Unlocking more animals requires you to raise your Camp Manager Level in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete. By level 76, you should have every animal in-game except for the animals locked to Villager Maps. Leveling up gets trickier as your level grows, so you’ll want to be consistent with requests and speak to visitors at your campsite/cabin to farm as many friendship points as you can. Another motivator for leveling is its perks, as it’s a surefire way to obtain Leaf Tokens and expand your inventory space.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete – Flower-Garden Lounge Guide
Flower Garden Lounge is one of the more challenging classes in Pocket Camp Complete’s Happy Homeroom, so here’s how to pass it.
How to Farm Experience
Tips for Leveling Up Fast
When you speak to an animal that appears on the map, you’ll gain +2 friendship points. Animals that appear will always have requests for you to complete. Completing these, speaking to animals, giving gifts, and changing their outfits will all give experience to the respective animal’s friendship level. When an animal levels, you gain experience towards your Camp Manager level.
Animals won’t stay on the map forever. Every three hours, they’ll swap out with another animal. When this happens, you’ll also have new requests. Be sure to speak with everyone before the next three hours.
If you have an animal at your campsite/cabin, then they’ll stay there until you kick them out. If you warp to your campsite/cabin during the three-hour cycle, you’ll receive a list of visiting animals that want to speak with you. This is an opportunity to farm some more friendship points. Choosing “Tell me a story!” will sometimes prompt you to select furniture/clothing as a gift for another animal. Each animal has their own style, but you’ll still receive +6 friendship points even if they don’t like the gift.
It’s important to know that friendship points can only be earned if you’re selecting the dialogue options in red. For example, choosing “Change outfit!” when it’s highlighted will give you +2 points. If you speak to the animal again, you’ll notice “Change outfit!” will be written in regular text. This means you can’t get friendship points by choosing the same option twice in a row.
You can also earn friendship points from multiple animals at once by constructing amenities. Each amenity has its own type, and if an animal’s type matches the amenity, they’ll gain more experience over those that do not. The animals that are chosen are randomized, but if there’s someone you’re trying to level, you should make sure they’re at your campsite before the amenity finishes construction.
Amenities can take days to craft, however, but once you have one on your campsite, you can level it up with Bells and materials to keep earning friendship points. When an amenity is at level 4, you can upgrade it to level 5/max level. Doing so will put it under construction for 3-4 days, so keep this in mind.
Giving Snacks
Snacks are items you collect that can be given to animals (“Have a snack!” option). Each snack has its own type, so to get the most out of giving gifts, you should choose a snack that matches the animal’s type. For example, a Plain Waffle is a natural-themed snack, so you’ll get more points giving it to a natural-themed animal, such as Goldie, than you would a non-natural animal, such as Agnes.
If you use Gulliver’s Ship, you can unlock Villager Maps from golden islands. Villager Maps can then be used at Blathers’s Treasure Trek to collect Bronze Treats, Silver Treats, and Gold Treats. Obtaining all souvenirs from a golden/villager island will earn you x20 Gold Treats. If you already have every Villager Map, then you can get Bronze/Silver/Gold Treats from doing Requests or completing Isles of Style. Unlike regular snacks, Bronze/Silver/Gold Treats are liked by everyone and are “generic” type. They will always give +3, +10, and +25 friendship points respectively.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete – How to Get Copy Machine
You’ll need the Copy Machine if you want to complete some Happy Homeroom classes in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete.
Animal Requests Tips
What Should You Give?
You can complete requests in bulk by choosing Pete’s Parcel Service. As long as you have the items, you can send them off and earn friendship points without having to speak directly to the animals themselves. Most requests require you to deliver collected items, such as fruit or bugs.
Other times, you’ll see a request asking for one fruit, bug, or fish. These requests allow you to choose which item to give. While it may be tempting to just give them common items, you may want to choose something of higher value. Higher-quality gifts will sometimes give you bonus rewards and extra experience. You’ll also receive 1500 Bells for giving rarer items. Some recommended items to give animals:
- Perfect Fruit (excluding non-local)
- Snow crab
- Splendid alfonsino
- Amberjack
- R. Brooke’s birdwing
- Luna moth
- White scarab beetle
When an animal reaches level 10 (or 15 for some), you can accept their Special Request. This unlocks furniture that you’ll need to craft in order to complete the request. Special Request furniture usually costs 9000+ bells to make along with the required materials, and 10+ hours to craft. Completing Special Requests take longer, but it’s another way to earn a lot of friendship points.
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