How to Complete the Under the Influence Challenge

How to Complete the Under the Influence Challenge

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The festive Christmas challenges are over, and now we’re back to regular ones in Bitlife. The new challenge, called Under the Influence, starts on December 28 and runs for four days.

This time, you’ll become an influencer and live up to the name; by being under the influence. Today, we’ll explain how to complete the Under the Influence Challenge in Bitlife.


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How to Complete Bitlife’s Under the Influence Challenge

under the influence bitlife

Here are the steps players will need to do this week:

  • Be born in Germany
  • Get verified on 3+ social media platforms
  • Develop an alcohol addiction
  • Develop a gambling addiction
  • Troll 5+ people on social media.

How to Be Born in Germany in Bitlife

Players who don’t have a German character will need to start a new life. Choose Germany as your character’s country, and you’re good to go. You can pick any gender, but having good looks might help because you will need to become a social media influencer in the next step.

How to Get Verified on Social Media Platforms in Bitlife

how to make social media accounts bitlife

For this step, you will need to have accounts on at least three social media platforms. So go to the Assets section and then Social Media. Now sign up for at least three platforms, such as FaceBook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Once that’s done, start posting regularly on these platforms to gain a decent number of followers. Once you’ve got the followers, apply for verification on your selected social media platforms. Alternatively, Bitizens can become famous and then create social media accounts on three different platforms. Some careers that can help you become famous include:

  • Musician
  • Athlete
  • Astronaut
  • Writer
  • Actor

But keep in mind that these careers take some time and effort to get into.

How to Develop Gambling and Alcohol Addictions in Bitlife

gambling addiction bitlife

Next, you’ll need to pick up some bad addictions. To get the gambling addiction, go to Activities > Gamble and keep playing until your character becomes addicted. To get addicted to alcohol, fans will need to go to the Activities menu and keep choosing the Nightlife option over and over.

How to Troll People on Social Media in Bitlife

For the final step, players will have to go to their social media accounts and choose the Troll option. Players can troll anyone, including their friends, family, or even celebrities. Keep in mind that you will need to troll five people to complete this step, and once you do that, you will complete the Under the Influence challenge.

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September 30, 2018


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