Most Fun Exploits In The Dark Souls Games

Most Fun Exploits In The Dark Souls Games

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Key Takeaways

  • Dark Souls exploits offer shortcuts, like triggering skips and duplicating items, to make the game easier and more rewarding.
  • Exploiting glitches like the Sen’s Fortress Gate Skip or duplicating Titanite Slabs can save time and enhance gameplay.
  • Players can utilize complex exploits like the Area Transition Skip to bypass challenging sections and optimize their Dark Souls experience.

Dark Souls is one of the most iconic video game trilogies that fans can’t get enough of. Every game in the series is worth checking out for its tantalizing combat and exploration, which is in a class of its own.

13 Soulslikes That Are Easier Than Dark Souls

Dark Souls is a classic, but notoriously difficult game. For gamers who want something more forgiving, these similar titles are great choices.

It helps that Dark Souls embraces its identity as a grueling challenge and boasts a passionate fanbase always on the lookout to uncover numerous exploits. As long as players don’t mind skipping content or trivializing challenges, they’ll have a great time making the most of these exploits.

Accomplished By Triggering The Deathcam Without Dying

Sen's Fortress in Dark Souls

Fans of Dark Souls‘ speedruns are well aware of a famous skip that shaves off a ton of time from a run. To trigger this glitch, players must make the game think that the Chosen Undead has died while keeping their character alive.

This triggers the deathcam, which prevents certain things from loading if players move around in this state. This extends to the gate that prevents players from entering Sen’s Fortress until they ring the two bells first. Players who enter the fortress after successfully executing this glitch will find it to be a memorable moment indeed.

2 Duplicate Titanite Slabs For Max Profit

Involves The Heartless Act Of Killing Siegward

Dark Souls Unforgettable NPCs Siegward

Titanite Slabs are valuable upgrade items that are usually pretty rare. However, exploiting the death of a fan-favorite character in the Irythll Dungeon lets players duplicate this item as much as they want until they’re satisfied.

Killing Siegward may be heartbreaking after players progress his questline, but it’s a necessary evil that must be braved for players to acquire 99 Titanite Slabs. This is achieved by heading to the Church of Yorshka and circling this area over and over again to trick the game into generating duplicates of this upgrade item dropped by Siegward after he’s killed. Players can sell these items for a tidy sum of Souls and turn the Ashen One into a beast in no time.

3 Duplicate Items With Frampt

Useful For Obtaining Multiple Copies Of Rare Items

Frampt guides the player through much of Dark Souls 1

Kingseeker Frampt is an intriguing character who actively encourages players to link the fire at the end of the game after killing Gwyn. However, most people know this character because of an insane exploit with many steps that must be carried out in quick succession.

13 Soulslikes That Are Easier Than Dark Souls

Dark Souls is a classic, but notoriously difficult game. For gamers who want something more forgiving, these similar titles are great choices.

This involves dropping the maximum amount of arrows in his bucket and keeping the menu open as they perform a ton of weird actions. If the player succeeds in following every convoluted step, then they’re rewarded with an item duplication glitch that lets them acquire numerous copies of important items.

4 Farm The Giant Lord

A Bonfire Ascetic Can Be Used To Repeat This Boss Encounter Numerous Times

Dark Souls 2 Giant Lord standing on a castle wall

The Giant Lord is a relatively easy boss found very close to a bonfire. Dark Souls 2 fans are aware of the Bonfire Ascetic item that forces an area to scale up and reach the next cycle of New Game+, reviving any bosses in the process.

This means that players can kill the Giant Lord, chuck this item into a bonfire to respawn this foe, and beat him over and over again until they acquire a decent amount of Souls. It’s a time-consuming task, but one that will help the Bearer of the Curse become ridiculously strong in no time.

5 Freeze The Abyss Watchers To Trivialize This Encounter

Players Must Mess Around With Certain Triggers To Confuse The Boss

Abyss Watchers Phase 2 in Dark Souls 3

The Abyss Watchers can be tricky to deal with, but players can use an exploit to freeze this boss and turn it into a trivial encounter. Moments before triggering the boss, players must unleash a charge attack with a longsword and quit the game when the boss cutscene plays midway through this attack animation.

If done correctly, players will spawn in the boss arena where the main Abyss Watcher is static and doesn’t react to the player at all. The only thing that needs to be done after this point is to take potshots at this challenging boss until he’s down for the count.

6 The Area Transition Skip That’s Ridiculously Hard To Execute

Players Can Skip Lower Undead Burg, The Depths, And Blighttown If They Succeed

Dark Souls Blighttown

If players want to check out just how much they can push the out-of-boundaries exploits in Dark Souls, then this area transition skip is the best thing for them. It involves a complicated series of events where players must fool the game into thinking that they are in a particular position moments before jumping on an elevator in Firelink Shrine that leads players to the New Londo Ruins while aiming a bow.

The Best Action RPGs To Play If You Like Dark Souls

Dark Souls is one of the best video games of all time and has changed the gaming industry forever. Here are some other great action RPGs like it.

Quitting the game forces players out of bounds, where they must quit the game again the very moment they land to spawn unharmed. The Fall Control spell is a must here since players must succeed in nailing the landing for two surefire death drops before they reach Quelaag’s Domain. It’s a ridiculously hard glitch to trigger, but a satisfying one that skips a ton of the journey players must undertake to ring the bell after defeating Quelaag.

7 Trick The Dragonrider To Fall To His Death

Don’t Use Any Switches And Coax Him Into Unleashing A Thrust Attack That Sends Him To His Doom

Dark Souls 2 Dragonrider fight

Dark Souls 2 has a habit of forcing players into tough encounters that will punish them for trying to make progress in areas where they’re too under-leveled. The Dragonrider is a boss fight near Majula where the arena is precarious unless players pull two switches, but the exploit that kills this boss in no time requires the boss stage to be as small as possible.

After entering the boss arena, players should wait for the boss to take six steps before approaching him and rolling to the right. If done correctly, it’s a guarantee that the Dragonrider will miss his thrust attack and fall into the water, ending this fight in a few seconds.

8 Kill Iudex Gundyr From The Other Side Of The Fog Gate

An Easy Way To Cheese The First Boss

dark souls 3 iudex gundyr

The first boss in Dark Souls 3 may not be all that challenging, but players who want to humiliate this boss and take revenge for the many times Champion Gundyr juggled them to death will love this exploit. After pulling the Coiled Sword out of him, players should quit the very moment Gundyr starts moving.

After this, players should slowly enter the boss arena and wait for Gundyr to move before running back to the entrance of the boss arena. If done correctly, the fog gate should spawn with the Ashen One on the other side, making it easy to take Gundyr out from behind the boss arena. His attacks can still land, so players shouldn’t get greedy and only land a few hits before rolling away and repeating the process.


    September 22, 2011

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