Key Takeaways
- Dragon Age: The Veilguard brings back beloved characters from previous games and tie-in media, like Morrigan and Valta.
- Solas returns as a major antagonist, showing his true nature and causing drama for players who romanced him in Inquisition.
- The Inquisitor appears in The Veilguard, customizable to match the player’s previous Inquisition experience, adding nostalgic drama.
Despite Dragon Age: The Veilguard making a rather controversial decision not to import the majority of decisions players have made through the overarching Dragon Age story, it nonetheless still loves its callbacks. What would this series be without a good cheese reference in every new game?

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – 7 Best Bosses
There are lots of bosses to face in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, but which are the best and most memorable?
Aside from the many Easter eggs, this sequel also includes a number of returning characters from previous games. There may not be as many as some fans would have hoped, but it’s still good to see some old friends again as the world tears itself apart (this sentence has several meanings).
Character and plot spoilers for Dragon Age: The Veilguard below.
9 Honorable Mentions
Not From The Games, But We Still Love Them
Interestingly enough, not all of the returning characters are from the games. Some made their debuts in the various Dragon Age books and comics, most notably suave detective Neve Gallus and Veil Jumper members Strife and Irelin, both of whom appeared in the tie-in comic Dragon Age: The Missing.
They’re not the only ones, either. Coffee-loving Antivan Crow assassin Lucanis Dellamorte and seasoned necromancer Emmrich Volkarin were both featured in the anthology novel Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights.
8 Morrigan
Not Bad For An Introverted Forest Witch
Easily one of the most integral characters to the whole of Dragon Age, Morrigan has been there since the beginning with a sharp tongue, devastating spells, and fresh torment for Alistair. Luckily for him, he’s not around this time, so she’s mellowed out a bit.
First appearing in Dragon Age: Origins, Morrigan was an initially unwilling guide for your party before eventually warming up to her companions (or not, she’s an acquired taste). While not showing up in Dragon Age 2, she’s been in every game since, taking on a more wise advisor role. This time, it’s actually by choice. Ah, character development.
7 Solas
May The Dread Wolf Fake You Out
For a character only just introduced in the previous game, Solas has really managed to worm his way into the spotlight. First appearing in Dragon Age: Inquisition, he deceived everyone by hiding his true nature as an ancient elven god of trickery, and now he’s back on his bullcrap.
In The Veilguard, there’s no mistaking who this tricky egg is. Solas has got a plan, and it involves some not super great things for the mortal world. Luckily, Rook and their team are here to mess with him, and if you romanced Solas in Inquisition, your Inquisitor might have a little more drama ahead of them.
6 Valta
Can’t Get Much Closer To The Stone Than This
Many players may have missed this return completely, either from not doing the related quest or simply not realizing who they were seeing. During one of Harding’s personal quests in The Veilguard, you end up meeting a giant talking statue named The Oracle, but that wasn’t her original name.

Dragon Age: Every Book, Game, And DLC In Chronological Order
Dragon Age has a lengthy timeline between the books, DLCs, and games themselves — here’s every bit of it presented in chronological order!
It’s actually Valta, whom you met if you played The Descent DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition. She starts out guiding the party only to discover a personal connection to the ancient colossal beings known as the Titans. She seems to have… developed a bit since then, and has some traditionally cryptic words to offer Harding on her own similar journey of self-discovery.
5 Dorian Pavus
His New Enemy Is A Straight Razor
When fans heard that The Veilguard would take place largely in Tevinter, their ears immediately perked up knowing it’s the hometown of distinguished mage and resident fancy dude Dorian Pavus. BioWare kept the secret well, but the well-dressed cat is out of the bag now.
Dorian first appeared in Dragon Age: Inquisition as a sympathetic Tevinter mage who proved not everyone in that often tyrannical country is the same. So with his drive for justice and impeccable screen presence, it only made sense that he would show up in The Veilguard, even if just for a couple cameos.
4 Varric Tethras
Does A Lot More Killing Than Most Authors, Presumably
If Morrigan is one face of Dragon Age, it can be argued that Varric is the other. Of course, that implies it’s a two-faced series, which actually kind of makes sense given its love of devastating reveals and mage betrayals.

8 Games To Play If You Like Dragon Age: The Veilguard
There are plenty of fantasy worlds with bald antagonists.
Varric has been the charming storyteller taking part in all of the important goings-on since Dragon Age 2. Now, in The Veilguard, he’s got a new look and a new role, both of which prove to be varying levels of surprising for players.
3 Scout Lace Harding
Adorable And Deadly, The Perfect Combo
Harding is back, and she finally discovered hairstyling. In Inquisition, she’s the scout who surveys every region before you get there, offering some info and a little banter when you first arrive. You can even flirt with her and start a well-hidden casual fling.
But she finally got promoted to full party member in The Veilguard, and with that position comes the privilege of a full romance as well. This one is harder to miss, thankfully. But she’s more than that, as her endearing personality is still intact along with some new distinctly non-dwarf-like powers.
2 Isabela
“They Don’t Know Me. I Know Me.”
Isabela is one of the few characters who actually appears in every Dragon Age game in some capacity. Yes, even Inquisition (she’s in the multiplayer mode). But while none have been as prominent as her role in Dragon Age 2, it’s been fun to see her move up in the world.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Vs. Baldur’s Gate 3 – Which Game Is Better?
In the battle of fantasy RPGs, does The Veilguard or Baldur’s Gate 3 come out on top?
In Origins, Isabela is a ship captain willing to teach you a few fighting tricks. In 2, she reappears with a new look and a new voice, retaining her free spirit while fighting as your companion. By the time The Veilguard comes around, she’s now the leader of the treasure-hunting Lords of Fortune faction, complete with a really nice hat.
1 The Inquisitor
Ten Years And Still Hasn’t Figured Out Clothes
While fans have been understandably disappointed at the lack of the Hero of Fereldan or Hawke from the first two games, it admittedly makes far more sense for the Inquisitor, your player character from Inquisition and leader of the titular organization, to show up. Somebody important from Solas’ past has to be there, after all.
You get to customize their look at the beginning of The Veilguard to keep them in line with how they looked in your playthrough of Inquisition. BioWare even confined the Inquisitor to ugly pajamas the whole time. How nostalgic. They play a background role for most of the story, but at certain points, and especially if they romanced Solas, things can get a bit more dramatic.
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