Call of Duty Zombies is always trying to evolve and innovate with each new entry. This constant strive for evolution has frequently led to fans thinking that the mode has changed too much, and lost its identity. As such, it’s usually the more subtle improvements and features that tend to be received the best by fans, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6‘s Zombies mode has a few of those.
While Call of Duty: Black Ops 6‘s Zombies mode has added some major new features, like the recently released Directed Mode, it’s mostly kept things pretty traditional, trying to go back to basics after Modern Warfare 3‘s unconventional open-world Zombies mode. That said, there are still a few modern Zombies features that have been allowed to stay, like the ability to Exfil during a match. And while Exfil deserves its status as a new staple of Call of Duty Zombies, it could still be improved.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Has The Opportunity To Take Exfil To The Next Level
Exfil Has Become a Welcome Staple of Call of Duty Zombies
Exfil was first introduced in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War‘s Zombies mode back in 2020. Exfil allows the team to bring the match to a close without completing an Easter egg or manually leaving the match unceremoniously. In this original iteration, Exfil sees players heading to a specific spot on the map after round 10 and calling in a helicopter to extract them from the field. Players are given one and a half minutes to get to a specific area, clear all zombies in the vicinity, and hop aboard the chopper.
Exfil has appeared in every Call of Duty Zombies mode since, showing up in Call of Duty: Vanguard, Modern Warfare 3, and now Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. The general rules for Exfil have stayed the same across all of its iterations, with Black Ops 6 still requiring players to call in a chopper, head to a specified area, and wipe out the remaining zombies to extract.
The Exfil mechanic has been a welcome addition to Call of Duty Zombies, with it giving players an opportunity to earn bonus XP when they want to leave a match, and giving the match a sense of rewarding finality that otherwise isn’t felt when simply succumbing to the zombie horde. Black Ops 6‘s Exfil also gives players a bonus Gobblegum if they successfully extract after wave 16.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Can Improve Exfil In a Few Ways
But Call of Duty Zombies‘ Exfil mechanic isn’t quite perfect. One obvious improvement that Exfil still needs is the ability to call in an extraction without the rest of the team’s approval. When playing Zombies solo, players can call in an Exfil immediately. But when playing in co-op, the entire team needs to vote on whether the chopper’s called.
When playing with randoms, it’s very rare that everyone agrees to call in an Exfil at the same time. This lack of consensus often leads to the player who wanted the Exfil to quit the game anyway, meaning they lose out on bonus XP and the team is still down a member. It’s a little strange that players still can’t call in an Exfil for themselves, where they could fight to secure an area and leave via chopper while the rest of the party stays.
Another obvious improvement would be adding multiple Exfil call-in sites to some of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6‘s bigger Zombies maps. Terminus, for instance, is a fairly large map, and it can be a bit tricky for players to make their way to the Exfil call-in spot in the prison if they’re underground or on one of the surrounding islands.
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