Sometimes, the main source of tension in an anime is the tumultuous relationship between the main protagonist and antagonist. Even if those characters don’t fit the typical ‘hero/villain’ dynamic, their fights, dialogue, and even their character arcs can still mirror or compliment each other in unexpected ways. The main hero and main villain may also end up being family or former lovers, which adds plenty of extra tension.

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This dynamic is in a good deal of anime, yet in each one, it presents itself slightly differently. No matter what form it takes, though, the hero and the villain have a certain type of chemistry that pulls your attention and makes you question whether they could’ve been allies in another life.
10 Shoto & Dabi Todoroki
My Hero Academia
These brothers have polar-opposite views of the world, but that doesn’t mean they have zero connection to each other. Dabi and Shoto were separated early on, and when the two of them find each other again, they both have changed exponentially. To Dabi, Shoto is just another puppet of Endeavor’s, but Shoto responds with nothing but grief and empathy for his brother despite Dabi becoming a villain.
Dabi’s hatred and twisted view of the world lessens when he’s faced with Shoto’s unrelenting belief in him and his ability to be good, enough for the two of them to have many moments of clarity and understanding throughout the anime. The two of them deserve a happy ending.
9 L & Light Yagami
Death Note
These two characters aren’t family, yet they have a dynamic that resembles a lost family member at certain points of the anime. Even if the two of them are enemies, the way the two of them interact makes them seem more like friends. L and Light’s character arcs circling around each other is just one piece of the complex puzzle that is their relationship. L’s biggest goal is to catch Light as Kira, after all.
They both share an intense drive that shapes who they are, even if that’s on two opposite sides of the spectrum of good and evil. Even if Light is always under the influence of the Death Note’s power, his sense of justice that should exist in the world mirrors L’s own pursuit of justice.
8 Goku & Vegeta
Dragon Ball
This duo is one of the most iconic, considering how monumental Dragon Ball is. The fact that Goku and Vegeta both respect each other despite their intense rivalry means that they ultimately end up pushing each other to grow and evolve. Goku even spares Vegeta’s life on multiple occasions throughout the anime, particularly because he admires Vegeta’s strength and wants a chance to fight him again in the future.

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Vegeta cheers Goku on in return, whether it’s literal cheering or simply just rooting for him as a comrade. They’re both powerhouses who can both appreciate the value of strength even in their most sworn enemies. The two of them work as perfect foils to each other.
7 Guts & Griffith
These two are the definition of what could have been. They both admire each other deeply at certain points in the anime, and while they have a rivalry, there are always hints left for you to wonder if Guts and Griffith could’ve ended up working together if things had gone differently for the both of them. The fact that they both improve so drastically over time makes them perfect rivals, but their persistent appearances in each other’s lives suggests otherwise.
Griffith even insists on trying to persuade Guts to join him, cementing the fact that Griffith wants Guts around even if they’re always fighting. Guts leaving the group does little to dampen the connection between the two of them, and there are plenty of romantic undertones that aren’t quite explored.
6 Naruto & Sasuke
Sasuke and Naruto have a hate-love relationship, even though Naruto remains determined to have a positive and close connection to Sasuke. There are so many questions about their dynamic that remain unanswered, including what would happen if the two of them put aside their hatred for each other early on in the anime. Eventually, they do form a bond based on their undeniable respect for each other, especially since Naruto seeks out Sasuke to maintain that bond.
Sasuke also risks his life as a ninja to help Naruto early on, and with that kind of early foundation for a connection, it’s no wonder the two of them gravitate towards each other. The two of them aren’t particularly friends, but their respect for each other keeps you wondering if they could be.
5 Winry & Scar
Fullmetal Alchemist
This entry contains spoilers for Fullmetal Alchemist!Scar being a villanized character feels even more tragic when you consider how he and Winry had so much opportunity for forgiveness and growth before Winry found out about his actions in arguably the worst way possible. The way Scar kills as a result of his trauma is directly the opposite from how Winry uses her hardships to help people, and if they had just had more time to talk, maybe the two of them would’ve been allies.

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Winry and Scar’s conflicts both revolve around each other, whether they like it or not, and although Winry is far more gentle than Scar on every occasion, when she finds out he was behind her parents’ murders, her rage matches his. They’re similar, but they didn’t get the chance to see that similarity.
4 Yor & Yuri
Spy x Family
Yuri and Yor are unknowingly both fighting similar fights and keeping similar deadly secrets from each other at the same time. This level of subversion and deception between the two siblings has a lot of potential to create an immense rift between them, yet their bond remains extremely strong throughout the anime. They both dance around finding out the other’s secret, but never quite get close.
Yuri is very protective of his sister, and a large majority of his career drive is motivated by his love for her. Yor is also protective of Yuri, especially since she’s the older sibling. It helps that both of them are menacing in their own ways, too.
3 Mikasa & Eren
Attack On Titan
This entry contains spoilers for Attack On Titan!The tragedy here is that Eren started out as a bright-eyed hero, but when he becomes a Titan, his relationship with Mikasa becomes complicated, to say the least. Eren and Mikasa are both protective of each other and care deeply for each other, so it’s no surprise that their ultimate ending is so difficult for Mikasa to go through. She and Eren are extremely close, ever since they were children, and they look out for each other no matter what.
When Mikasa is forced to kill Eren, their relationship makes that decision so much more emotionally charged than a typical hero versus villain clash. And although Eren isn’t the most evil, the position he’s put in forces him to be a villain. That’s far worse than just being evil from the start.
2 Luffy & Admiral Garp
One Piece
Luffy being the grandson of a high-ranking Marine feels like a complete antithesis to who his character is as a person- until you inspect their relationship a little closer, that is. Vice Admiral Garp might not always approve of Luffy’s methods, his recklessness, or his crewmates, but he still supports his grandson from afar. He even roots for Luffy directly, even when the Straw Hats are battling Marines.
Luffy also never stops considering Garp his family, however distant the two of them become from each other. If they ever fought side by side, there’s no telling how powerful they’d be as a team. It would be an interesting fight to watch unfold!
1 Natsu & Zeref
Fairy Tail
This entry contains spoilers for Fairy Tail!Natsu and Zeref have one of the most tragic sibling relationships in anime. Even though Zeref’s curse played a large role in turning him into the Black Wizard, the embodiment of evil, he never stopped caring about his baby brother, especially when it came to saving his life. Natsu might have grown to hate Zeref at first because of everything he did, but towards the end of the anime he even starts referring to Zeref as his big brother.
Natsu does respect his brother’s love for him, despite holding a powerful demon seed because of that twisted form of Zeref’s love. At the end of the day, the two of them might be on completely opposite sides of a magical war, but as a family, they deserve more time together.
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