Mythical Island Pokemon Better Than Their Genetic Apex Counterparts In Pokemon TCG Pocket

Mythical Island Pokemon Better Than Their Genetic Apex Counterparts In Pokemon TCG Pocket

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The new expansion, Mythical Island, has not only introduced new cards but also launched retrained versions of Genetic Apex. While not every Mythical Island counterpart surpasses its Genetic Apex sibling, most remain equally viable.


Pokemon Pocket: All ex Cards From Mythical Island, Ranked

Ex Pokemon are some of the strongest in Pokemon Pocket, and these cards from Mythical Island are all quite good.

Many Mythical Island versions of Pokemon trade some drawback effects for higher average damage output compared to their older counterparts. Mythical Island is shaping up to be a significant update for the Pokemon Pocket meta, with numerous evolutionary lines benefiting from the expansion.



Genetic Apex Version Stats

HP, Attack

Mythical Island Version Stats

HP, Attack

Magmar was overshadowed in Blaine decks by Rapidash and Ninetales in Genetic Apex. Its 50 damage for two energy wasn’t strong or fast enough to compete with other Fire Pokemon. While Magmar likely still trails behind Rapidash and Ninetales, it has closed the gap in Mythical Island.

The Mythical Island version of Magmar deals an impressive 80 damage, which increases to 110 when paired with Blaine. The popular Celebi is weak to Fire, allowing Magmar to one-shot it with Blaine. However, the drawback to Mythical Island’s Magmar is its need to discard two energy, relegating it to a role as a backup finisher rather than a reliable offensive option.



Genetic Apex Version Stats

90 HP, 60 Attack, Two Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

80 HP, 30 Attack (Poison), One Energy

At first glance, Genetic Apex’s Salazzle, with twice the attack strength and the same HP, appears to be clearly superior to Mythical Island’s Salazzle. However, the poison effect of Mythical Island’s Salazzle more than compensates for this difference.

When you attack with Mythical Island Salazzle, it deals 50 total damage by the time your next turn begins. Since poison can only be removed by retreating, Mythical Island Salazzle generally outputs more damage over time. Additionally, Mythical Island Salandit scales with poison, dealing 40 bonus damage, making it a slight upgrade over its Genetic Apex counterpart.



Genetic Apex Version Stats

60 HP, 30 Attack, One Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

60 HP, 10 Attack (up to 40), One Energy

While Pikachu ex was one of the best cards in Genetic Apex, the standard Pikachu primarily existed as a stepping stone to evolve into Raichu. While this remains the primary strategy with Mythical Island’s Pikachu, the new version can deliver decent damage depending on the situation.

Mythical Island’s Pikachu scales similarly to Pikachu ex, gaining an additional 30 attack if you have three Lightning types on the bench. Since Pikachu decks typically feature a high monster count, Mythical Island’s Pikachu generally deals more damage on average than its Genetic Apex counterpart.



Genetic Apex Version Stats

160 HP, 150 Attack, Four Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

160 HP, 120 Attack, Four Energy

Graveler and Golem might be the weakest Pokemon line in Genetic Apex. Both were extremely energy-inefficient, and even in ideal situations, Golem dealt 50 damage to itself, making it a glass cannon.



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The Mythical Island version of Graveler requires only two energy to attack instead of three, giving it a fighting chance while it evolves. Mythical Island’s Golem doesn’t hit as hard as its Genetic Apex counterpart but reduces incoming damage by 30. Similar to Melmetal, this makes Golem deceptively tanky. Paired with Potions and Blue, it can become a nightmare to take down if it has the energy to attack.




Genetic Apex Version Stats

30 HP, 10 Attack, One Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

30 HP, No Attack, One Energy

Just like in the video games, Magikarp’s gimmick of being nearly useless remains true in Mythical Island. However, unlike in Genetic Apex, Magikarp now has the ability to switch to a Pokemon that can actually contribute.

