The average game these days likes to hold your hand by forcing you to complete in-depth tutorials and helping you out along the way. Ravenswatch is not one of those games. There is an in-game manual that has a bit of information, but you mostly have to figure out what to do on your own.
This would be fine if the game were easy. Yet, it’s very challenging, and the game puts you under constant time pressure, which makes things even worse. Therefore, it can be fairly daunting for new players to go in blind. To help with that, here is a collection of tips that can give you a bit of a foothold and assist you in the early stages of the adventure.
Avoid Pointless Battles
Managing your time is very important in Ravenswatch, as after 18 minutes, you’re going to be forced to fight the chapter’s boss. Before that, you need to make sure you’ve gone up a few levels and got some upgrades.
You won’t have time for that if you’re fighting a bunch of random enemies for no reason. Yes, you will gain a bit of experience by beating them, but you can get more XP by completing points of interest. Plus, the things you want to get to, like chests and vision towers, are always surrounded by enemies anyway. So, you should fight those instead.
Each Activity Has A Difficulty Level
What you might not realize when you first start playing is that most of the icons on the map have a difficulty rating, indicated by the color of the outline around them. Green means easy difficulty, orange means moderate difficulty, and red means hard difficulty.
So, when you first start a chapter, you want to head toward green ones, as they’ll be more manageable. Yet, when you begin to get stronger, you may want to go for the orange or red ones, as they typically offer better rewards.
Get Vision Towers
There are several points of interest on the map, but some of the most valuable ones are the Vision Towers. This is because once you clear the enemies around one of them and interact with the raven statue, more icons will appear on the map.
As the game is all about doing things quickly, having as many icons on the map as possible is incredibly useful, as it gives you locations to head toward instead of just walking around aimlessly. Plus, unlocking Vision Towers also gains you a decent amount of XP. So, it’s a good idea to head to these towers when they appear on your map. This is particularly true if they have a green outline since you should always be strong enough to take those.
You Can Still Get XP For Half-Completing Chapter One Side Quests
The side quest in the first chapter has you collecting materials for what the game calls a Swyne. Once you start the quest, a timer also begins. You don’t get long, so they can be quite tough to complete. However, you can get some valuable XP from the side quests without fully finishing it.
If you just acquire and then bring back some of the materials the Swyne needs, you still get some experience. Of course, you don’t get as much as you do for getting all of the material they need. But if you find yourself low on time and you only have half of what you need, don’t be afraid to take that back before time runs out to get some XP.
Make Use Of Fast Travel
Typically, fast travel in games is used to avoid tiresome and long journeys, meaning it’s almost exclusively for convenience. In Ravenswatch, however, it’s a lot more useful. After all, you’re always working against the clock. So, if you can get from one side of the map to the other in seconds, that will be very useful.
You unlock fast travel spots by simply walking near them. They’re the purple circles on the ground surrounded by ravens. Once you have some unlocked, you can open up the map and select the one you want to teleport to. You have to be outside of combat to do so.
Complete Chapter One Multiple Times To Unlock Every Character
Every character in the game is very different from one another. Therefore, you should try to find the character that suits you the best by testing all of them out.
However, to do that, you first need to unlock each of them. You start the game with four available, but there are five more to unlock. Thankfully, doing so isn’t too complicated. Each one is unlocked by beating chapter one with a specific character.
Here is a full breakdown:
Beating Chapter One With… |
Unlocks |
Scarlet |
Aladdin |
Pied Piper |
Melusine |
Beowulf |
Geppetto |
The Snow Queen |
Sun Wukong |
Aladdin, Melusine, Sun Wukong, or Geppetto |
Carmilla |

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