- New Mage hero has been released in Honor of Kings!
- Daji, who lacks an actual heart, is unable to understand human emotions.
- With high burst damage, she can perform quick eliminations!
Daji, the charming and deadly mage hero in Honor of Kings, has become a favorite among players who enjoy high burst damage and quick eliminations. Daji is a powerful mage who excels at bursting down enemies, combined with her annoying passive ability even Tanks are not safe from that burst damage. She is capable of dominating the battlefield easily when played correctly. To this end, our Honor of Kings Daji Guide will explore the best Arcana setup, ideal spells, and essential gameplay tips to help you unleash the full power of Daji on the Gorge.
Skill Analysis of Daji

Passive Skill: Captivate
Whenever Daji’s skill hits an enemy hero, their Magic Defense is reduced. The Magic Defense reduction can be stacked up to 3 times, that is, you have to hit enemies with her skills 3 times to increase your overall damage output greatly.
Skill 1: Soul Impact
Daji unleashes a Soul blast in the target direction, dealing Magic damage to all enemies in its straight-line path.
Skill 2: Strike a Pose
Daji casts a Love Spell on an enemy target, dealing damage and Stunning them for 1.5 seconds. This ability allows you to stun enemies briefly before following up with your other skills.
Skill 3: Heartbreaker
Daji releases 5 hearts that attack all enemies within range at random, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit. When multiple hearts hit the same target, subsequent hearts only deal 50% magical damage. This ability prioritizes surrounding enemy heroes, if there are none it prioritizes the nearest monster/minions. So do ensure your target enemy unit is within range before using this ability.
Skill Level-Up Method for Daji
- Skill 1: Soul Impact – Maximize first as it is Daji’s main damage ability with a lower Cooldown and higher lane clearing potential, especially in the early game.
- Skill 2: Strike a Pose– Upgrade last as it mainly provides Crowd-control.
- Skill 3: Heartbreaker – Prioritize upgrade whenever available for its burst damage potential, allowing Daji to trigger her passive easily on enemy targets.
Best Arcana and Spells for Daji
Arcana Build
- Reincarnation(x10): Increases Magical Attack and Magical Lifesteal, helping Daji to sustain and survive more easily on the Gorge.
- Tribute (x10): Grants Cooldown reduction allowing Daji to spam her abilities more easily during teamfights, thus ensuring that enemies are taken down with each encounter.
- Nightmare (x10): Boosts magical attack and penetration, allowing Daji’s abilities to hit harder and counter tanky opponents.

Battle Spells
- Flash: This Battle spell allows Daji to quickly reposition during teamfights or ganks. It can also help to launch surprise attacks on the enemy’s backlines.
- Purify: Since Daji lacks mobility, equipping the Purify battle spell will come in handy especially when faced with enemies with high Control abilities.
Best Builds for Daji in Honor of Kings
Daji benefits from a build that emphasizes magical damage and magic penetration to melt even the tankiest of heroes. Here is an optimal build to make the most of her abilities:

- Boots of the Arcane: Increases Daji’s movement speed and Magic Penetration, which is essential for positioning and early game domination.
- Scepter of Reverberation: Boosts her movement speed and overall magic damage, with this item’s passive granting extra burst damage when Daji hits enemies with her skill.
- Mask of Agony: Significantly boosts Daji’s magical power and max health, allowing her to deal even more damage to High Health enemies and Tanks.
- Savant’s Wrath: This item greatly increases Daji’s magical attack, making each ability hit much harder
- Void Staff: Grants massive magical penetration, allowing Daji to bypass enemy magical defenses, making her a serious threat to tanky opponents.
- Tome of Wisdom: This item greatly completes the other builds as it increases Daji’s overall damage output based on her Total Magic Power.
Honor of Kings Daji Guide: Gameplay Tips
Early Game
Focus on farming and prioritize using Soul Impact to clear minion waves and poke enemies with its range. In cases where you can’t last hit enemy minions, Soul Impact can also come in handy. Unlock and use Strike a Pose to instantaneously stun the enemy midlaner and then follow up by poking them with Soul Impact.
Play cautiously and avoid overextending, as Daji has low mobility and crowd-control abilities, making it easy for her to be ganked in the early game. So prioritize farming from the safety of your turret or with your team’s support or roamer.
Mid Game
Start joining team fights and ganks to takedown enemy squishy backline heroes by bursting them down using Heartbreaker. Use Strike a Pose to stun them before bursting time down with Heartbreaker. Doing this will help Daji survive and receive the least damage in each engagement. It is even more advisable to prioritize camping in bushes secured by your team, to ambush and secure kills on enemies sneakily. All in all, do ensure to stay close to your allies to achieve objectives and maintain map control.
Late Game
Daji shines in this phase as she can easily one-shot enemy heroes with her skill combo. This is so due to the bonus penetration items coupled with a stacked passive being a thorn against the enemy team. Positioning is the key to making the best out of your burst damage abilities.

In dire instances, you might have to use Flash to teleport to the front of enemies and burst them down with your skills. During teamfights, focus on staying at the edge of battles to stay alive and poke enemies from the backline..
Skill 1 → Skill 2 → Skill 3 → Skill 1
Heroes Daji Counters | Heroes that Counter Daji |
Huo Yi | Lam |
Luban No. 7 | Prince of Lanling |
Cai Yan | Princess Frost |
Final Thoughts
Daji’s high-risk, high-reward playstyle can turn the tide of battle with devastating bursts of damage. It is worth knowing that Daji excels in precise timing and positioning, so practice is key to mastering her abilities. With this guide, you’re well on your way to dominating your matches and securing victory for your team.
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