It’s time to serve the God Emperor. Warhammer 40,000: Gladius has just gotten another piece of DLC, adding those most loyal to the cause, the Primaris. The franchise’s first foray into the realm of 4X continues going strong, and there’s a large discount currently available to boot.
Despite what you’d expect to be a strong crossover between Games Workshop fans and RTS players, Warhammer 40:000: Gladius is the first 4X game set in the universe. The project’s ongoing success speaks to the desire for such things, as it’s still growing with a healthy playerbase six years after launch.
Now, the Primaris have arrived as part of the Ultima Founding DLC. If you don’t know this particular breed of Space Marine, they’re genetically engineered super-soldiers who’re taller, meaner, and can take a bigger licking than their Firstborn forebears.

They should be strong, since it took ten millennia to get them right. That’s the kind of time the primarchs spend to achieve perfection when it comes to war and, in all honesty, it’s time well spent.
Eight units have been added to the Warhammer 40k game. You have several standard infantry units, ranging from the ranged Hellblasters and jetpack-wielding Inceptors to the flamethrowing Aggressors and the gun-toting Inceptors.
Then there are the vehicles. Of the four listed in the patch notes, the quick, anti-armour four-wheeler Storm Speeder Thunderstrike and the massive walker Redemptor Dreadnought sound like potential battle-changers. Word to the wise – the more the name sounds like a cut off a Judas Priest record, the better the thing is.
If any of this has you wanted to what the fuss is about, Warhammer 40,000: Gladius is 90% off on Steam right now, and the Ultima Founding DLC is $10.95/£8.50. No better time to join the trenches of Gladius Prime.
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