Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: All Sukhothai Codes

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: All Sukhothai Codes

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While exploring the dense Sukhothai jungles in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, players are bound to find a locked chest or safe. Sukhothai has an abundance of secrets and mysteries for you to uncover, and behind those mysteries lie the safe codes to retrieve treasures from the locked vaults. So, if you’re looking for safe codes directly instead of going on long quests, this guide will be quite useful.


Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: Nazi Compound Safe Code In Gizeh

Here’s how to unlock the safe located inside the Nazi Compound in Gizeh that requires a 5-digit code to unlock in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

All Safe Codes & Combinations in Sukhothai

Egyptian Numeral Chest in Gizeh Indiana Jones and The Great Circle

The Sukhothai region in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle has a total of 5 locked safes and chests. Most of these safes and chests are tied to a mystery that players have to solve in order to unlock them. However, here are all the codes that you’ll need to unlock the chests and safes in the game.

Swamp Locked Safe

how to trigger path of the tigers mystery in indiana jones and the great circle


Inside a drowned hut near Tongdang’s hut




Jumbo Grip Adventure Book

While exploring the NPC hub area in Sukhothai, players will stumble upon a flooded hut inside the swamp near Tongdang’s hut. It will start the Path of Tigers mystery, which will lead you to the code that will open the safe.

Voss’ Gold Stash Locked Safe

Voss' Gold Stash Sukhothai Indiana Jones and The Great Circle


Inside Voss’ Camp




Gold Bars

To have enough money to purchase a breathing device that will aid in Indy’s underwater explorations, players must head to Voss’ camp in Sukhothai as part of Voss’ Gold Stash fieldwork quest.

A Game of Wits Locked Safe

mak-yek challenge indiana jones


North edge of Voss’ Camp





There are army barracks located in the northern part of Voss’ Camp that players can visit to complete the mystery, “A Game of Wits.” It’s one of the interesting code-cracking puzzles that lets you arrange the pieces on the game board according to a reference note to come up with a code.

Timely Arrival Locked Chest

timely arrival puzzle


Wat Chana Songkhram




Medicine Bottle

The Timely Arrival mystery follows a similar pattern to A Date to Remember mystery in Vatican City, which requires players to figure out the locked chest code by referencing the code key with a cipher chart.

Counting Letters Locked Chest

counting letters puzzle


Wat Mahathat




Street Scrapper 3 Adventure Book

Lastly, the Counting Letters mystery involves another puzzle that repeats the pattern of the Captain’s Cipher in the Himalayas section of Indiana Jones and The Great Circle. Simply input the key into the cipher machine and then reference the letters with a sheet to come up with a code for the locked chest.

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