them. The rarest creatures of all are more difficult to find and look after, but thankfully, we’ve found them for you.

The Bullquet is the pride of the Breezy Meadow, but its habitat is hidden in the thick forests and fog. We’ll help you locate them and gather the scarce materials offered by this beautiful beast. Here’s everything you need to know about the Bullquet in Infinity Nikki.
Where To Find The Bullquet Habitat
There’s only one Bullquet in Miraland, and they’re located south of Stoneville on the path to the Abandoned Wisher Camp. Take a detour northwest of Relic Hill’s cavern, then follow the winding road deeper into the forest and fog.
You’ll come upon the ruins of the Bullquet’s habitat. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to approach the animal, as it rages and kicks around the area. If you look closely, you’ll notice several Bustleflies swarming around its face.
Swap to your bug-catching outfit to help it out!
The best way to catch the Bustleflies is to hop on the Bullquet’s back. Swing your net to catch all three of the bugs and calm the Bullquet. Once the beast is tamed, you can use your animal-grooming outfit to brush the Bullquet and collect the rare material: Bullquet Felt.
If you’ve unlocked the right nodes in the Heart of Infinity, you can even earn essence from the material and Bustleflies. There are more Bustleflies along the path to the habitat, but only one Bullquet.
You can obtain one Bullquet Felt a day, so plan ahead if you want to stock up!
You can use this material to craft new items and complete quests. If you’ve used up your daily allotment, you’ll have to wait for the reset. Your material tracker will tell you how long until the Bullquet can be groomed again.

Infinity Nikki: Best Animals To Farm For Animal-Grooming Insight
Collect animal-grooming insight in Infinity Nikki with these animals.
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