Pokemon GO‘s spotlight hour for the week is very exciting as it has a combo of two different Pokemon, giving players a lot to work for and earn in regard to getting both. During the spotlight hour, players will see that the game has an increased spawn rate of the Pokemon for the week, making it easier for players to get evolutions, shinies, or just more candies to level up.
With this week having two Pokemon, players will definitely want to prepare to have the best outcome during the event. This guide will break down everything to know and expect from the Pokemon GO spotlight hour, including what Pokemon are involved, what players might need, and the best movesets to look out for.

Pokemon GO – All Ditto Disguises (November 2024)
You can find and catch a Pokemon GO Ditto and Shiny Ditto in November 2024 by following this detailed guide.
Pokemon GO Combee and Teddiursa Spotlight Hour
On Tuesday, November 19th, 2024 at 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time, players will be able to catch an increased amount of Combee and Teddiursa. Players can expect both Combee and Teddiursa to spawn much more frequently with the chance to get a shiny of both Pokemon. During the event, players will also receive bonus XP and a 2x catch stardust bonus upon catching and also evoluting Pokemon.
Players will want to stock up on some items to have the best outcome during the spotlight hour, which can include things like berries, Poke Balls of different kinds – in case one comes across a Shiny. Players will also want to confirm they have enough inventory as transferring can sometimes be too timely during a single hour.
Combee is considered a Bug type and a Flying Type Pokemon, It’s found to be # 0415 and has 559 CP (Combat Power) starting out, before being evolved. Combee can evolves into Vespiquen, costing players a total of 50 Candy to do so. However, in order to evolve from Combee into Vespiquen, Combee has to be a female. A quick way to tell if Combee is a female or male is that when a player is trying to catch a Combee, the female version will have a red dot in the middle of it.
Combee’s best power move is Bug Bite (Bug Move) and Bug Buzz (Bug Move) with a 3.14 DPS (Damage Per Second) and a 14.78 TDO (Total Damage Output). These moves can be boosted by the weather, but it must be Rainy Weather. Combee comes with quite a variety of damage that can cause it to faint sooner than most Pokemon. Below is a list of all the Pokemon that Combee can be the most effective against in terms of damage.
- Bug
- Fighting
- Grass
- Ground
Here is also a list of Pokemon types that Combee is weak against in Pokemon GO.
- Rock
- Electric
- Fire
- Flying
- Ice
There is a shiny version of Combee for both male and females. Instead of Combee being yellow, it will be orange. The lining of Combee, instead of being a darker yellow, would be darker orange. A female Combee will have a much darker red spot in the center of the Pokemon.
What To Know About Teddiursa During The Spotlight Hour
Teddiursa is considered a normal type of Pokemon and is # 0216 within the PokeDex. Teddiursa is the baby Pokemon of Ursaring, which evolves with the use of 50 candies. If a player wishes to get Ursaluna, which is the final evolution, players will need a total of 100 candies.
Teddiursa has a maximum level of combat power of 1,502 CP. The best moves it can learn are Scratch (Normal move) and Play Rough (Fairy move) with a 7.39 DPS (Damage Per Second) and a 55.72 TDO (Total Damage Output). The damages that Teddiursa produces can be boosted by the weather if the weather is Partly Cloudy or Cloudy Weather. Below is a list of what Pokemon types that Teddiursa is effective against.
Here is a list of what Pokemon Teddiursa takes the worst damage from.
Teddiursa does have a shiny that matches its exact normal color on its face, but the color on its body is green instead of a gold/brownish color, and the coloring will adjust a bit as players evolve it.
That is everything to know about this weeks spotlight hour as it contains two Pokemon which are not that common in Pokemon GO.

Now you can battle other Pokémon GO trainers online! Try the GO Battle League today. Join Trainers across the globe who are discovering Pokémon as they explore the world around them. Pokémon GO is the global gaming sensation that has been downloaded over 1 billion times and named “Best Mobile Game” by the Game Developers Choice Awards and “Best App of the Year” by TechCrunch
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