“8-Bit Adventures 2 is an exquisitely crafted RPG epic that any fan of classic (and we mean classic) RPGs will appreciate for its adherence to the conventions of games of the era. With gorgeous pixel art, a satisfying battle style with as much challenge as variety, and a story that both honours and subverts RPG tropes, there’s so much to love. However, it doesn’t always respect your time and the lack of some modern conveniences — auto-battle, an auto-scroll for dialogue, any real way to point you towards your goal or remind you of the story so far — could make this a journey that many get lost on before reaching the end.” – Nathan Ellingsworth| NintendoLife
8-Bit Adventures 2 (Switch) – A Well-Crafted Ode To Classic RPGs That Goes On A Bit| NintendoLife

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