Where To Find Azurmane In Palworld

Where To Find Azurmane In Palworld

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Unfortunately, not every Pal in Palworld turns out to be truly useful. In fact, you might be surprised to find better options than the Pals you initially thought were great. This applies to both the Pals in your team and those in your base.


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For example, you might find a Pal to meet your electricity needs, but while it seems sufficient at first, it may later fall short, prompting you to search for a better one. These journeys often aim to capture the best Pals. Speaking of electricity and top-tier Pals, how about capturing Azurmane, one of the two best Pals for electricity generation?

Where To Find Azurmane

The blue circles shows the locations of Azurmane's possible spawning locations in Palworld.

Azurmane is a stylish horse-like Pal once believed to be connected to the Thunder God, a status it no longer holds. As you might expect, it is of the Electric type. This Pal can only be found on Feybreak Island, located in the southeast part of the map.

Since all Pals on Feybreak Island are above level 50, you should come prepared with a strong team and well-equipped gear when searching for Azurmane. Additionally, Azurmane can only be found at night; it does not appear during the day.

While there isn’t a specific spot where Azurmane spawns, there are several areas on Feybreak Island where it can be encountered. However, it cannot be found in the lighter-colored soil biomes located in the island’s northern and western regions.

How To Breed Azurmane

The Palpedia entry of Azurmane is displayed in Palworld.

If you don’t want to search for Azurmane at night or fail to find one, you can try alternative methods. One such method is obtaining it through a Large Electric Egg, which can either be found in the wild or created using the correct parent combinations. These combinations are provided in the table below:

Items Dropped By Azurmane

Capturing or defeating Azurmane doesn’t yield anything particularly valuable. The only material you get is Electric Organ
which is obtainable from most Electric-type Pals. As a result, there’s little reason to specifically hunt Azurmane for this resource.

Partner Skill & Work Suitability

The player is using Azurmane's partner skill on mid-air in Palworld.

Azurmane’s Partner Skill is Plasma Dash, which allows you to ride it. But that’s not all—while riding Azurmane, you can activate Plasma Dash, enabling it to dash forward. What makes this skill even more impressive is that it can also be used in mid-air. For instance, if you jump while mounted on Azurmane, you can use Plasma Dash to overcome certain obstacles.

Plasma Dash has a cooldown of four seconds.

To use Azurmane’s Partner Skill, you must be at level 56, and you’ll need to craft the Azurmane Saddle with the following materials:

If you plan to use Azurmane as a mount, you can opt for the ‘Swift’ passive skill, which increases its movement speed by 30%. Alternatively, Eternal ‘Engine’ is also a great choice, as it boosts its max stamina by 75 percent, allowing for extended high-speed travel while riding.

The player's Azurmane is generating electricty in Palworld.

Azurmane’s most impressive trait is its Generating Electricity work suitability, which is at level four—the highest level possible. This makes it invaluable for powering high-energy machines like the Crude Oil Extractor.

Normally, the only other Pal with level-four Generating Electricity is Orserk
which is challenging to find since it doesn’t consistently spawn at No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary. In comparison, Azurmane is a much more accessible alternative. Additionally, Azurmane has a level-one Gathering work suitability, but it’s unlikely you’d use it for this purpose.

If you plan to use Azurmane for electricity generation in your base, its best passive skill is Remarkable Craftsmanship. This boosts its work speed by 75%.

Where To Find Alpha Boss Azurmane

The player is aiming a rocket launcher to Alpha Boss Azurmane in Palworld.

If you’re not interested in searching for Azurmane at night and want a stronger version, consider hunting its Alpha Boss form. You can find it at coordinates -1106, -1316. Here’s how to reach these coordinates easily:

  • From The Oculus Gate, Tower in the Sight, head northeast.
  • From Scorched Hill, head southeast.
  • From Hidden Passage to the Oculus Gate, head southwest.

The Alpha Boss Azurmane is level 57 and an Electric type. Be sure to include Ground-type Pals in your team for an advantage in battle. To capture it, at least use an Ultimate Sphere, but Exotic Spheres and sphere modules can make the process easier. Once its HP is low, consider equipping the Ring of Mercy to leave it at 1 HP for an easy capture.


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