How to Get the Sword of Kings in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

How to Get the Sword of Kings in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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The world of Dragon Quest 3 Remake is filled with a constant barrage of monsters and enemies, so it’s good to have the best possible weapons at all times. Once you enter Alefgard in the second half of the game, and reach the town of Cantlin, you’ll discover a well-hidden side quest that will allow you to stop looking for weapons for the rest of the game. This is because you’ll be able to forge the Sword of Kings.

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The Sword of Kings is an easily missable weapon in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, and one of the best swords in the game. There are several ways to encounter this side quest, but all of them revolve around helping the new swordsmith in Kol. However, many players will first find the broken sword in Cantlin. In this guide, we’ll explain exactly how to find this quest, and get the Sword of Kings in the Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

How to Get the Sword of Kings in Dragon Quest 3 Remake


You may be able to visit the swordsmith in Kol to start this quest, but we discovered the Broken Sword in Cantlin first. Because of this, this guide will be presented in the order in which we completed each task.

The Sword of Kings, Explained:

The Sword of Kings is an extremely powerful weapon in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. To get this weapon, you’ll need three unique items, which are as follows:

  • Broken Blade: This is located in Cantlin
  • Orichalcum: This is located in Damdara
  • Fore Hammer: This is in Jipang

Once you have all three items, you can return to the swordsmith in Kol. He will forge the Sword of Kings, making it available for use immediately.

Sword of Kings Stats:


Attack Power

Special Use/Description

Sword of Kings


This stately sword sends a shockwave towards a group of enemies when used as an item in battle.

Collect the Broken Blade in Cantlin:

The first stop on this journey is the building along Cantlin’s western edge. Head inside, then go upstairs, and you’ll immediately see the Broken Blade on a desk in the northwest chamber. The ruined sword is sparkling, so you know it’s an important item. Speak to the inventor sitting at the table, and he’ll allow you to take the sword.

Speaking with the inventor will reveal the existence of the swordsmith in Kol. You only need to visit the swordsmith if you do not know what to do next. Our next destination was Damdara, which is in the southwestern corner of Alefgard.

Collect the Orichalcum in Damdara:

The next item you’ll need is Orichalcum, which is located in the stables in southeast Damdara. If you look at the map, you’ll see a large field in the SE corner of town where the horses roam. If you enter the pen, you’ll see a section of the ground that is sparkling. Approach the ground and interact to retrieve the Orichalcum.

Collect the Forge Hammer in Jipang:

The swordsmith informs us that his trusty Forge Hammer was left behind in Jipang. Luckily, it is easy to find. Simply head back to the village of Jipang and enter the house in the northwest corner of town. Inside, you’ll see a sparkling pot in the southwestern corner. Search the pot to reveal the Forge Hammer.

Now that you have all three items, you can return to the swordsmith in Kol.

Forge the Sword of Kings in Kol:

Kol is a small village in northeastern Alefgard. Your destination within the town is the western entrance to the item shop, which is found in the southwestern corner of town. Enter the building, then head upstairs and to the western end of the room to find the swordsmith at his forge. He will ask you for the items, and once you turn them in, he will craft the Sword of Kings. It’s fairly straightforward. From that point on, the Hero will have access to one of the best weapons in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

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