Explosions are common in a firefight in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, as enemies are prone to throw entirely too many grenades your way. However, if you want to deliver massive amounts of firepower in a single shot, you want the RPG, called the RPG-7U, in-game. Unfortunately, getting your hand on the rocket launcher will take time and no small amount of effort.

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A weapon as powerful as the RPG, especially in a world like Stalker 2’s, necessitates it being hard to find and even harder to get back to safety. You’ll learn exactly where to get your rocket-propelled grenade here.
How To Get The RPG
Bad news first. The RPG is locked behind two challenging parts of Stalker 2: a later-game, main-story quest and the most dangerous area in the entire game, the Swamps in the southeastern part of the Zone.
Specifically, you’ll be going to the Clear Sky Base at the deepest part of the Swamps, which is not a journey you want to make twice, so getting the RPG during the story quest is by far the preferred choice. There are no fast travel points in the Swamps, either, so unless you want to return more than once, do your due diligence the first and only time you go there.
You’ll venture to the Swamps during the mission Ad Astra Per Aspera, and that’s the first time you’ll be able to navigate the area, as you need a special map item to avoid being teleported all over the place.
After disabling the four psi-beacons in the region and fleeing from a chimera mutant that can kill you in two hits through some of the best armor in the game, you’ll reach the Warden Shack.
In the area east of the Clear Sky bunker, you’ll discover a pair of locked green doors. The RPG is behind them, but there’s no key nearby to unlock them (and for good reason).
Instead, you need to make your way to the room with RPG via a hole in the building’s roof, which takes a few steps to reach.
From the door, turn around and drop down through the hole in the walkway.
Crouch down and turn left. Then, head straight through the undergrowth until you reach the fence line, making another left.
Return to the wooden platform, again on the left, and take the staircase to the roof level. Clamber up onto the lower rooftop and make your way across the roof made of metal sheeting, then down through the hole near the chimney.
Out the nearby door is a spacial anomaly you can clear with a bolt, then drop down through the hole at the far corner. In the room beneath, head northwest to find the room with the RPG, a large stash, and the boarded-up green door.
Now that you have the RPG, you need to get out of the swamp. And because it, and the Scanner you likely have on your back if you did this at the same time as the story, weigh a combined 19.5 kilograms, you’ll either need to have expanded your equip load or have plenty of Hercules stims handy.
Your escape will take you along the eastern edge of the Swamps — and the Zone itself — and you’ll still need to navigate back to a base with a pack full of loot. And an RPG, of course.

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