Obedience has been a gameplay mechanic of Pokemon since the very beginning, but it’s been through some changes since Gen 1. Generally, Pokemon will obey their rookie trainers up to level 20. To increase the obedience level from 20 to 25/30, trainers need to collect gym badges. Pokemon Scarlet & Violet‘s obedience mechanic functions mostly the same, as an over-leveled Pokemon will sometimes refuse orders. However, there’s one major difference in Scarlet/Violet that sets it apart from the previous generations.

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Disobedience in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
How Obedience Works in Gen 9
Unlike Sword/Shield, a Pokemon’s obedience is determined by the Pokemon’s level at the time of catching it. If you’re just starting your journey, then “Pokemon caught at level 20 or below will listen to your commands.” This means a Pokemon that is caught above level 20 will not listen to you until you get your first gym badge. If you catch a Pokemon within the obedience range, then it will continue to obey your commands even if its level exceeds the limit.
For example, you have zero badges and manage to catch a level 20 Fletchinder. You use it for battle/auto-battle, and the Fletchinder’s level goes to 21. Even though it’s a level 21, it will still listen to you. However, if you catch a level 21 Fletchinder when you have zero badges, then it won’t obey your commands until you obtain the first badge.
If you try to make your disobedient Pokemon auto-battle, it will refuse commands, and you’ll see a blue speech bubble over its icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen. In battle, a Pokemon may not use moves when you try to make it fight. In some cases, the Pokemon will go to sleep or hurt itself in confusion.
Obedience Level and Badge Requirements in Scarlet & Violet
Understanding Gym Badges
You can check the level that your Pokemon will obey you by viewing your Trainer Card:
- Open the map with Y-button.
- Press X-button to select the Profile option.
If you want to catch stronger Pokemon and have them listen to you, then you’re going to need to do the Victory Road story quest. This involves collecting all of Paldea’s 8 gym badges and then taking on the Pokemon League. Each time you get a badge, the Pokemon’s obedience level is raised by 5 levels.
Since Scarlet/Violet is open world, you’re free to battle the Gym Leaders in (mostly) any order. If you’re new, then you may want to take on the Cortondo Gym or the Artazon Gym first.
Below iare the badge obedience levels:
Badge No. |
Obedience Level |
1 |
Pokemon caught at level 25 or lower will obey your commands. |
2 |
Pokemon caught at level 30 or lower will obey your commands. |
3 |
Pokemon caught at level 35 or lower will obey your commands. |
4 |
Pokemon caught at level 40 or lower will obey your commands. |
5 |
Pokemon caught at level 45 or lower will obey your commands. |
6 |
Pokemon caught at level 50 or lower will obey your commands. |
7 |
Pokemon caught at level 55 or lower will obey your commands. |
8 |
All Pokemon will obey your commands regardless of their level. |
Obedience level is determined by the number of badges you have, not the Gym Leader. In other words, you can defeat Brassius first, and the badge will raise the obedience level to 25. If you battle Katy after Brassius, then the obedience level goes to 30.

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Will Transferred or Traded Pokemon Still Obey?
Does OT Matter?
Each Pokemon has an ID called OT, which stands for Original Trainer. Before Scarlet/Violet, the OT would also influence your Pokemon’s obedience. If you received a Pokemon through trade (ie: with a different OT/ID number) and it leveled beyond the obedience level, then it would stop listening to your commands.
In Scarlet/Violet, the OT doesn’t affect obedience. If you’re transferring/trading Pokemon to your file, then the level the Pokemon is transferred/traded will count as its “met level”.
For example, a Pokemon that’s traded to you at level 17, which you then proceed to level beyond 20, will still obey your orders. If you’re given a Pokemon that’s level 21, then it won’t listen to you.
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