Being a remake of a beloved and classic RPG, Dragon Quest 3 Remake has quite a few older stylings about it. One of the most major of these is the overworld where you’ll be doing the majority of your exploration. Hoofing it by foot just takes so long though.

How Many Dragon Quest Games Are There?
Dragon Quest is one of the oldest RPGs out there, and that means it has a whole bunch of games for you to play.
Thankfully, the game offers you plenty other modes of transport, gifting you a ship of your own to sail the ocean not too long into the game. But even this doesn’t let you go everywhere. If only you could sprout some wings to reach those far away mountains. Well lucky for you, the clouds aren’t as out-of-reach as you’d expect.
How To Unlock Flying
From the moment you are granted your own ship by the King of Portoga, the ethereal voice that often speaks to you tells you to seek out the six Orbs hidden across the world. It is essential to defeating Baramos, though you are never strictly told how. Well this is why.
Baramos’ castle lies secluded away on an inland lake that no ship can reach, with flight being your only option. And with the six Orbs in hand, you can hatch the Everbird, Ramia, from its egg. Receiving you as a hero, it lets you mount its back, flying you across the vast expanses of the world, and ultimately to the lair of Baramos.
Awakening Ramia is easy. You place the six Orbs on the various pedestals around its egg and once all of them are present, Ramia is unlocked. The Everbird Shrine itself in located on a secluded snowy island far south of the desert of Ibis.
How Does Flying Work?
You have the Everbird Ramia now at your command, freely bringing you across the entire world. Now, how exactly does flight work? It’s a bit different from both walking it and sailing the ship, and might take a minute to orientate yourself.
Ramia controls in a similar manner to the ship and walking in terms of directions. You push the stick in the direction you want to go, and you go. However, Ramia does not have the ability to boost like other modes of transport, meaning you don’t go the fastest in flight. That’s the trade-off for the greater degree of freedom.
Replacing the ability to dash is being able to control the height at which Ramia flies. This doesn’t change too much beyond how close to the ground you are, though it does let you aim at where you’re landing more precisely. Ramia uses a cursor to land that you control independently of flight movement, allowing you to fine-tune exactly where you land.
Try not to land and descend at the same time. The cursor moves quite quickly, and you may end up landing farther away than you expected. Keep Ramia still when attempting to land.
There are plenty of hidden areas you can reach with Ramia between mountains now, with one of the most powerful items in the game, the Duplic Hat, found secluded away here. Make sure to explore the map thoroughly before proceeding to your final showdown with Baramos.

Monster Wrangling Breathes New Life Into Dragon Quest 3
Dragon Quest 3 is already a fantastic game, but how much does the new class and associated side quest affect things in the remake?
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