The Best Monster Wrangler Abilities In Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake

The Best Monster Wrangler Abilities In Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
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  • The Monster Wrangler’s War Cry ability skips enemies’ turns for better battle strategy.
  • Animal Instinct helps find Friendly Monsters more easily with no MP cost.
  • The Wild Side ability allows double actions per turn after capturing 50 Friendly Monsters.

In Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake, players have quite a few options for their party members. One of the most interesting is the Monster Wrangler class. The Monster Wrangler is crucial to capturing all the Friendly Monsters in the game and has awesome abilities that help ensure players’ victory in battle.


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Whether players start with a Monster Wrangler or switch vocations to have one later on, they’ll need the best abilities to get the most from this member of the team. These can be obtained in two ways. The first is through regular leveling up, and the second is through capturing Friendly Monsters. Players will want abilities from both sources to get the best results possible.


War Cry

Put The Fear Into Enemies

War Cry ability in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
  • Cost: 4 MP
  • Unlocks: Level 18

The Monster Wrangler’s War Cry ability is perfect for giving the party some breathing room. This ability has the potential to apply Fear to all enemies. Each enemy affected will skip their next turn, allowing players to regroup and come up with a better strategy for winning the battle.

This ability will be automatically unlocked once the Monster Wrangler reaches level 18. It has a relatively low cost of 4 MP, making it an excellent choice to use frequently in the most intense battles.


Animal Instinct

Find Friendly Monsters More Easily

Animal Instinct ability in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
  • Cost: 0 MP
  • Unlocks: Level 10

A big part of unlocking abilities for the Monster Wrangler vocation involves finding and capturing Friendly Monsters. The downside to this is that some of these monsters are tricky to find. The Animal Instinct ability helps players find any nearby Friendly Monsters they can capture.


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This ability has no MP cost, making it even more beneficial. Once the Monster Wrangler reaches level 10, this skill will be automatically unlocked.


Flame Breath

Deal Fire Damage

Flame Breath ability in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
  • Cost: 5 MP
  • Unlocks: Level 23

Sometimes, players need an ability that will strike all their enemies at once. The Monster Wrangler answers this need with the Flame Breath ability. When this ability is activated, the Monster Wrangler will unleash a flaming breath attack against all enemies.

This ability has a low cost of just 5 MP, making it a cost-effective choice in battle. The Monster Wrangler will obtain this ability once they reach level 23.


Wild Side

Double The Actions Per Turn

Wild Side ability in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
  • Cost: 9 MP
  • Unlocks: 50 Friendly Monsters captured

The Monster Wrangler has some great support abilities, with Wild Side being one of the best. With this ability activated, players can act twice per turn for two turns. This is a great way to ensure their enemies receive the most damage possible.


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Wild Side has a moderate cost of 9 MP per use. Players shouldn’t expect to obtain this ability very early in the game, as it requires 50 captured Friendly Monsters to unlock.


Monster Pile-On

A Little Help From Friendly Monsters

Monster Pile-On ability in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
  • Cost: 8 MP
  • Unlocks: 10 Friendly Monsters captured

Monster Pile-On has the potential to deal significant damage, depending on the number of Friendly Monsters the player has captured. This ability calls the captured Friendly Monsters to attack all enemies, and also scales with the number of Friendly Monsters captured.

Monster Pile-On requires a little bit of work, as 10 Friendly Monsters must be captured to unlock it. Once it’s unlocked, it costs 8 MP to execute. To get the most out of this ability, players will want to make capturing Friendly Monsters a priority.


Boulder Toss

Throw Rocks At Enemies

Boulder Toss in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
  • Cost: 14 MP
  • Unlocks: Level 29

While this ability is pretty high in the MP cost department, players will want to use it as soon as it’s available. Boulder Toss allows the Monster Wrangler to throw a boulder at the heads of all their enemies. Of course, there is a chance that some will miss and others will hit harder, but the potential to deal significant damage makes it worth it.

To ensure they can always use this ability when it’s needed most, players should focus on increasing the MP of their Monster Wranglers, as Boulder Toss costs 14 MP to use. It will automatically unlock once the Monster Wrangler reaches level 29.


Soothing Song

Heal The Party

Soothing Song ability in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
  • Cost: 5 MP
  • Unlocked: Level 6

The Monster Wrangler is essential when it comes to keeping the party alive so that they can fight a little bit longer. The Soothing Song ability doesn’t grant a lot of healing, but it’s just enough to ensure each member of the team has a fighting chance unless the enemies are strong enough to one-shot them.


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Its low 5 MP cost makes it a fair trade-off for the healing it dishes out. Monster Wranglers automatically unlock this ability once they reach level 6. Strategically using this ability throughout a fight will help the party make quick work of their enemies and survive long enough to finish off a tough boss.


November 14, 2024

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