For both beginners to the genre and time-hardened veterans, there are a variety of MMOs out there to appeal to every taste and gameplay desire. Unlike other genres, such as JRPGs or even CRPGs, the fanbase for MMOs is much broader and varied in terms of what they’re after. Besides the fact that grouping a genre around something like a focus on roleplaying is inherently more focused, most MMO fans will only have one or two titles they’ve invested their time and money into thoroughly.

Why One Piece Would Be the Perfect Material for a Shonen MMO
One Piece is more than deserving of another video game adaptation, and an MMO would be the perfect genre to deliver fans an authentic experience.
Despite this variance in gameplay preferences across the board, there are a few features that every MMO, from the early classics to the giants of today, have needed to get right in order to attract a stable fanbase. One such feature is compelling music. The soundtracks and battle themes of an MMO help shape its identity and give its worldbuilding a strong foundation. In particular, these MMOs have fantastic music attached to them, with soundtracks that are widely praised by their respective fanbases.
8 Everquest
Nostalgic, Wistful Ambient Tracks
A monolithic title, not just among MMOs or even RPGs but video games in general, Everquest was well ahead of its time at release, as has since been credited with pioneering how MMOs are viewed today. Even at launch, this game ran and performed well, and subsequent updates have only made it more user friendly as time goes on.
The music in the game is often slower and ponderous, but it picks up the pace when it has to. It’s a wistful, dreamlike game soundtrack with few equals, and beyond the nostalgia it might evoke in the game’s longtime fans, it will stick with any new players as well as old.
7 Maplestory
An Idyllic And Soothing Soundtrack
The incredibly social MMOMaplestory has many unique features that help it stand out among its peers, despite its long time on the shelves. (Well, not ‘shelves per se, it’s free to play, but you understand the sentiment.)
Despite the somewhat cartoonish art style that pervades this game, the music is often grand and sweeping – or at times, idyllic and tranquil. It’s a great mixture that helps immerse players in this 2D world.
6 Black Desert Online
Music Fit For Epic Battles
- Released
- March 3, 2016
- Developer(s)
- Pearl Abyss
- Publisher(s)
- Pearl Abyss
A somewhat divisive MMO in terms of who loves and who hates it, Black Desert Online is nonetheless a staple within the MMO scene, known for its high quality, cinematic graphics and incredibly slick, unique charm.
While grinding in PvE or fighting competitively, players will be graced with grand, orchestral scores. The music in this game reflects the grandeur of every weapon and armor set in perfect tandem with the player.
5 Lineage 2
An MMO With Iconic Music
Lineage 2
- Released
- April 27, 2004
- Developer(s)
- NCSoft , E&G Studios
- Publisher(s)
- NCSoft , Tencent , Innova
Lineage 2 might not be as prevalent on most peoples’ radars as some of the other titles on this list, but there’s an exceptional MMO here that strikes a balance between making the paid content feel worthwhile while also not having the free-to-play sections feel too scummy.
The music is beyond just good in this game. It’s amazing. It is a core part of the experience – which should be the case for most games, granted, but here the score truly goes above and beyond with thrumming baselines that beat in your chest and some perfect accompaniments to emotional plot beats.

8 MMORPGs With The Best Daily Grind
Daily activities and quests are a staple in many MMORPGs, but not all of them manage to make the grind as fun as the following titles.
4 Lord Of The Rings Online
A Classic Movie Style Soundtrack
With its slew of expansions and iconic design, it’s little surprise that Lord of the Rings Online is still one of the most played MMOs today. Far than simply cashing in on an established IP, this game brings so much intricacy to the world of Tolkien’s design.
The music is as fantastic here as it is in Peter Jackson’s films, evoking the same imagery and feelings in those who are longtime fans of the films and books, as well as those looking to just give another MMORPG a try.
Music Adds A New Dimension To Tamriel
The Elder Scrolls series is known for a few things. Obscure, esoteric law, utterly unhinged necromancers, and – especially in the more recent titles – some fantastic music. Continuing the tradition of titles like Skyrim in having some scores that are known for punctuating epic combat scenes, ESO has some fantastic music.
Music accompanies perilous dungeons and idle overworld wandering, providing the right level of ambiance or intensity when necessary. The iconic refrain from previous Elder Scrolls titles also returns at select moments.
2 Guild Wars 2
A Game Known For Its Exceptional Music
Similar to titles like Lineage 2, the music in Guild Wars as a series is one of the most memorable and well known things about it. The MMO has continued to maintain its popularity even as giants such as ESO, WOW, or the more recent New World Aeternum continue to fill up space in the MMO scene.
The music is an enduring part of this title’s success, alongside the tight gameplay and impressive graphics that continue to hold up years later.
1 Final Fantasy 14
There Are Few Soundtracks That Compete With This One
Perhaps one of the best soundtracks ever put to a game, Final Fantasy 14’s music is out of this world. This might not be a surprise, considering that Square Enix in general has a great reputation when it comes to their games’ scores.
Everything from the opening theme to idle music with merchants sticks with the player, and the music is one of the most inviting parts about the MMO that already excels in so many areas.

Monster Hunter Outlanders Mobile MMO Announced
The classic Monster Hunter experience is set to arrive on mobile with Monster Hunter Outlanders, allowing players to face off against mighty beasts.
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