Fortnite has loads of skins, but two of the most recognizable are Renegade Raider and Aerial Assault Trooper. Two of Fortnite’s earliest skins, and kind of a status symbol in the game. They’re proof you’ve been playing since the very earliest days. A bit plainer than modern skins, but proof that you’re a real OG player. Or it is as long as it doesn’t return to the shop, which it’s about to. This week Renegade Raider and Aerial Assault Trooper are coming back to the item shop according to leakers.These two skins are unique as being Fortnite Season 1 skins. Before the game had a proper battle pass and monetization operated in a different way. Having these skins sit in your locker has long been a point of pride for players, as well as these skins being some of the rarest Fortnite skins. However, once it’s back in the item shop all that extra meaning players attach to Renegade Raider will go. Why is this skin returning such a big deal?

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Renegade Raider is Coming back to the Item Shop
Later this week, we’re going to see two OG skins return to the item shop. The first, is Renegade Raider. It’s a skin that’s pretty widely known for being rare. It was first released in Fortnite’s earliest season. However, it hasn’t really been back. It first entered the shop when you had to grind your in-game level to a specific point to get access to skins, and then purchase it with V-Bucks. A bit of a weird system now we’re so used to the Battle Pass.
However, since Renegade so rarely came back, it was one of those skins that proved you’d been here since the beginning. Renegade Raider appeared in the item shop for a while when it was first released, then never again. If it comes back, this will be the first time that these items have ever returned.
Aerial Assault Trooper
Along with Renegade Raider, Aerial Assault Trooper is another super early Season 1 skin. It’s also due to be returned according to current Fortnite leaks. However, like Renegade it hasn’t been back in a very long time. Both of these releases will strip away a bit more exclusivity for those who played the game in its first months.
While they hold a lot of status in-game, both Renegade and Aerial Assault are relatively plain. The two skins are from before Fortnite got really creative with their cosmetics. Being essentially just slightly different to defaults. Without the allure of their age and rarity, players might find these two aren’t exactly the most appealing in Fortnite anymore.
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