I wish I may, I wish I might, get some cool rewards in Infinity Nikki tonight! If you haven’t checked out the Daily Wish menu of your Peal-Pal yet in Infinity Nikki, then you’re missing out on a stream of daily rewards for completing plenty of the things you’re doing through natural gameplay already!

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Whether it’s making new outfits, collecting items, playing minigames, and more, the Daily Wishes in Infinity Nikki will always pay out with some sweet rewards. You’ll earn things like Diamonds, Bling, Mira EXP, and even the elusive Threads of Purity required for all your outfit sketches.
Daily Wishes Provide Rewards For Simple Daily Tasks
If you’ve ever played one of the more popular gatcha games, you’re likely familiar with the systems that offer daily tasks in exchange for in-game rewards, which encourage players to log in regularly to stock up on currencies and prizes for doing the things they’re naturally doing by playing the game for a while. Infinity Nikki is no exception to this rule, and our daily rewards system in this game is called Daily Wishes.
Once you’ve gotten your Pear-Pal from Dada in Florawish in the earliest portions of the game at the Stylist’s Guild, you’ll have access to a plethora of new things! You can check out your compendium to see how complete your wardrobe catalog is, level your Miracle Outfits up to make them even stronger, add and interact with your in-game friends, and so much more. One of the biggest things you unlock with the Pear-Pal is the Daily Wishes menu, the wish bottle with a star on it in the bottom-right corner of the Pear-Pal menu.
In this menu, you’ll see six wishes strung up in bottles like you’d see on the Great Wishtree in Florawish, each of which corresponds to a simple task someone is asking you to complete. Below the strand of wishes for the day, you’ll see a brief description of what the wish is for, as well as who made it (you might recognize some of the names!).
don’t need to accept Daily Wishes
in any way before you can compete these tasks; you may even find some have been completed already if you’ve played a bit before checking out the menu for the day! Click on any bottle to read the details of the wish made inside.
What Kinds Of Tasks Can Be Daily Wishes?
The icons inside the wish bottles correspond to what you’ll be asked to do in order to complete that daily wish. You’ll see some that are fairly easy to identify – like the Momo-shaped camera that corresponds to picture-taking wishes or bolts of fabric for crafting a new outfit – but others are a little more convoluted, even when consulting the hint at the bottom of the screen. The numbers listed with the icon are how you’ll see how many items you need for this task, with collection tasks having higher corresponding numbers.
When looking at the hint shown at the bottom of the Daily Wishes screen when you’ve got a wish bottle selected, the game will show you important information in a couple different ways. For example, key objectives are highlighted in yellow text, with other important information like locations or prerequisites instead listed in blue text, calling attention to the most critical parts of each wish.
Wishes will be for a number of different tasks, plenty of which you’ll be doing organically as you progress through the story bit by bit. Potential daily wishes include things like:
- Taking photos of just about everything around Miraland.
- Creating new pieces of clothing from your assorted sketches, such as things you unlocked with your Whimstars in the Heart of Infinity.
- Collecting specific items, like types of plants or critters.
- Playing the minigames you’ll find in plenty of townships and cities across Miraland.
You may see wishes you can’t complete yet, depending on where you are in terms of story progression and map exploration. The further you play in Infinity Nikki, the better luck you’ll have with certain daily wishes.

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Collect Rewards For Completed Wishes
At the top of the screen, you’ll see a corresponding progression meter where you’ll track your daily progress on wishes and collect any rewards given for completing these tasks. Each wish you complete will earn you a number of Wish Glimmers, which help fill that progress bar toward even more rewards. Generally, each wish will correspond to one reward, and you’ll receive things like:
- Diamonds, the currency that allows you to purchase rarer goods.
- Threads of Purity to use when creating new clothing pieces after obtaining their sketch.
- Bling, one of the more common currencies in Miraland.
- Mira EXP, which corresponds to your player progression as you increase your Mira Level.
Wishes refresh once daily at 4AM EST, meaning you’d do well to make checking them a standard part of your log-in when you play Infinity Nikki! These tasks are things you’ll be doing while you play anyway, so always be sure to check what rewards you can grab for doing some of them.
Any uncollected rewards are lost when daily wishes reset
, so be sure to collect anything you’ve earned before logging out for the day!

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