Shadow of the Towers Quest In WuWa

Shadow of the Towers Quest In WuWa

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As players explore Thorncrown Rises in Wuthering Waves, they will come across Botim, standing south of the Rinascita-Ragunna-Thessaleo Fells northern Resonance Beacon. He will explain to Rovers how his family entrusted him with managing an ancestral site, where a handed-down “Terminal” still exists.

He further explains how the towers are infested with shadowy monsters that emerge from within, causing chaos before disappearing on their own. He then offers players valuable rewards for handling this task in his stead. This will initiate the Shadow of the Past Quest in Wuthering Waves.


Wuthering Waves: Whisperwind Haven Overflowing Palette Locations & Solutions

Solving Whisperwind Haven Overflowing Palette will reward Rovers with Resonate Calcite and Astrite in Wuthering Waves.

Thorncrown Rises Three Towers Locations In Wuthering Waves

thorncrown rises three towers locations in wuthering waves

There are three towers to locate in Thorncrown Rises and each of them will complete part of the Shadow of the Past Quest, which breaks into three sub-Quests:

  • Shadow of the Towers: Resounding Rise: The northeastern Tower of Thorncrown Rises.
  • Shadow of the Towers: Twilight Rise: The southern Tower of Thorncrown Rises.
  • Shadow of the Towers: Command Rise: The southwestern Tower of Thorncrown Rises.

Shadow of the Towers: Resounding Rise

The Resounding Rise Tower is located northeast of Thorncrown Rises. To enter it and start the Shadow of the Towers: Resounding Rise sub-Quest, talk to Itzel, standing east of the Tower. Next, players need to explore the Tower by doing the following:

  • Touch the painting at the end of the hallway to enter it.
  • Follow the Quest marker to follow the Abyssal Mercator.
  • Defeat it, then claim the northern Basic Supply chest in Wuthering Waves.
  • Head to the western room to claim another Supply chest.
  • Move to the eastern room, then enter the second painting.
  • Face off the Abyssal Mercator again.
  • Defeat the enemies in the eastern and western rooms to claim the Supply chests.
  • Head north, then follow the Quest marker to pursue the Abyssal Mercator.
  • Defeat it once more.
  • Touch the painting behind it to follow it.
  • Open the chest at the end of the hallway to stop the shooting enemies.
  • Face off the Wuthering Waves enemy blocking the way.

Next, players need to arrange the paintings correctly to complete the Shadow of the Towers: Resounding Rise sub-Quest in Wuthering Waves. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Take the painting on the top left and place it on the bottom right display.
  • Hold the painting behind the top left display.
  • Put it on the bottom left display.
  • Grab the top right painting and place it on the top left display.
  • Get the painting behind the bottom right display.
  • Place it on the top right display.
  • Claim the Premium Supply chest.

Afterward, touch the painting and face off the Abyssal Mercator for the last time, then talk to Itzel and claim the Tidal Supply chest. Upon defeat, one of the Command Rise Tower barriers will weakened.


Wuthering Waves: Whisperwind Haven Treasure Spot Chest Locations

Collecting all the Treasure Spots Supply chests will give players Astrite and Monnaie in Wuthering Waves.

Shadow of the Towers: Twilight Rise

thorncrown rises twilight rise tower location in wuthering waves

After exiting the previous Tower, head southeast toward the Twilight Rise Tower and talk to Insula to go inside. After entering the Tower, follow the Quest marker until Rovers realize they are stuck in a loop and Insula shows up, then:

  • Investigate the three marked spots to find clues.
  • Talk to Insula.
  • Enter the secret passageway under the elevator.
  • Defeat the Abyssal Patricius.
  • Take the Supply chest and follow it further.
  • Face it for the last time.
  • Talk to Insula again.
  • Collect the Tidal Supply chest in Wuthering Waves.

These steps will complete the Shadow of the Towers: Twilight Rise Quest and weaken the second Command Rise Tower barrier.


Wuthering Waves: Ragunna City Sonance Casket Locations

Collecting all Ragunna City Sonance Casket: Ragunna will reward players with various precious rewards in Wuthering Waves.

Shadow of the Towers: Command Rise

Completing the first two parts of the Shadow of the Past Quest will automatically trigger the Shadow of the Past: Command Rise Tower sub-Quest in Wuthering Waves. During the mission, players need to:

  • Head to the camp northeast of Command Rise Tower to talk to Insula and Itzel.
  • Use the Wingray northwest of the beach to fly toward the Command Rise Tower.
  • Enter the Tower.
  • Follow the Quest’s mark to go deeper into the Command Rise Tower.
  • Collect the Supply chest west of the moving libraries.
  • Use the Grapple to climb up.
  • Take the Basic Supply from between the jars, then defeat the enemies on the other side of the balcony to get another Supply chest.
  • Move to Quest’s marker to face off the Abyssal Patricius.
  • Get the chest, then use the Grapple to climb further.

From here forward, Rovers need to use the Grapple to pull out more libraries and use them to reach higher ground in the Tower. However, as you go up, explore every nook and cranny, as the Command Rise Tower has many Supply chests scattered around the different levels. Also, players will find two Sonance Caskets: Ragunna inside the Tower.

Afterward, use the chandelier’s mechanics to reach the very top of the tower. Upon arriving, Rovers will find Liel dead, so players can talk to Insula and Itzel, then use the portal behind them to reach the Abyssal Patricius location in Wuthering Waves. Defeat it to claim the Call of the Abyss Rectifier and a Premium Supply chest.

Leaving the Command Rise Tower through the portal and talking to the two companions will reward players with the King of Thessaleo Achievement and the Shadow of the Tower Achievement in Wuthering Waves.

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