If you’re wondering how Magikarp’s attack differs from a standard retreat, the key is that Magikarp retains its energy when it returns to the bench. Since Gyarados ex is highly energy-intensive, being able to retreat Magikarp without sacrificing energy is crucial for building your board efficiently and staying on pace in the match.



Genetic Apex Version Stats

130 HP, 30 Attack (50% chance of 60), One Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

130 HP, 80+ Attack, Four Energy

Exeggutor ex is one of the best early-game bullies. With a massive 160 HP and the ability to attack with only one energy, very few basic or Stage one Pokemon can stand up to it early on. However, Exeggutor ex has always lacked the high attack power needed for late-game options.

Mythical Island’s Exeggutor addresses this weakness, giving Exeggutor ex decks a strong late-game presence. You can patiently stack energy in the back row while your tanky, energy-efficient Pokemon handle the early game. Exeggutor’s ability to scale off the opponent’s energy allows it to one-shot Mew, Celebi, or Pikachu, and even revenge kill Arcanine.



Genetic Apex Version Stats

100 HP, 50 Attack, Two Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

100 HP, 40 Attack (120 on Ex Pokemon), Three Energy

There was much debate during the first month of Pokemon Pocket over the best normal basic monster: Tauros, Farfetch’d, or Kangaskhan. Tauros’ two-energy requirement eventually caused it to fall out of favor during Genetic Apex.

In Mythical Island, Tauros has re-emerged as an ex buster. Though it requires three colorless energy, it effectively functions as a 120-attack Pokemon in most matchups. Its lack of specific energy requirements makes it versatile and suitable for a variety of decks. Paired with monsters that deal chip damage, like Greninja or Druddigon, Tauros can catch opponents off guard with surprising burst damage.​​​​​​​



Genetic Apex Version Stats

100 HP, 40 Attack, One Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

100 HP, 40 Attack (50% chance of 100), Two Energy

Both Genetic Apex and Mythical Island Rapidash are strong cards. Mythical Island Rapidash deals significantly more damage on average, with a 50 percent chance of hitting for 100 total. However, it loses some of its identity in Mythical Island by requiring two energy to attack.


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What makes the Rapidash line overall better in Mythical Island is Ponyta. In Mythical Island, Ponyta still only needs one energy to attack but can deal 40 damage on a head. This means that, on average, Mythical Island Ponyta does slightly more damage than its Genetic Apex counterpart.​​​​​​​



Genetic Apex Version Stats

60 HP, 20 Attack, One Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

60 HP, 20+ Attack (50% chance of 0), One Energy

Some of Eevee’s evolutions saw niche play, particularly Jolteon. However, Eevee itself was a liability, especially in Pikachu ex decks, where it couldn’t contribute to boosting Pikachu ex’s attack. The new Eevee in Mythical Island is coin flip oriented.

If you flip tails, Mythical Island Eevee does no damage. However, if you flip heads, it can match its Genetic Apex damage, and theoretically, there’s no limit to how much damage it can deal. Occasionally, you might even one-shot an EX monster. Considering Genetic Apex Eevee’s low attack, the risk of a poor coin flip with Mythical Island Eevee is relatively minor.​​​​​​​



Genetic Apex Version Stats

130 HP, 60 Attack, Three Energy

Mythical Island Version Stats

120 HP, 60 Attack, Three Energy

The older version of Vaporeon wasn’t bad, but it was outshined by stronger Water Pokemon. Mythical Island’s Eevee is already an upgrade to both Vaporeons, but Mythical Island’s Vaporeon stands out independently.

The energy efficiency of decks has significantly improved because of Mythical Island’s Vaporeon. If you invested in the wrong Pokemon early game, you can reallocate your resources to the evolution you draw into. If your Starmie ex has only half its health left, you can retreat for zero cost and let your Gyarados ex take over. Vaporeon also enables effects for Pokemon like Lapras and Blastoise ex, which typically require high amounts of energy to activate.

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