How To Get Resin In Towers of Aghasba

How To Get Resin In Towers of Aghasba

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After placing the Village Marker in Towers of Aghasba, players must help Ajit build the Farming Tower Tier 1. For this, they must own six Woods, six Thatch, and one Resin. Collecting Wood is obvious, as players must chop down some trees, while Thatch can be obtained accidentally from the flora (especially Bush and Hay) all over the island. However, when it comes to Resin, it’s not obvious how to get it. Resin is also used to make Storage Box in Towers of Aghasba, making them a crucial item to have.

The villager hinted that to get Resin in Towers of Aghasba, players must grow and chop the tree that produces it. However, since the island is barren due to the Withered corruption, it’s necessary to restore the ecosystem so that Resin-producing trees will appear.

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How To Get Resin In Towers of Aghasba

To get Resin in Towers of Aghasba, the early-game option is to cut a Resin Fir tree with a Stone Hatchet. Resin Fir is a tree with a distinct appearance; its trunk is thicker compared to the surrounding trees, and its roots are visible on the surface. Resin Fir appears after establishing the Temperate ecosystem, so players shouldn’t delay this step. Other trees like the Pastu Tree and Slim Tree also drop Resin, although the Slim Tree appears to have a low drop rate.

If players cut the Resin Fir and don’t get the Resin they need, they can simply plant more Temperate Seed and see if it sprouts into another Resin Fir tree. To get a Temperate Seed, climb the Colossal Tree and harvest the Temperate Seed from the trunk. Next, head back to the ground and start planting the Seeds to regrow the ecosystem. Temperate Seeds will keep respawning from the tree, so this step can be repeated endlessly.

If a prompt that says the ecosystem can’t have more plants appears, harvest the flora nearby (dead ones don’t count) to make space for new seeds to grow.

resin pool towers of aghasba how to get resin

Players can also dig Resin Pool with a Stone Shovel. Resin Pool is a small hole in the ground that can be difficult to see among the greenery and bugs in the ecosystem. Players may have to walk around until the prompt to harvest appears.

How To Find Pawel And Plant The Temperate Colossal Seed In Towers of Aghasba

towers of aghasba toa how to get resin - find pawel the farming expert

To establish the Temperate ecosystem and get Resin in Towers of Aghasba, first, find Pawel the farming expert by the cliffside. Speak to him, and he’ll give you a King Tree Seed that’ll start a Temperate ecosystem.

towers of aghasba toa how to get resin - plant the temperate colossal seed

Next, find a suitable place for the King Tree Seed and plant it. Keep in mind that there are requirements to fulfill if you want to plant this Colossal Seed:

  • The Colossal Seed must be planted away from your village.
  • There must be enough space on the ground for a gigantic tree to grow.
  • The ground must not be too steep.

Unique flora and fauna will be attracted to the Colossal Tree, allowing players to get brand-new resources to rebuild the Shimu civilization.

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