- Different from other FromSoftware games, Sekiro offers new mechanics like skill points and unique farming areas.
- Early-game farms at Hirata Estate, Ashina Castle, and mid-game Mibu Village provide opportunities to accumulate skill points systematically.
- End-game locations like Fountainhead Palace, Ashina Outskirts, and post-Divine Dragon Ashina Castle offer challenges, skill points, and rewards.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice was a bit of a shake-up compared to FromSoftware’s usual games. Introducing new mechanics and systems, it set itself apart from Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne, while keeping elements of what made such games popular in the first place.
Leveling up was continued, except allocated Skill Points that could be used to purchase new skills. Unlike FromSoft’s other games, a portion of Skill Points and experience is lost after death, meaning areas to farm such points are incredibly useful. There are various locations to grind out these Skill Points, whether in the early-game, mid-game, or end-game. Unlocking the numerous skills can become easier and helpful when utilizing these farming areas.

10 Hardest Bosses In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Ranked
Soulslike games are known for difficult boss fights, and the ones in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice are no different.
Hirata Estate
A Place To Farm Early-Game With Lots Of Enemies
One of the earliest places in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is the Hirata Estate. Despite this, it is an optional area that some players might miss. With a few bosses, as well as a backstory to the characters and narrative, it can also be worth visiting early on for a Skill Point farm.
The farm begins at the beginning of the estate, at the Estate Path Sculptor’s Idol. There are enemies on the immediate path to defeat, as well as an area with a few to the left. Carrying on after defeating the second group, there is an area with a bonfire with a good number of enemies. The enemies won’t give much experience individually, but because there are so many, players should be able to farm some decent Skill Points decently. However, while the enemies are easy to kill, not all of them can be dealt with via stealth, making it a bit of a hassle compared to other routes.
Early Ashina Castle
A Quick Early-Game Farm That Requires A Bit Of Investment
This farm can be done fairly early in the game. Players only need to defeat the first main boss, Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa. The Ashina Castle Gate Sculptor’s Idol after his death leads to an area with enemies: some humans, and some short enemies wearing straw hats.
These three short fellows are the main source of Skill Points here, offering a good chunk of experience. They can be dealt with quickly, as they can be killed via stealth deathblows. However, of the two that are talking to each other, one is most likely to detect the player, requiring combat. This can be a little annoying, as an easy kill needs the Loaded Axe prosthetic to break their straw hat shield. Once the three are dead, the Sculptor’s Idol is very close, allowing a swift rinse and repeat.
Ashina Castle Antechamber
An Easy Stealth Farm With Lots Of Enemies
Inside Ashina Castle is a good farm for Skill Points, as it is a tight area with a good number of enemies. Players can farm throughout, but the first area after the antechamber, the main room, is best as it can be done entirely with stealth.
The enemies can be a little tricky to defeat if the player is detected, but offer a mid-game Skill Point farm that can be done quickly, as the nearest Sculptor’s Idol, the Upper Tower – Antechamber, is very close to the route. The enemies can also drop Divine Confetti, making for a superb farm.
Mibu Village
A Single Enemy Farm
A good farm is one that’s quick and easy. The farm in Mibu Village is such, only grinding a single enemy that players can kill instantly with stealth. However, this enemy can be a bit challenging if it detects the player.

10 Soulslike Games More Like Sekiro Than Dark Souls
Although the Dark Souls franchise is a common source of inspiration, Sekiro has also inspired many Soulslikes as well.
At the Mibu Village Sculptor’s Idol in the Ashina Depths, there is a lone Interior Ministry Ninja standing toward the end of a stream. This guy can be killed with the help of stealth, as he is looking at a wall instead of keeping eyes on his surroundings. Players can stealth kill him to grind Skill Points, but will need the Suppress Sound skill, or a Gachiin’s Sugar or Gachiin’s Spiritfall, as he can detect them otherwise.
Fountainhead Palace
A Trickier End-Game Farm, But Worth It
- Requires combat and prosthetic weapons.
Fountainhead Palace is one of the last areas in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, so it would make sense for there to be a location to grind Skill Points. At the end of the area, there is a final Sculptor’s Idol, named Sanctuary, where the farm is located.
Just down from the idol, there are three Okami Warriors: two that are next to each other, and one off to the side. The one on her own is the easiest, as she doesn’t block, but the other two do. A Prosthetic Tool comes in handy here, particularly Sabimaru with the Piercing upgrade. Spam sabimaru until the enemies are dead, or have their posture low enough to take them out normally.
Ashina Castle After The Divine Dragon
A Fast, Easy Farm Offering Lots Of Skill Points
In the end-game, there are various different locations to farm Skill Points. One of these is the final version of Ashina Castle after the Divine Dragon has been defeated and the Interior Ministry is invading.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice: Ways To Shake Up A Second Playthrough
Sekiro has a surprising amount of replayability, if players are willing to explore the game and challenge themselves.
In the antechamber, there is now a lone Interior Ministry Ninja just up from the Upper Tower – Antechamber Sculptor’s Idol that players can stealth kill repeatedly for easy experience. He drops a large amount of experience, allowing players to acquire Skill Points quickly. However, moving just past him into the main room, there is a Chained Ogre and Interior Ministry Samurai on the bottom floor (if the Chained Ogre has been left alive). While on the top floor, and in the middle to other half of the room, using Malcontent will cause the samurai on the bottom floor to attack the Chained Ogre, causing it to break free and killing them, gifting the player with extra experience.
End-Game Ashina Outskirts
Lots Of Enemies, Easy Stealth Kills, And An Abundance Of Skill Points
This farming route is very well-known, as it can net the player a lot of Skill Points given its ease. However, getting to the Sculptor’s Idol can be annoying, as it requires running through this farming route.
The Outskirts Wall – Stairway in Ashina Outskirts allows players to sneak up behind a ton of enemies, killing them instantly. They grant large amounts of experience, as well as drop Ministry Dousing Power, which is extremely useful for the Demon of Hatred fight. Towards the end of the route on the bridge, there are Interior Ministry and Ashina soldiers fighting, making it easier for the player. The only negative aspect is the boss, Shigekichi of the Red Guard, but he is only here the first time players arrive. Kill him, and the Skill Point grind can begin in earnest.

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