- New magic items in 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide provide variety and creativity for campaigns.
- Items like Thunderous Greatclub and Cube of Summoning offer unique mechanics and gameplay benefits.
- Features like Shield of the Cavalier and Quarterstaff of the Acrobat enhance combat and problem-solving skills.
The 2024 edition of the Dungeon Master’s Guide introduces a treasure trove of new magic items, adding variety and creativity to loot tables for adventurers to discover in their Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. These items offer fresh opportunities for Dungeon Masters to surprise their players, from powerful weapons and enchanted artifacts to tools that encourage clever problem-solving.

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With these additions, the guide expands the possibilities for magical rewards, enriching campaigns with unique mechanics and flavorful lore. Whether you’re crafting epic encounters with devilish hags or stocking a red dragon’s hoard, these new magic items are sure to spark excitement at your table.
Thunderous Greatclub
Make Some Noise
This very rare magic weapon makes the wielder have a Strength score of 20, unless it was already higher than that. It also deals an extra D8 thunder damage on a hit, or 3D8 against inanimate objects that aren’t worn or carried, making it an ideal way of opening locked doors.
On top of that, you can also create special effects with a simple magic action. You can create a clap of thunder that knocks creatures around you prone, or create an earthquake that disrupts anyone’s concentration, as well as destroying most buildings in the area.
Spirit Board
Contact The Dead
The Board’s main function is to use its charges to cast either the Augury or the Commune spells, each spending either one or all three charges respectively. Out of the two, Commune is the most useful spell, working as a way for the party to acquire information about key subjects.
Augury can still be used in a pinch when you need advice on how to progress in the next 30 minutes, but it’s best to save the charges for Commune. Due to the nature of the item, a common house rule is to add the Speak with Dead spell to the list, possibly costing either one or zero charges.
Quarterstaff Of The Acrobat
Ideal For Monks
This quarterstaff is a plus two weapon that can change sizes, from a small rod that is easy to hide to a large pole that improves your reach. When it is sized like a pole or a quarterstaff, it gives advantage on Acrobatic checks, and you can also cause it to emit dim green light regardless of its form.

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The quarterstaff form is by far the most powerful, since it lets you use some special tricks that can benefit a lot of builds. If you use it as a thrown weapon, the staff always comes back to you, and you can twirl it around to raise your AC by five against a single attack, once per dawn.
Shield Of The Cavalier
Considered The Best Shield In The Game
As a plus two shield, the Shield of the Cavalier gives a plus four bonus to AC when wielded, two from being a shield and two from the magical enchantment. You can also replace one of your attacks with a shield bash, dealing 2D6 plus two plus your Strength modifier in damage, and pushing your enemy away from you.
Another special feature of the shield is creating a field as a reaction, which can be triggered by an attack or an area of effect targeting you or an ally five feet from you. The field is an immobile force that prevents creatures from entering or leaving it, so while you can maintain it for up to one minute, you will likely lower the force field to continue your attack.
Energy Bow
Don’t Worry About Ammo
The Energy Bow is great for players that often forget to buy ammo, since it needs none, but it also has no string. This means that, if you have access to some arrows of slaying, you might not be able to use it with this particular bow, unless your Dungeon Master allows it.

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The magical arrows of the Bow have some additional properties, however, letting you restrain enemies or teleporting them around. You can also create a ladder with the arrows up to 60 feet high, letting you access most secluded high areas with ease.
Cube Of Summoning
Surprise Your Enemies
This jack-in-a-box-styled cube has the ability to cast one of the many summon spells, which you choose from by rolling a D6. While the roll gives an aura of randomness to the choice, you can still customize what creature comes out, like choosing between a clay or a metallic construct.
Since the summoning spell is always cast as a level five spell, the creatures summoned are useful in nearly all levels of play. Expect your Dungeon Master to give you access to this cube only for select encounters where you might need help, and then have the item mysteriously disappear after the fight.
Lute Of Thunderous Thumping
A Sturdy Lute
This lute might not seem like much, but it can be an incredibly effective club while having an innocent outlook. Normally, a lute is an improvised weapon when used in combat, one that should break after a hit, but this lute can not only pack a punch, but it also deals an extra 2D8 thunder damage on a hit.
As a bard, you can use your Charisma modifier when swinging the lute, perfect for bards of the college of valor that want a highly thematic weapon. You do need to be humming a tune for the Charisma to count, something that will rarely come up, unless you are fighting in the middle of a silencing effect.
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